Cold Bow Challenge 2020!

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Jan 24, 2015
Prime black 3, 28 3/8” at 83.5lbs, doing 273fps
Gold tip kinetic 200 with 50 grain hit inserts, and 15 grain gold tip collars, total weight 560gr.
125gr german kinetic XL or 125 grain Magnus buzzcuts
Spot hogg hogg father 2 pin
Prime 1 piece quiver
10” b stinger
Hamskea trinity
Carter wise choice

Elk medicine

MER as of now is 60 yards. Vitals are the large green circle on the 18-1, which represent an elk vitals.

Day 1
I wouldn’t say I’m 100% dialed but it’s getting close. I will continue to fine tune for the next couple months with the expectation of being able to shoot Broadheads to 100 with my field points. I don’t think I’m there just yet.

First arrow felt good. I struggle mentally with shooting such a small target. I much prefer to have a large target with a small aiming point.

Day 2 is in the books.
I didn’t think I’d get time to shoot today but snuck to the range (25 minutes each way). It was 24 degrees with a right to left wind about 15mph, spitting snow, and right at sundown. A little high, but based on the conditions not bad.

Day 3...9B50AE8E-3628-45CF-A49D-D67E024522B7.jpeg
Pin float was good and the release was a surprise. Overall felt pretty good. I switched to a paper plate the same size as the original kill zone. I was struggling with the green aiming spot with my green pins.

Day 4...
I just snuck this one into the vitals. With the conditions this was way past my MER. It’s been rough conditions shooting the last week. Winds were left to right, gusting 20 plus. The flags were straight out and I was struggling to hold on target. I aimed 6” left and hit a little high and right. All things considered I’ll take it.

Day 5...I dropped my bow out of the back of my suv and it landed perfectly on the sight. I shot my last arrow then shot some field points. They all had the same 5” high and right POI. Got it zero’d back in. Oh well. I shot like crap and I have lots of excuses. Haha!3954EF74-FF0B-4906-B00F-C62512A595F4.jpeg
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May 3, 2018
Idaho Falls
Got out and shot my first arrow of the challenge before work today and it felt real good. I have shot my bow outside once so far in 2020 so this challenge should be fun! I just barely in the last week put the new string and cables on the bow and got it tuned inside through paper and with bare shafts. I was able to launch a few arrows to make sure my pin was on at 50 yesterday and now I'm jumping in. First broadhead shot and it looks like my tune isn't going to need too much tweaking! Either that or I had a whole lot of luck! Probably a little of both.

My setup:
2016 Bear Traxx @70 lbs and 30 in. and arrows are moving right around 280 fps
Catfish Customs String and Cables
Black Gold Ascent Verdict 3 pin w/ Dove tail mount
Trophy Taker Smackdown Rest
NAP Stabilizer
Easton Axis 300 (Realtree Edition) - 4 fletch blazer - 50 grain brass insert - just over 500 gr. total arrow weight
Slick Trick Standard Broadheads

MER: 50 yards
Using the taped off square on the center of my block for vitals. About a 8-9 inch square.

Day 1: Conditions were calm. Shot felt perfect and ended up being a great start to the challenge.CBC - Day 1 - 041120.jpg

Day 2: Wind blowing pretty hard left to right. Held left a little, but not out of the kill zone. Shot from a knee as I like to do in the wind. Shot broke and felt good.

Day 3: Windy and cold today. Wind blowing quartering left to right. It was blowing pretty good and I wanted to hold for more wind, but I kept to my main rule and didn’t hold out of the vitals. Glad I did as my arrow didn’t drift as much as I originally thought.

Day 4: Windy and cold, but nothing like some of you guys are dealing with. The wind was blowing straight to the target today, so I didn’t adjust on my end. Shots have been feeling great and the bow is feeling better than ever with the new string.

Day 5: Last day! Got out early and beat the weather coming in today. Little wind and rain. Shot felt great and hit where she’s supposed to.

Thank you to everyone from Rokslide who helps make this happen!
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Feb 25, 2012
Hoyt Carbon Element 29.5” 70#, Sword sight, B Stinger stab, Carbon Express arrows, and 100 grain Slick Tricks.

