Couple of weird things I witnessed last week. Summertime crazies?


Jun 12, 2019
People making unnecessarily wide turns. On a road trip currently and no joking. had like 5 people go 100% of their vehicle, in the opposite lane making a right hand turn while pulling out in front of me. Only 1 had a trailer and it was a two place short atv trailer (either way no excuse).

Also, pulled into a grocery store in an empty section of the parking lot 30+ spots wide open. I pulled basically in the middle of all these spots. Wife and kids get out. While waiting the only to vehicles I saw pull in parked on each side of me and close!...WTF

Dont even get me started the bikers riding 2 wide with the inside guy basically on the yellow line.

obviously this stuff isn't out of the ordinary but the numbers of times all of these happened in a 8hr rip was staggering. My wife even commented how much less intelligent or self aware people are these days after like the 4th motorcycle was riding basically the yellow line on a two lane county road.


Super Southern Moderator
Staff member
Feb 26, 2012
Behind you
Sadly driving is where we see many displays of mindlessness. Driving/riding is likely the most dangerous thing we do every day and it never ceases to amaze me how so many use such poor judgment in a vehicle.

You'd think folks would see some of the atrocious accidents on the road and wake up - but it's not happening.

My buddy gave his teenage son some of the best advice I've heard. He said- "Assume everyone on the road is a total idiot and drive accordingly"
Nov 14, 2020

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This is one of the most confusing things I’ve ever seen. If you have enough money for a Lamborghini, surly you can afford to hire someone to transport your pavement saw and run it as well.

I mean, I’m retired on a fixed income, and I’m not gonna run one of those things. I’ll scrap and save and hire it out. Most onerous tool ever invented. All the drudgery of a chainsaw with the added pleasure of stooping and massive dust.

Of course this reminds me of a story. Not mine but it would fit right in this thread. My son was in an Idaho Nat. Guard unit whose main mission was airfield crash rescue and fire suppression. They had saws like the one on the lambo, but with metal blades. One of their initiation rites was to convince newbies that you can jump start one of those saws by running it along the ground. They’d be like”You’re almost there… just a little faster and maybe 50 yards this time?”

I wish he had pictures.


Mar 10, 2022
NE Ohio
This is one of the most confusing things I’ve ever seen. If you have enough money for a Lamborghini, surly you can afford to hire someone to transport your pavement saw and run it as well.

I mean, I’m retired on a fixed income, and I’m not gonna run one of those things. I’ll scrap and save and hire it out. Most onerous tool ever invented. All the drudgery of a chainsaw with the added pleasure of stooping and massive dust.

Of course this reminds me of a story. Not mine but it would fit right in this thread. My son was in an Idaho Nat. Guard unit whose main mission was airfield crash rescue and fire suppression. They had saws like the one on the lambo, but with metal blades. One of their initiation rites was to convince newbies that you can jump start one of those saws by running it along the ground. They’d be like”You’re almost there… just a little faster and maybe 50 yards this time?”

I wish he had pictures.
Nov 14, 2020
Is it bad that I enjoyed the first 14 seconds more than the rest?
Yes. You are bad. I watched it again several times to see what you meant. I like how the tall blond girl jumps up,and starts taking care of everybody. She’s a keeper…


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
the driving thing is very bad here (liberal college town) people are in a big rush to go nowhere and can be very distracted. When I am in a rural area it is totally different...


Jan 12, 2021
I've commuted about an hour each way to work for about 25 years. I can tell you for sure that people have gotten way more aggressive since covid. Especially women. A lot of people driving around 100 mph swerving in and out of traffic. I saw a guy in a pickup almost run someone off the road a few months ago. He was crazy. My favorite is young capable men, sitting in their cars waiting for someone to come fix their flat tires. Pathetic.
Sep 24, 2019
Saw a dude with a mouth mullet and fedora wearing a miniskirt in Ennis last weekend. Im not sure who was more confused!


Jul 22, 2019
My buddy gave his teenage son some of the best advice I've heard. He said- "Assume everyone on the road is a total idiot and drive accordingly"
I give my teenage boys the expanded version: "Assume everyone on the road is a total idiot, drunk and/or high, and texting... and drive accordingly"

Speaking of, driving through campus in Boulder the other day, I was approaching a main road needing to turn left... so I was steering toward the turn lane as I approach the light. Dude is coming toward me a good foot or two on my side of the double yellow, and as we get closer to each other and I maintain my trajectory (toward his bumper) so I can make my turn and not hit the cars next to me that are going straight... he honks at me and flips me the bird. Maybe college will make him smarter... but I doubt it.


Mar 28, 2019
People making unnecessarily wide turns. On a road trip currently and no joking. had like 5 people go 100% of their vehicle, in the opposite lane making a right hand turn while pulling out in front of me. Only 1 had a trailer and it was a two place short atv trailer (either way no excuse).

Also, pulled into a grocery store in an empty section of the parking lot 30+ spots wide open. I pulled basically in the middle of all these spots. Wife and kids get out. While waiting the only to vehicles I saw pull in parked on each side of me and close!...WTF

Dont even get me started the bikers riding 2 wide with the inside guy basically on the yellow line.

obviously this stuff isn't out of the ordinary but the numbers of times all of these happened in a 8hr rip was staggering. My wife even commented how much less intelligent or self aware people are these days after like the 4th motorcycle was riding basically the yellow line on a two lane county road.
Closely related is lack of courtesy with signal lights - either not using them at all, turning them on after beginning to turn, or turning them on for 2 miles before deciding to turn. 🤣🤣🤣

I always thought you were supposed to hit a turn signal right before applying brakes to slow down, but maybe I’m the one doing it wrong.


Apr 14, 2020
Dallas, TX
Also, pulled into a grocery store in an empty section of the parking lot 30+ spots wide open. I pulled basically in the middle of all these spots. Wife and kids get out. While waiting the only to vehicles I saw pull in parked on each side of me and close!...WTF
Have had a similar experience. Stopped at a grocery store on my route home from the gym. It’s early and still dark outside. The parking lot is empty except for one car which, coincidentally, is the exact same spec as my car. My car isn’t rare, per se, but not overly common. I thought it would be a cool photo, so I park my car next to it and get out to take a photo. I’m standing in one of the adjacent parking spots snapping some pictures when a car comes down the isle and stops, does it in a way that looked likes a car waiting for a person to back out of a spot so they can take it. Doesn’t make sense, there are 100 open spots and my car and its twin are not even closest to the door. I look at the driver in the idling car and point to the parking spot I’m standing, mouthing the phrase “you want to park here?” He gives an affirmative nod. I’m a bit in disbelief, there are no shortage of spots - there’s literally just two cars in the lot - so start pointing to all the other open spots (might have mouthed “seriously?!” as well). Guy gets ticked, reverses, then proceeds on to another spot, which is even further from the door.

Thought it was the weirdest thing and can’t for the life of me figure out why he wanted to park next to the two other cars when there were tons of open spots to choose from. I suspect he is the same person who pees next to you when there are other open urinals further away.