Do all Caliber

The 6.5 PRC is a great cartridge. You won't find it everywhere yet.

7 Mag or 30'06 are my suggestions for your criteria.

And like @UtahJimmy said, this is a dead horse topic. You can find dozens of posts asking your same question.

Good luck.
A dead horse but yet 100 replies... I got a little chuckle out of it. Not to mention I clicked on it to respond too... haha. People LOVE talking guns/calibers.
.300 Win Mag for me. I may be a little over gunned on the antelope but I’d rather be over gunned for lighter game than under gunned on an elk at 600 yards.
7mm STW with a 195 Berger will do anything, anywhere. I’ve taken everything from the bullet proof late winter wild Bison in WY to Black Tail deer in CA and everything in between.
I like 308. Coming from a self defense use in firearms, the 7.62 is a great human round, and turns out to be a good deer and elk round from what i have been reading on the internet's.