MER. 45 yards. I chose that because I hate this bow and my shooting has deteriorated ever since getting it. Even during hunting last year I only planned on 45-50 as max.

I painted a 6.5”-7” circle on a Rinehart in tan to simulate the same color as deer hair.

Day 1, 29*, 15 mph wind from 10-11 o clock. No precip. I was just off the edge of the kill zone I painted.


Day 2. Wind was kind of gusty around 10 mph coming from 9 o clock. 38* out. Shot off my knees. Wasn’t steady at all today and let down twice.
Day 3. 36*. Wind was 15ish from about 5 o clock. Shot off my knees.

Day 4. 51* with a 17 mph 8 o clock wind. Knew the shot was off as soon as I released.

Day 5. 72* with a 24 mph wind from 3-4 o clock.
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Sep 29, 2016
Ok guys here is my cold bow challenge entry! I love doing this challenge every year to prepare for hunting season. Thanks to Robby for organizing a great event. This year will be my 7th season bowhunting. I have not filled a tag yet! I’m fixin to change that. This year I will be hunting elk and mule deer here in Utah and if I get lucky elk in Wyoming.


Here is my setup:
Prime Rize. 70 lbs. 28 inch draw
Garmin Xero A1 sight
Hamskea Trinity rest
Stokerized stabilizer
Tight Spot quiver
Bowmar nose button
My arrow is a 340 spine Easton FMJ. 3 fletch blazer vanes. Nockturnal nock. 50 gr brass insert and 100 gr grim reaper micro hades 3 blade broadhead. Total weight is 513 gr.
Scott Rhino XT release

I decided to set my MER at 60 yards. I just had brain surgery in November and I’m still recovering. My facial nerve was severed so the right side of my face is paralyzed. My vision is a little blurry but I got a contact lens to help it. I’m shooting for a 12 inch wide by 10 inch tall kill zone to represent elk vitals.
Here is my first shot. Day 1

Barely snuck it in there. The shot felt good. Sun was at my back, the red pin on the Garmin was a little hard to see. 55 degrees no wind. I’m shooting with my outdoor vision bino harness and Exo 4800 pack on.

Shot #2

Missed the kill zone a few inches low. Conditions were a little more challenging. 15 mph wind. 7 PM and about 48 degrees. Not the shot I wanted. Hopefully better results tomorrow.

Shot #3

Now that’s more like it! Best shot of the challenge so far. 7:15 PM, 8 mph wind. Pin settled nicely and didn’t punch it.
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Shot #4

A little high but left to right was right on. 8 AM about 45 degrees no wind. 1 shot left!

Shot #5

Final shot in the kill zone! Happy to end on a good note. My wife was filming so I felt some added pressure. 7:40 PM 54 degrees with 5 mph wind. I’m hoping to practice more and extend my MER a little bit by the time hunting season rolls around. Can’t wait for 2021 cold bow challenge! Good luck to everyone this fall
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Jan 23, 2013
Reno, NV
I am in. MER 75
Typically desert wind everyday
Elite energy 35. 29.5" draw. 73 #
Cbe tek hybrid. Qad rest. B stinger stab.
Gold tip hunter xt 100 grain slick trick with 50 grain insert behind it
Stan SX3 4 finger heavy metal

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Day 2

Day 3. Oops. Little windy but definitely tried to push this one in the spot and lushed a little too much

Day 4. Swing and a miss. Felt good. Should have held for a little wind.

Day 5 thats a wrap. I will take it. Have a little tuning to do.
Thanks for the fun guys and gals
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Jan 9, 2014
Cle Elum
MER is 61.
gear list this year is,
Black Eagle Rampage arrows 495gr
Ace Rip Cord rest
Spott Hog Fast Eddie XL 3 pin
Crossover Stabilizer
Slick trick 4 blade broadhead for the Cold bore challenge.
I will probably only get in a few days of archery deer hunting here in WA this year.


Had about a 3MPH wind blowing right to left. I will call the kill zone in the yellow circle.

Little high on day 2, slight right to left wind.


Day 3 in the books. No wind.

Day 4, 5-7 mph wind from right to left. Barely in the kill zone.

