Being educated does not make you a liberal, bringing race into everything and believing that people should have different levels of rights in their home countries based upon the color of their skin…that absolutely makes you a liberal. I’m sure you love and voted for Justin Trudeau and I’d bet money that you support gun bans anduscations as well as limiting rights for people based on the color of their skin. The fact of the matter is that liberals are the true racists.
uh, clearly you do not read. it was in fact NOT me who brought race into this, nor did I mention anything about rights or skin color. in fact, it was me who stated leave race or color out of this thread. so, I guess that makes you the liberal by your own demise which would make sense since you were quick to point fingers.
second, I'm from the USA, clearly a better and more educated country so no I didn't vote for Trudeau who only got there because of his father. and no, I do not support any ban on anything guns or otherwise because I love my AR's thank you.
also, you should change your location in your sig. because it says alaska so if you're defending Canada, you're either a wanna be or a has been.
I agree the past is the past, but if you're still looking at them and worrying and blaming then you will do nothing but be stuck in the past. if you want to be equal like you say then maybe just mind your own business. get your own life straight before looking at others.
OK, so perhaps you took my statement wrong. first, I'm not against this thread only the attack on people who have nothing to do with showing or hiding antlers. second if having a basic education makes me a liberal then so be it. basic history 101 the white man (you and I) came here and decimated the native American population. it was in fact 1000% their land and we took it. now you are bashing them because you want to take more? there is no back pedaling. this doesn't apply to just Canada. now, I'm sure you won't read this as you clearly never read a book in school but let's keep this about the original issue of not having to hide antlers or who we are.
How's what 1 tribe did to another over land, any different than what anglos did to a tribe?

All Indians act like it was peace pipe and high fives until Anglos came. That's 100% false. They got out played by a different race. That's what they're upset about.

To the Victors go the spoils.
OK-back to the OP's original topic -

I have always tried to cover my animals for many reasons. One reason is I have a circle of people that I care about and some of them don't like the sight of a dead bloody animal. They know exactly where I stand but it is simple respect on my part not to create a visual that might bother them. If we don't consider the impact of our actions on the public at large we will lose support from those neutral folks that we might need one day.

Blind untethered arrogance and stubbornly refuting common concerns is not winning our hook and bullet crowd any friends. For those that say that doesn't matter you are out of touch. No need to convert non-hunters to anti-hunters. Like it or not we need general public support on issues we face and we stand the chance of alienating those same folks with brazen acts of perceived aggression. Perhaps we will need non hunters to vote on a bill/law/referendum that provides greater access to public hunting lands. Will they be likely to stand with us if we behave with no regard for the concerns of others outside of our group?

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I think of the guys that show at gun rallys with ARs and all sorts of long guns over their shoulder walking up and down Main Street USA. This is their right but honestly should we be parading guns around knowing the public perception of firearms.

If your manliness or self worth depends upon being seen and heard as a hunter with no consideration for others not perfectly aligned with you-you are part of the problem not the solution.
OK-back to the OP's original topic -

I have always tried to cover my animals for many reasons. One reason is I have a circle of people that I care about and some of them don't like the sight of a dead bloody animal. They know exactly where I stand but it is simple respect on my part not to create a visual that might bother them. If we don't consider the impact of our actions on the public at large we will lose support from those neutral folks that we might need one day.

Blind untethered arrogance and stubbornly refuting common concerns is not winning our hook and bullet crowd any friends. For those that say that doesn't matter you are out of touch. No need to convert non-hunters to anti-hunters. Like it or not we need general public support on issues we face and we stand the chance of alienating those same folks with brazen acts of perceived aggression. Perhaps we will need non hunters to vote on a bill/law/referendum that provides greater access to public hunting lands. Will they be likely to stand with us if we behave with no regard for the concerns of others outside of our group?

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I think of the guys that show at gun rallys with ARs and all sorts of long guns over their shoulder walking up and down Main Street USA. This is their right but honestly should we be parading guns around knowing the public perception of firearms.

If your manliness or self worth depends upon being seen and heard as a hunter with no consideration for others not perfectly aligned with you-you are part of the problem not the solution.
I always hide my stuff too, I put moose racks in the bottom of the boat rather than the bow and cover stuff in the bed of the truck when I’m driving back. I just don’t really want people knowing what I was doing and I don’t feel the need to really advertise.
I'm a resident of BC Canada.
The tides have been turning here in recent years with our Local provincial government. The NDP.
When they took power in 2017 they immediately closed all Grizzly Bear hunting, regard of sustainable numbers. We have over 16,000 G Bears throughout the province.
This past spring they have reduced our moose harvest for licensed hunters to 1.5 - 2 %harvest in region 7 our most remote and largest region, when between 5-10% is sustainable!
Same region they completely closed Caribou, although some areas are struggling, many have great populations and could support hunting and be sustainable.
Don't forget though, First Nations can harvest anything, 24/7- 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
It's NOT about sustainability, BC has adopted the UNDRIP and it's dividing the population like never before causing more Racism than ever before.

Recently, I traveled to Vancouver Island and harvested my first Roosevelt Bull Elk.

While boarding the BC Ferry, controlled by BC government, I was told to COVER UP MY ANTLERS on my utility trailer.......WTF?
Why, ..... might offend someone.
Really ????
The antlers had, no hair, no skull, no ear, no eyeball showing....... Just antlers.

How pathetic this world is becoming, lead by Government of BC ...... And the federal government, led by the LIBERALS and the Prime Minister Turdeau ......are trying in every way possible to take the guns from licenced hunters. In attempt to follow Australia!

