CPW is now virtue signaling

You're right, while I dont own any cats, I love all our domesticated furry friends...not ashamed to like animals one bit...sad you need to threaten to shoot dogs on the internet to pretend to be a tough guy.

I remember being scared of dogs once...I was about 5 years old
And this is why I avoid crowded trail heads like the plague when taking my dogs for a walk.
Already this winter my dogs on leash were attacked by unleashed dogs described as "friendly" by the owners, things got crazy when I pinned the Great Dane to the ground by its neck, owner looked at me like I was nuts,the other dog didn't fare too well either. If you have aggressive dogs please keep them them on leash in populated areas.
Wait till you have to beat someone's dog with a hose to break up a fight, they just scream.
The simple fact that you used "virtue signaling" and "furry friends" and own a husky and live in colorado and think you dog is well behaved model animal. You have told us all you need to. Sir or Mam or whichever.

Big words confuse you, makes sense, you're from Texas...try sounding it out, slowly. Ah, that's right, cant say furry friends either here in the presence of such an internet toughguy.
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And this is why I avoid crowded trail heads like the plague when taking my dogs for a walk.
Already this winter my dogs on leash were attacked by unleashed dogs described as "friendly" by the owners, things got crazy when I pinned the Great Dane to the ground by its neck, owner looked at me like I was nuts,the other dog didn't fare too well either. If you have aggressive dogs please keep them them on leash in populated areas.
Was this Great Dane a puppy? Id love to see you (or anyone) single handedly pin an adult Dane that is truly aggressive "to the ground by the neck". Not saying it cant be done, but Id sure like to see it. As an owner of a 160 pound "aggressive" dog (he is trained to be), Id say you are one bad mofo. You'd have better luck trying to put a cougar in a water trough with my dog......
It’s not hard to understand in places like Colorado where there’s a huge outdoorsy population, that domestic canines running uncontrolled can impact wildlife. It’s quite obvious. I know my dogs on the farm that have free reign have an impact, but it’s our property...
I don't know what "virtue signaling" is. But I have heard my wife talk about it a time or two. She says that I'm not very sensitive. Would the OP mind telling us what "virtue signaling" is?
I live on a farm and I trap coyotes. I've had to pick domestic dogs out of my coyote traps a few times. That's an overall shitty situation for everybody and the dog. In each case the dog owner said they couldn't believe their dog ran all the way over onto my farm. Dog owners constantly seem to be in denial of their dog's actions.
Spend 20 seconds researching and you’ll find a bunch of research suggesting that making animals move in late winter increases death rates.

The fact that you don’t know this is troubling.

Yeah that is common knowledge, now show me the stats of dogs chasing them? I’m sorry but your argument is kind of like saying all hunters are poachers because of a few bad apples.
Yeah that is common knowledge, now show me the stats of dogs chasing them? I’m sorry but your argument is kind of like saying all hunters are poachers because of a few bad apples.

There are studies suggesting that pressure from dogs is more harmful than human hikers alone. If your argument is that dogs don't impact wintering wildlife, I'm not going to spend any more time helping you understand reason. Lol
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Wow, amazing the fear some have of dogs that is very clear in this thread.

All I can say is my dog will be off leash, she gets shot your arm better be torn up because I’ll have you fully charge with the felony that goes along with animal cruelty recently passed into to law. You’ll lose your guns and hunting rights and I’ll not stop till it’s prosecuted.

My dog bites while off leash, well that’s my consequence.

Might think twice about shooting Fido. Especially while it is fully legal on Federal lands.

My dog ever tries to chase an animal, go after a person, unless harming my family, it’ll be her last time out. I don’t put up with that crap with my dog. She does just roam free but stays within 20 yards.

I get some don’t like it, well there are many things others do I don’t like as well but if it’s legal I’m not going to push my views onto them.
Wow, amazing the fear some have of dogs that is very clear in this thread.

All I can say is my dog will be off leash, she gets shot your arm better be torn up because I’ll have you fully charge with the felony that goes along with animal cruelty recently passed into to law. You’ll lose your guns and hunting rights and I’ll not stop till it’s prosecuted.

My dog bites while off leash, well that’s my consequence.

Might think twice about shooting Fido. Especially while it is fully legal on Federal lands.

My dog ever tries to chase an animal, go after a person, unless harming my family, it’ll be her last time out. I don’t put up with that crap with my dog. She does just roam free but stays within 20 yards.

I get some don’t like it, well there are many things others do I don’t like as well but if it’s legal I’m not going to push my views onto them.

Fortunately that isn’t how it works. Your dog threatens to bite somebody (especially a child) then a person doesn’t have to wait to to be bitten to kill that dog. I know that if my kids were threatened by a dog I wouldn’t be waiting for them to be bit to diffuse the situation (though killing wouldn’t be the first choice). I rather have a dead dog than a kid bit by some strangers dog that has who knows what.

Whether somebody is or isn’t prosecuted isn’t your decision either. That’s not how the legal system in this country works (thank god).

I don’t have strong opinions on this topic but people wonder why we have so many asinine laws in this country? Just read the responses in this thread. Many folks refuse to be considerate to others or exercise common sense until somebody makes something illegal. Unfortunate state of society.
Wow, amazing the fear some have of dogs that is very clear in this thread.

All I can say is my dog will be off leash, she gets shot your arm better be torn up because I’ll have you fully charge with the felony that goes along with animal cruelty recently passed into to law. You’ll lose your guns and hunting rights and I’ll not stop till it’s prosecuted.

My dog bites while off leash, well that’s my consequence.

Might think twice about shooting Fido. Especially while it is fully legal on Federal lands.

My dog ever tries to chase an animal, go after a person, unless harming my family, it’ll be her last time out. I don’t put up with that crap with my dog. She does just roam free but stays within 20 yards.

I get some don’t like it, well there are many things others do I don’t like as well but if it’s legal I’m not going to push my views onto them.

Someone needs to learn the laws before they post
Wow, amazing the fear some have of dogs that is very clear in this thread.

All I can say is my dog will be off leash, she gets shot your arm better be torn up because I’ll have you fully charge with the felony that goes along with animal cruelty recently passed into to law. You’ll lose your guns and hunting rights and I’ll not stop till it’s prosecuted.

My dog bites while off leash, well that’s my consequence.

Might think twice about shooting Fido. Especially while it is fully legal on Federal lands.

My dog ever tries to chase an animal, go after a person, unless harming my family, it’ll be her last time out. I don’t put up with that crap with my dog. She does just roam free but stays within 20 yards.

I get some don’t like it, well there are many things others do I don’t like as well but if it’s legal I’m not going to push my views onto them.

No prosecutor is moving forward with a case after the dog is shot unless it’s imminently clear the dog didn’t pose a threat. That would be hard to show a prosecutor necessary evidence.