Day 5 and a 1/2” out of the kill zone.
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Mar 22, 2016
CO -> AK
Mathews Traverse 64 lbs at 27.5"
300 Axis Match Grade, 510 Grains
100 Grain Trophy Taker A-Tac, 50 Grain Brass Insert, 25 grain IW Collar.
MBG 3 Pin Sight.
Carter Squeeze me.

MER is 40 yards.
Angle is 30 degrees.
Kill zone is 8X8 (Mule Deer).
No wind.

Day 1 Pics (April 11, 2020 was first and only shot)
IMG-0323.jpgIMG-0316.jpgIMG-0317.jpgIMG-0319.jpgIMG-0320.jpgIMG-0322.jpgDay 2. Shot broke at about 4 seconds. Morning light on the pins, negligible wind. Dead troll.IMG-0339.jpgDay 3. Wind was about 12 MPH from south to north (right to left in pic). Shot broke long -- about 6 seconds. Barely in the kill zone.IMG-0343.jpg Day Five. Final Shot. 7mph cross wind. Shot broke well. IMG-0346.jpgDay 4. Had to let down twice. Third time shot broke well. No wind.IMG-0344.jpg
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Jun 12, 2014
My MER is 60 yards. I'll shoot at an old McKenzie mountain goat as my intended game. The 10-ring is my clean kill zone.

2010 Bowtech Destroyer 340,
68 lbs, 27.5-inch draw length,
395 gr Easton Axis 400,
285 fps. Black Gold Ascent Verdict 5-pin sight. Sevr broadheads. Ignitor nocks.


Day 1:


70F, clear, wind 20 mph left to right. Probably a dead goat, but a long track with little blood. In hindsight, I don't think I'd have taken the shot with the wind conditions.

Day 2:


The wind was cranking all day, and I decided to try my shot at sunset since the wind was down a bit.
40F, clear, wind 30 mph left to right. The shot actually felt good, but the wind really pushed the arrow over. I should have let down and waited until tomorrow. If this was a hunt, I'd be really frustrated with the poor weather conditions.

Day 3:


Finally, some good hunting and shooting weather.
30F, overcast, calm. I can't complain about that arrow placement.

Day 4:


40F, overcast, wind 15 mph left to right. A little high again, but he shouldn't go far.

Day 5:


65F, clear, wind 10 mph right to left. Waited until after sunset to let the wind go down as much as possible. Shot was left.

Overall, I'm not terribly impressed with my cold shots throughout this contest. Definitely need to sharpen up a bit before hunting season. I think I can improve a lot. Thanks Robby, Travis, rokslide, and all the sponsors for making this happen again!
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Sep 6, 2016
Northern Colorado
First time participating. My range is kinda interesting. I shoot from my neighbors yard and over their driveway with the compound. They’re cool with it. Target is hung under the far end of front porch from the rafters with retaining wall behind. I have about a 4’x6’ space for arrow to pass through and some brush to consider at about 10yrds before the target. With the self bow I’m really just getting comfortable. Been at it for 2yrs. Expanded my MER in the last 6 months from 15 to 25. Confident by archery season I’ll be ready for my first hunt with it.


Setup 1 - Compound
MER 60yrds
Game: Elk
Vitals: 9 x 14”
Aiming for 10 ring on 3D

BOW: Prime CT9 78.6#
Hamskea HH pro
Spot Hogg FE XL
AAE Hot Rodz
30.5” draw
ARROW: DaySix HD 250 28.25”
100gr outserts
100gr IronWill
4 fletch/2degree Q2i Fusion GT 2.75
4” wrap, deep six nocks
264fps 612gr



Setup 2 - Trad
MER 25yrds
Game: Deer
Vitals: 7 x 10”
Just trying to keep it in the vitals.

BOW: Selfbow(Hackberry) 40@29 69”
ARROW: Easton Axis Trad 340 32”
Standard inserts
200gr Abowyer single bevel
4 fletch/.5degree 4” feathers
4” wrap


Day one:
10am sunny, some cirrus clouds moving in forcasting the snow were supposed to get tomorrow. About 60 degrees, 5-8mph breeze out of the south, at my back.

