Colorado Wolf Reintroduction...

You folks in CO had better organize, raise funds and put together a good message quickly.

As the article states, these groups use lies, disinformation and emotional, propagandized information that many otherwise smart people, ignorantly lap right up. It is disgusting and we've watched it happen for two decades now--constantly moving the goal posts and costing the taxpayers enormous amounts of money and lost game in the process. All with a wolf that is an invasive subspecies to begin with, forced to be introduced to the lower 48 from Canada, eradicating the known population, forever, of Rocky Mountain Wolf subspecies that was here already. THAT is the subspecies the abused ESA should've been saving. In the end, 60-70 million dollars from Pittman-Roberston money was used to do the introduction of these Canadian wolves. Congress said no to $ for this. The locals said no to wolves, but the USFWS used Pittman-Robertson money, money that is supposed to be distributed to state wildlife agencies to benefit all wildlife, to pull this off. All the while these so-call 'conservationist' groups, which have co-opted that term and are anything but conservationist groups and in reality are 'preservationist' groups, falsely using the conservationist term that really should be applied to hunters and hunting...meanwhile they continue to moan and wail for years about not having enough genetic diversity, etc. in the wolf population. The established, agreed upon goalposts where moved constantly as these groups judge shopped and found judges happy to do their bidding.

The wolf is perhaps one of the most successful species in the world. There is hardly any species that kills, breeds and spreads so efficiently, but much of the public has been sold, and the public has bought by and large, a bill of goods regarding these fuzzy, lovable predators.

And now the press is on to force them to be brought in CO. Some of them are already there. My guess with the current liberal state of CO overall...forced wolf reintroduction will be an easy sell.
I've seen RMEF post on this. And hopefully the TRCP will follow suit. I believe as of May 1st it has the met signatures required to make the ballot. Funded by the Tides Foundation, a leftist lobbying firm out of, wait for it...California. surprise, surprise. Tides is funding Rocky Mountain Wolves and a few other groups peddling lies about how cute and cuddly wolves are.

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I just finished a long post on the REMF website. We all need to speak up on this to everyone we know. Canadian wolves will destroy everything that we love about the West. We can't let this happen. Utah needs to speak up about this also because if Colorado falls to this it will not be long before they are in Utah.
I’m sure that many of us try not to force hunting or hunting related topics into conversations with non-hunters, but we need to here. We need their votes. I have been making an effort since the announcement to do just that and people are very receptive to the logic if you can hold back your passion and lay out the facts. They even quickly see the rationale behind a short season in RMNP if trimming the elk heard is claimed as the genesis for the wolf movement. Hunters pay the state, utilize the elk, and there’s actually an end to the trimming!
Someone did a podcast on this recently. Cant recall but I think it was on Eastman's, and he had Aron on and (drawing a blank on the name) another guy from WY. Very informative and a good discussion. Also, funny as hell.
Yea it was Eastman’s. They have it under the kifarucast library as well I think. Aron nailed it- Denver and Boulder control the vote here. God help us.
So this whole wolf situation is all based on dems and reps? I see a lot of this talk and can't understand where it's coming from. Since when did the wolf ordeal become a political movement? I know quite a few people who claim to be rep that are very pro wolf, and the other way around also. So what's up?
So this whole wolf situation is all based on dems and reps? I see a lot of this talk and can't understand where it's coming from. Since when did the wolf ordeal become a political movement? I know quite a few people who claim to be rep that are very pro wolf, and the other way around also. So what's up?

I think the concern is more that a huge chunk of the voting public here are city dwellers with little to no context of the backcountry, ecosystems, and what wolves have done elsewhere. Less dems vs reps than hunting vs anti. Thus far my sense is that people are definitely open to dialogue and largely didn’t even know it was an issue or ballot item. That said, the start of the conversation is always “why is that a big deal?” and that’s what’s scary to me. If a voter is in the booth and hasn’t been educated, my sense is the more likely gut response is “cool, I’d love to see wolves!”
People love to talk (especially liberals) about protecting the environment and our natural resources yet they have this love fascination with the wolves mostly out of ignorance and have no idea of the destruction that the reintroduction of the wolves has done to our natural resource with is our big game animals out here in the west.
I think the concern is more that a huge chunk of the voting public here are city dwellers with little to no context of the backcountry, ecosystems, and what wolves have done elsewhere. Less dems vs reps than hunting vs anti. Thus far my sense is that people are definitely open to dialogue and largely didn’t even know it was an issue or ballot item. That said, the start of the conversation is always “why is that a big deal?” and that’s what’s scary to me. If a voter is in the booth and hasn’t been educated, my sense is the more likely gut response is “cool, I’d love to see wolves!”
I agree totally, you hit the nail on the head.
My point tho was that it isn't just the dems or libs, that they are from both sides of the alley. I know just as many or more devout reps that think wolves are the prettiest and coolest thing god ever made and that we should have them everywhere. Just as uneducated as the rest on the subject.
The anti's don't give a hoot what side of the aisle you're on, as long as you're on their side on their issues. They'll take anyone.
For you BHA members, I just received and email reply from a CO chapter director stating that BHA will not be taking a stance on the wolf/predator management issue regarding the upcoming CO ballot.

For what that's worth.
For you BHA members, I just received and email reply from a CO chapter director stating that BHA will not be taking a stance on the wolf/predator management issue regarding the upcoming CO ballot.

For what that's worth.

What a chickenshit reponse.

Edit: Did you get a justification for that stance?
What a chickenshit reponse.

Edit: Did you get a justification for that stance?

To summarize a long reply...

The wolf issue is too devisive and it may hurt membership/growth of the organization.

My take...They appear to be more concerned with growth/profits/new members than they do with actually supporting wildlife conservation. As evidence by their reply and their new partnership with Patagonia (who has been very publically supportive of wolf-reintroduction campaigns in other states).
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Yeah, it's getting harder for me to support BHA nearly by the day. Many in the know will call them a 'green decoy'. I'm a member, but that membership will lapse... No organization is perfect and there's probably no organization I agree with 100%, but BHA...well, 'green decoy' seems to becoming more of a fit as time goes on.
For you BHA members, I just received and email reply from a CO chapter director stating that BHA will not be taking a stance on the wolf/predator management issue regarding the upcoming CO ballot.

For what that's worth.
I'm surprised they aren't coming out in favor of reintroduction...

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