Colorado corner crossing bill proposed


Nov 14, 2018
I personally wouldn't cut my nose to spite my face when it comes to democratic support. Whomever comes up with a corner crossing bill that can pass and allow me to hunt wins my support. Regardless of the letter next to their name. To not work with someone solely for the sake of not working with them when its in our best interest is absurd.


Sep 13, 2016
I’m all for public access on public lands, but I think it should be done in a way that respects the traditional uses of the land in that area. In other words, don’t make it more difficult for ranchers to make a living. The story behind the court case in Wy highlights an unlikable, rich, out of state landowner going out of his way to lock hunters out, but there are a lot of multi generational ranching families that could be hurt by this if it’s done wrong.

As a non-resident hunter I’d love more land to hunt, but I’m not so self-important that I place my recreation above the needs of locals to make a living. Having hoards of people corner hopping across every checkerboard area could be disruptive. So would having tons of hikers, bird watchers etc. To just say that it’s public land so it should be available to everyone isn’t wrong, but it also ignores 150+ years of historical use and local practice. Hopefully they can find a balance.


May 24, 2020
I've read several articles and threads on "corner crossing"
All I can say is WOW !!!
What a mess this has all created
I can understand both sides but the questions loom What was done before this became an issue or has it always been an issue?
What started all the concern about corner crossing?
Was it disrespect towards the land owner and his/her fence by destroying or damaging it ?
From what Ive seen things like this usually start because the actions of a few people and not the land owner


Classified Approved
Apr 23, 2021
Not sure if this has been addressed but if nothing else, those land owners are getting exclusive access (whether they're hunting, guiding or just having a picnic), on land only they can use - but don't pay any taxes. If I owned land I'd be worried to because it's going to devalue the land they do own.


Jan 5, 2023
So you are in favor of taking land away from a land owner? Cause that is what you are doing. Also what about the fences that are already established. Going to pay for the land owner to move them back 5ft? As long as the fence is on the landowners property there should be ZERO limit as to distance from adjoining properties.
Sure seems like public land should be accessible to the public
Apr 1, 2013
Nope, just from erecting a fence to prevent the public from a easing public. Just so you know, there is a ton of land building code that already exists. For example, you can’t build a new garage within 3 feet of your property line, stuff like that. It’s no different. No one is taking anyones land get a grip.
the whole point of a fence is to fence out live stock to maximize your grazing and grass management .

So this 5’ law essentially land grabs 2.4 acres from every section of land.

better ways to address corner crossing. A frame ladders, Z/c gaps etc.
Apr 1, 2013
Not sure if this has been addressed but if nothing else, those land owners are getting exclusive access (whether they're hunting, guiding or just having a picnic), on land only they can use - but don't pay any taxes. If I owned land I'd be worried to because it's going to devalue the land they do own.
if landowners are running livestock on public land they are paying WAY more then you are to use it.

With that said thats not what this thread is about, its about a land grab and if there are better access solutions. There are many better options, from micro gates, z/c gaps, A frame ladders etc.
Aug 4, 2019
North Carolina
the whole point of a fence is to fence out live stock to maximize your grazing and grass management .

So this 5’ law essentially land grabs 2.4 acres from every section of land.

better ways to address corner crossing. A frame ladders, Z/c gaps etc.
The 5' is only at the corner, not the entire perimeter.
Aug 21, 2016
the whole point of a fence is to fence out live stock to maximize your grazing and grass management .

So this 5’ law essentially land grabs 2.4 acres from every section of land.

better ways to address corner crossing. A frame ladders, Z/c gaps etc.
Sure there are. But the problem is landowners unwilling to budge on this topic and i assure you, many times it has nothing to with grazing. It’s often times just about not wanting the public to have access to that public land that abuts theirs. I own land and think this is a ridiculous topic. Just don’t make a stink when someones foot swipes over your “airspace” as they hopped the corner to the public you don’t own and this all goes away.
Feb 25, 2012
I thought the bill said cannot erect fences over 5 feet tall at corners.

That was what I got on a podcast. They wanted to make sure a massive fence was not erected on corners to stop crossing.
Could be. I was actually thinking they need to have it worded along the lines of “3’ from each corner the fence cannot be taller than the shortest part of the fence”

That way if someone has a high fence they have it. If barbwire like most of the west, they aren’t building the corners taller than the rest of the fence to limit corner crossing.


Jul 11, 2013
Yes , taking that 5 ft is taking private land. Not allowing a LO to fence his ensore property is in essence taking that part of their land.
Walking over the corner is fine.
No it isnt!! Here in NC and SC, it is ILLEGAL to build ANYTHING within 3-5 feet of the property line on either side of it. The distance varies with each state. This has been a law for years and years and years. Western states arent special when it comes to this. Its time we had uniform laws regarding this type of thing across the entire US.


Jun 18, 2020
Southwest Va
Unreasonable limits on what the private landowner can do with their own land is wrong. Excluding 5' of land is unreasonable IMO. If it is public on opposing corners and the private is fenced to keep in livestock, public funds should be used to erect a stile over the fences to provide access across the corner. I think it is reasonable to restrict the fence height to that commonly used for livestock and to disallow making fences higher at corners to prevent crossing. I think it also reasonable to disallow crossers from climbing over the fences because the fences themselves are privately owned and climbing will eventually damage them. Where there are fences but no stiles crossers should be allowed to use their own ladders.
Apr 1, 2013
Sure there are. But the problem is landowners unwilling to budge on this topic and i assure you, many times it has nothing to with grazing. It’s often times just about not wanting the public to have access to that public land that abuts theirs. I own land and think this is a ridiculous topic. Just don’t make a stink when someones foot swipes over your “airspace” as they hopped the corner to the public you don’t own and this all goes away.
I understand, land grab is never the right option. restricting usage of private land isnt what the goal should be, Should be mutually accepted agreement, that is the least intrusive option for the land owner, home owner etc. I stated several other better options. mini gates, A frame ladder, C/z fence gaps etc.

this is Eminent Domian with no financial compensation. Any time you change private land usage post sale you are infringing.

I'm all for a corner crossing agreements, just not one that takes private or public property unless there is mutually accepted and beneficial agreement in place
Apr 1, 2013
Here in the the southern states, it doesnt matter if its a fence or a garage or a house or a drain pipe. It can not be placed within a certain distance of the property line on either side.
those are typically put in place pre sale and existing are grandfathered exceptions.
Apr 1, 2013
Land grab by whom?
on this issue would be controlling authority of public land and the ones thats are now going to demand maintenance of the prescriptive easement now going through land the Land owner no longer has usage of due to fence.

I’m all for corner cross access laws, just not this.


May 24, 2020
Not completely true
In Sweet Home Alabama if you put a fence a foot inside the property line it’s your fence
If you put a fence directly on the property line then it’s OUR fence