Compound: Hit is right and tad low for 10 ring. Its been a couple weeks since Ive shot it focusing on trad so much and probably should’ve let down. A bit of anxiety crept in for the challenge and rushed the shot but that’s what it’s about. Got lucky edge of vitals.


Trad: Impact is low. Didn’t fully expand through shot...damn. This deer probably would’ve left a decent blood trail with a low lung hit though.


Day two:
10:30am. Snowing, 25 degrees, 5-12mph wind gusts out of west. Little bit more challenging.



Compound: My shot felt good today. Took my time, actually lined up my peep and housing which I realize now I forgot to do yesterday. Put it basically right where I wanted it. Lower part of 10 ring, could’ve been a touch higher.


Trad: I let down twice before I took the shot. The first time my arrow slipped off the arrow notch, not really a shelf. Second time was taking to long waiting for wind gust to pass. 3rd draw, felt good, expanded, released. Hit left this time, caught back of lungs. Not to shabby fighting through the wind.

Day three: 28 degrees. Heavy wet snow. No wind. Tried to see if it would let up today. It did not. Decided to shoot anyways at about 5p.



Compound: Dialed sight to 61 to compensate for the snow. Hit left of where I was aiming today. Dead elk.


Trad: Complete low miss today. Want to blame it on the wet snow but I’m sure the archer is more to blame. Not sure what happened.

Day four: Cloudy with some sun. 55 degrees. Wind in my face 5-8mph.



Compound: Best day yet. Absolutely pin wheeled this thing despite wind in my face. Took more time and settled the pin. It payed off.


Trad: I drew back a few times before I took the shot today just to get a feel for it and make sure I was executing proper back tension and form. It paid off. I think I’m going to have to try this before making a shot on an animal. Really happy with it.

Day five: I skipped a day because of heavy snow and wind. Today there was a foot of snow on the ground but the sun was out in full force. It was a very bright 32 degrees, no wind.


Compound: Hit was left but still in the vitals. The extra bright reflection from snow today definitely made it harder to see target and pick a spot at 60.


Trad: I’m happy with this shot. Drew back a few times again before taking the shot. Hit is good.

I really dig this challenge. Thanks Rokslide! The extra focus and analysis of a one arrow shot is definitely beneficial. I think I performed just alright. I have some things to work on between now and hunting season. I would say this is definitely my MER and might be pushing it a little as I was not super consistent in shot placement.

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Apr 11, 2020
First timer her, figured I would give all this a shot.

MER: 60 yds
Bow: Hoyt Double XL
Arrows: Black Eagle Spartans
Broadhead: Ironwill V100
Sight: Spot Hogg Hogg-it 5 pin
Stabalizer: AAE Hot Rodz 8 and 10”

Double XL is set at 66 pounds with a 29.5“ draw

Spartans are cut at 30” with 75 brass up front and 4-fletched with AAE Max Stealths straight fletched Otherwise stock components


Shoots were taken from garage to across the street into the field, not much traffic here and only way to get the distance needed. Target pulled back to driveway for picture.

Day 1:
Temp: 45 degrees
Wind: 5-10mph S/SW (right to left)
Wold like to blame the wind for the high left hit but most likely a me problem from not shooting in a few months...

Day 2:
Temp: 45 degree
Wind: 10-15mph S/SE (right to left)
Temp: 32 degrees Snowing
Wind: 5-10 NE (left to right)
Day 4:
Temp: 45 degrees
Wind: 10 mph gust SE (left to right)
Day 5:
Temp: 51 degrees
Wind: 7-10 mph out of the NE (Left to right)
Awesome challenge, really opened my eyes about how getting lax post season can effect my accuracy and form. Feel like a few adjustments need to be made with the majority of the shots were high left but only practice will tell. Thanks guys for the opportunity!!!
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Mar 9, 2012
Yorkville, IL
Robby and crew, thanks for putting this on early this year and getting everyone out of quarantine!

I am shooting 75 yards this year aiming for the blown out center of my block target.

