“This senseless killing was avoidable,” said Rob Edward, President of the Rocky Mountain Wolf Project. “Wyoming ranchers and federal agencies have the tools and knowledge to prevent livestock losses without resorting to lethal measures in most cases. Their refusal to implement these practices is reckless and undermines the hard-fought efforts to restore wolves in Colorado.”
The wolf wasn’t in Colorado, scooter. How does killing a dispersal wolf in Wyoming, even one that started in Colorado, undermine anything going on in Colorado? It doesn’t.
“The organization also said that surrounding states should treat Colorado’s voter-mandated restoration with respect and manage the wolves responsibly.”
Wrong. Colorado voters should respect Wyoming’s wolf policy for wolves in Wyoming.
“We cannot allow the progress made in Colorado to be undone by Wyoming’s failure to act responsibly,” Edward said. “We demand accountability from USDA Wildlife Services and Wyoming ranchers. They must immediately adopt non-lethal coexistence practices if they hope to prevent further unnecessary losses.”
You can’t allow? You ain’t got any choice, scooter. You’re in no position to allow or disallow Wyoming to do anything.
You demand? You self righteous brat. See comments about allowing above.
Wyoming must? The only “must” happening here is you must be delusional if it makes sense in your world for Wyomingites to be responsive the desires of Colorado voters.