Do all Caliber

300 win mag gets my vote. Will do anything and factory ammo everywhere, (when no shortage)

I also like 300 rum but more kick, more expensive ammo and harder to come by.
I know I’m going to get a lot of different answers but here we go. I am looking for a caliber/round that I can use from antelope up to elk. Would like to have the knock down power from up to 600 yards and be able to buy ammo almost anywhere. What would you guys suggest? Thinking about 6.5 PRC.
Your 6.5 PRC consideration is a Good one.
More than capable for antelope to Elk.
At your personal 600 yd max limit.
Loaded with 123 Hammer solids or 156 Berger’s, and lots in between. Some good factory loaded ammo in stores & online.
Check into Unknown Munitions for your
Ammo, & Make it a habit to Bring it with you.
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My 300wm is good to 1000 yards and my new 6.5 Creedmoor should be good to 1200.

This response right here is exactly what drives all of the 6.5 creemoor fanboy memes...

If you are actually serious that a creed will out perform a win mag by 200 yards then you must be comparing a Winchester 165 gr whitetail reduced recoil load to a hot creed handloaded with A-tips and a 30" barrel or something.
The 6.5 PRC fit my needs for a do all lower 48 rifle. I wanted something that I can shoot a ton and doesn't beat me up. It is a great cartridge for antelope and deer all the time and the occasional elk.

With all that being said, I also like the .270 and the 30.06 as well as a do all rifle. To me they recoil more.
This response right here is exactly what drives all of the 6.5 creemoor fanboy memes...

If you are actually serious that a creed will out perform a win mag by 200 yards then you must be comparing a Winchester 165 gr whitetail reduced recoil load to a hot creed handloaded with A-tips and a 30" barrel or something.

It's easy to be more accurate with the softer recoil but after 500-600 yards the 6.5cm bullet won't have enough umfpm to expand as it should for game, no question there. For dinking steel the CM is fun. For killing big game at a distance the 300wm has it beat hands down. That will kill anything in No. America.
General 'availability of ammo' eliminates 300 winmag and Creedmore for the purposes of the OP's requirements.

Leaves the 7mm, 30.06, .308 and .270.

Scratch the 7mm for the same reason as above.

Leaves the 30.06, .308 and .270.

All have similar ballistics.

Therefore the answer is: any of these remaining rounds.
Is the ammo availability thing really an issue? I have a spot cut in the foam of my Pelican case for a 50 rnd handloaders box, so if my rifle gets there, my ammo gets there. This may not work for flying outside the US but other than that works great. I'm sure it's happened somewhere, but it gets brought up a lot and I always wonder if it's really that big of an issue. Kind of a tangent, I know......

And I get tired of the 6.5 Creedmoor being the end all. I own one, and it's my main hunting rifle. It's not magic. It's a easy shooting low recoil round that allows you to build good shooting skills easier than most. It's also very effective on game if used within it's proper place. I carry mine elk hunting, but I personally am going to cut my shots off at 400 or so. And that's with the 156 EOL Berger. If I lived in elk country, and hunted them every year you had better believe I would have something 30 cal with more horsepower.....
Reloading the 300 WM makes it very versatile. Load lower velocities when needed making it very close to a hot 30-06. Or load full tilt.
3006, 308

The 6.5 is nice if you want low recoil. I just don't see it as having the smack of a. 30 cal bullet.

At 600 yds, you haven't tapped the benefits of the 6.5.

Unless one of the benefits you care about is low recoil. 😀
.270 win. Ammo available at any big box store or mom and pop shop anywhere in the country. With the bullet choices today, ballistics and effectiveness on game are great. Its a great step into the long action realm, with recoiling feeling like a 308. Shoot 140 Nosler Accubonds, and you can kill anything in North America.
300 winny. its the smallest caliber most outfitters will let you use on nilgai in texas and its just a little too much horsepower for lopes. It is the most popular .30 mag for good reason and the variety of available ammo will make your head spin.
. Would like to have the knock down power from up to 600 yards and be able to buy ammo almost anywhere.
I know I’m going to get a lot of different answers but here we go. I am looking for a caliber/round that I can use from antelope up to elk. Would like to have the knock down power from up to 600 yards and be able to buy ammo almost anywhere......
With everything going on in the world today, The meanings of ammo availability, and ammo available almost anywhere, can change on a weekly basis. Not having a few extra boxes(or more) of ammo always on hand, is similar to a last minute planning item that I’m going to avoid.