2019 Mathews Traverse
81lbs 29.25 draw length
Black Eagle Spartan arrows with 100 grain QAD Exodus full blade
Silverback release
Quivalizer XL
Axcel Accutouch carbon pro single pin

Day 1 tail wind shot felt good and hit where I was aiming.

Day 2
No wind, hold felt shaky but the shot broke clean. Hit about two inches left.

Day 3
Wind blowing left to right 15mph gusting to 20. Hold was real shaky but I kept pulling through the process. Landed about three inches high.

Day 4
Not much wind to speak of, just a little chilly. We had about two inches of snow on the ground this morning but most of it melted. Shot felt good, gold was steady. Hit probably about two inches high and two inches right.

Day 5
Final shot. Hold felt shaky but once again the shot broke clean. The arrow hit about two inches right.


I felt pretty good with this challenge this year even though I like to have a lot more practice. I feel like I confirmed my MER. All my shots were within about three inches of my aiming point.

Thanks to all the sponsors. Good luck to everyone shooting and stay safe out there.
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Aug 6, 2012
MER 44 yards.
Hoyt carbon defiant. 27.0 draw and 70lbs.
Ripcord code red rest. Black gold ascent single pin sight.
Easton FMJ 340 with 100 gr slick trick.
Perfect conditions this morning.

definitely thought about this one and got in my own head. Wasn't a clean release and barely in the 8in zone.

Bit breezy but not to affect my accuracy level

Had a long day at work in the field so shot as soon as I could getting home. Kinda simulated a long hunting day if that day was a big hike followed by shooting something on the drive home, ha ha.
After being right I did move my sight 1/2ish increment to the right.

Oh man got to think about it and pulled a little low. Missed the 8 inch circle. Not by much but still a miss.
This challenge has been awesome and so glad I did it. I plan on some cold arrow challenges to myself over the summer. Definitely helps you realize where you are at.
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Apr 29, 2014
Temple, NH
MER 40yds now (hope to be 60 in fall, was 50 last fall)
2016 PSE Drive R, LH, 60lbs, 28.5"
Easton Axis 340, 28" C-C, 50g brass HIT insert, 150g Cutthroat, 4Fletch 3" Duravane-II , wrap, total arrow wt: 525g
Shooting with loaded Apex Reactor XL quiver b/c that is how I shoot out west when Elk hunting
Rinehart XL block, 8"replaceable insert for killzone, you'll notice I marked old shoots with an black X and took one yesterday marked 4/10 but since this didn't start until well after dark last night here I'll start today. This was the cleanest face I have on my Rineharts.
Release: Trufire Hardcore Foldback Max
Rest: Trophytaker Smackdown Pro
Sight: MBG Accent Verdict 3 Pin
Stabilizer: B-Stinger
Do my own bow work on LCA EZGreen press with an Archery Dezign press
Build my own arrows with Weston arrow saw and Bitzenburger fletching jig.


4/11- 42*, gusty wind


4/12-upper 40*s, South wind 10-15mph which is left to right on my range. Did pull shot to right as well. The consistent high on both has me a bit perplexed.


4/13-Got out between showers here, upper 40s* gusty winds up to 40mph.


4/14-Nice evening, mid 40*s, calm wind, shot felt great....dropped arm to take a peek....Damn it!


4/15-Cold lower 40*s today, light winds, seem to have a good group here low, I knew going into this that I need a little more BH tuning work but I'll get there. Thanks for this, it was fun but also hard not to practice. The new "X" on the right lower edge 1-2 O'Clock from the Right lower aim point is the wife thinking she could shoot the block since it was set up and not the bag target.

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Jul 12, 2019
Cuchara, CO
Hey hey everyone. My MER is gonna be at 60 yards for this guy. Shooting a Mathews Halon 6 70# and 29.5” draw. Arrow is a DaySix 350 spine with AAE max steath 4 fletch with pink custom wraps and pink nockturnal nock. Shooting 200 grains up front with 100 grain day six outserts and 100 grain Iron will solid broadheads. Also shooting a Nock2it release Accessories include a 5 pin CBE Tek Hybrid slider sight, Vaportrail Pro-V Lomb driven rest, Beesinger 10” front with 8” back bar stabilizer, and Mathews arrow web 6 arrow quiver.