What's happened to our heritage and traditions?

Coming soon to a province or state near you.

Coverup the Antlers ...... Really, yet home decorators are using Antlers, hides in home decor like never before.


As a typical common sense Yank I would have replied..."Quote an applicable law or get a hysterectomy to correct your illegal mangina opinion." I hate those who think they own the high ground when in fact they are ignorant p*ssies. JMO, I could be wrong. I enjoy upsetting Leftists, clueless SOBs who don't realize that a "natural death" for most game means a far more prolonged, agonizing death than a hunter taking them swiftly.

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As a typical common sense Yank I would have replied..."Quote an applicable law or get a hysterectomy for your illegal mangina opinion." I hate those who think they own the high ground when in fact they are ignorant p*ssies. JMO, I could be wrong. I enjoy upsetting Leftists, clueless SOBs who don't realize that a "natural death" for most game is far more prolonged agony than a hunter taking them swiftly.

View attachment 491605

Be careful mixing the holiday drinks with your back pain meds.
Hmmm...let's see. Ibuprofen. Check. Gran Patron Burdeos. Check. Weekend Vibes IPA beer. Check. Yup...all good. Hardly any back pain. I'm actually feeling pretty darn good guys. :)
OK-back to the OP's original topic -

I have always tried to cover my animals for many reasons. One reason is I have a circle of people that I care about and some of them don't like the sight of a dead bloody animal. They know exactly where I stand but it is simple respect on my part not to create a visual that might bother them. If we don't consider the impact of our actions on the public at large we will lose support from those neutral folks that we might need one day.

Blind untethered arrogance and stubbornly refuting common concerns is not winning our hook and bullet crowd any friends. For those that say that doesn't matter you are out of touch. No need to convert non-hunters to anti-hunters. Like it or not we need general public support on issues we face and we stand the chance of alienating those same folks with brazen acts of perceived aggression. Perhaps we will need non hunters to vote on a bill/law/referendum that provides greater access to public hunting lands. Will they be likely to stand with us if we behave with no regard for the concerns of others outside of our group?

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I think of the guys that show at gun rallys with ARs and all sorts of long guns over their shoulder walking up and down Main Street USA. This is their right but honestly should we be parading guns around knowing the public perception of firearms.

If your manliness or self worth depends upon being seen and heard as a hunter with no consideration for others not perfectly aligned with you-you are part of the problem not the solution.

You mentioned respect. I think that's a foreign concept to some folks these days, on both sides. So much for love your neighbor, eh?

second, I'm from the USA, clearly a better and more educated country so no I didn't vote for Trudeau who only got there because of his father. and no, I do not support any ban on anything guns or otherwise because I love my AR's thank you.

I agree the past is the past, but if you're still looking at them and worrying and blaming then you will do nothing but be stuck in the past. if you want to be equal like you say then maybe just mind your own business. get your own life straight before looking at others.

Did you actually just claim that the USA is a "more educated country" than Canada?

The rest I agree with.
I'm a resident of BC Canada.
The tides have been turning here in recent years with our Local provincial government. The NDP.
When they took power in 2017 they immediately closed all Grizzly Bear hunting, regard of sustainable numbers. We have over 16,000 G Bears throughout the province.
This past spring they have reduced our moose harvest for licensed hunters to 1.5 - 2 %harvest in region 7 our most remote and largest region, when between 5-10% is sustainable!
Same region they completely closed Caribou, although some areas are struggling, many have great populations and could support hunting and be sustainable.
Don't forget though, First Nations can harvest anything, 24/7- 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
It's NOT about sustainability, BC has adopted the UNDRIP and it's dividing the population like never before causing more Racism than ever before.

Recently, I traveled to Vancouver Island and harvested my first Roosevelt Bull Elk.

While boarding the BC Ferry, controlled by BC government, I was told to COVER UP MY ANTLERS on my utility trailer.......WTF?
Why, ..... might offend someone.
Really ????
The antlers had, no hair, no skull, no ear, no eyeball showing....... Just antlers.

How pathetic this world is becoming, lead by Government of BC ...... And the federal government, led by the LIBERALS and the Prime Minister Turdeau ......are trying in every way possible to take the guns from licenced hunters. In attempt to follow Australia!

What's happened to our heritage and traditions?

Coming soon to a province or state near you.

Coverup the Antlers ...... Really, yet home decorators are using Antlers, hides in home decor like never before.

I’m with ya, and do feel for you guys who live in a hunting wonderland slowly being crippled by bad policy… I 100% agree with you on all fronts, it’s unnerving seeing what’s going on in the world right now, and I know you guys in Canada are on the frontline… we aren’t terribly far behind you on the west coast of the US.

I love my state, but if the current trajectory continues, I won’t stay here. I want to live in a state ran by reasonable people
OP, what would have happened if you didn't cover the antlers? Would you have been denied service? Could you have sued if you were denied service? Is the requirement law or policy? And are there any B.C. government buildings that display taxidermy?
I do know of some government offices with taxidermy.
BC Ferries is run by a bunch of snowflakes.
It's Boss is the govt.
I said to buddy, screw em, I'm not covering them, but as he stated back, many have been denied boarding or service if you don't beat to their drum . I uncovered them the minute we were sailing.

I've even heard of staff going ballistic when a spitter valve dumps on an air brake system.
Accusing the operator of dumping on purpose. Them threatening to not permit boarding.

As said, they won't even allow hunting sites on their WiFi .I should have said I was First Nations, bet she would have caved

A lot of Society has become soft. Entitled, we must adjust to only their leftest views and opinions.