I’m shooting 60 yards with a 10 degree incline at a mountain lion target. Today was 62 degrees with no wind and sunny. First picture will be of the bow setup, then target from standing point, then shot. Looked pretty good for not shooting broadheads in a while. Definitely enjoyed getting out in the sun and getting the 3D course set back up.

Day 2. 28degrees and very foggy with misty/icy rain (arrow has ice on it from flying through the air). Slight breeze and poor visibility. A little high and a little back. Hope to bring it back in tomorrow. May have rushed to get out of the cold, who knowsEADC873A-CB55-4292-BCB4-43ECD651FFB1.png
Day 3. 21 degrees at 10:55 am. Got a couple of inches of snow last night. No wind and better visibility. Brought the shot back in tighter. Just a little high. Loving the challenge so far.
Day 4. 14 degrees at 8:10 am. Got some more snow last night. And this morning was truly putting the cold in cold bow.This morning, I wanted to take the opportunity to really try to block out the cold and really focus and execute a great shot, and that’s what happened. Perfect shot, great start to the dayE2734E53-6E0F-46CA-B020-FFC13BA1FD9B.jpeg
Day 5. 30 degrees at 9:00 am. Snow has melted off. Real cold wind this morning. Not strong but definitely cold. Happy with the final shot. First time doing this cold bow challenge. Learned a lot, and really enjoyed participating. I saw someone float the idea of a rifle one, that would be awesome too. Thanks for everything you guys do at Rokslide, it’s been a great community to be apart of and get more and more out of it everytime I’m on.
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May 3, 2015
MER 60 yards
Shooting a Bowtech Realm X 70# at 28.5”
Vaportrail Limbdriver
Montana Black Gold pro 5 pin
Tight Spot quiver with 5 arrows
Easton A/C/C 3-71 with 50 grain brass weights total weight 475 grains
Rage Hypodermic 100 grain head
Truball HT 3 finger released

Day 1:
65 and sunny light left to right breeze. Shooting from in sun to shady. Shot felt good and hit where the pin was sitting. Can’t ask for anymore. First time I’ve shot it in a couple of weeks. Been carrying it around the woods but can’t get a turkey to cooperate.



Day 2. Overcast and light wind. Lot of movement in bow while aiming. Probably had a lot to due with the amount of beer I drank yesterday. Shot was left but wait 12-16 hours and can go find deer. These shots are where the 2” mechanicals are good for.


Day 3 sunny with a 8-10mph wind left to right. Pin settled and waited on hinge to go off. Arrow hit behind the pin.

Day 4. About same conditions as yesterday and the same results. Pretty close to same hole.


Day 5. Sunny with a 10-15MPH breeze quartering toward me. Shot broke a little low but hit where pin was.


Had a lot of fun over the 5 days. I learned that shooting early the next morning after drinking heavy the night before doesn’t make for holding very steady. Good thing I won’t carry a case into the mountains.

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Sep 15, 2018
DAY 1: After not shooting since November I was pleasantly surprised. I’m shooting a Hoyt carbon spider 30, Axcel sights, Hoyt drop away, NAP stabilizer, Scott release, and Easton ACC arrows (sadly I am running out and going to have to switch arrows soon), slick trick broad head (admittedly first shot was with a field tip. Didn’t read carefully but will be shooting dull broad head). Temperature about 45 degrees, 10mph or so cross wind, MER 60 yards shooting out of the kitchen door.

DAY 2. Perfect conditions next to no wind and sunny. I decided to try and bump it out to 70yds. I was 90% sure shooting that far with a broad head filed down to be completely dull was going to result in a lost arrow but i wanted to really push myself. I was pleasantly surprised. I will have to get a better idea of what kinetic energy I’m getting out of my set up but judging by the fact that the arrow didn’t get expected penetrate shooting at a field point target with a broadhead (although butter knife dull) I don’t think I would ever shoot at game at 70 or that i have the energy to do so.
This challenge is exactly what I needed for the motivation to push myself and has me thinking about tweaking things and maybe doing some 3D shoots this summer. Great idea rokslide.

Day 3: 70yds, No wind


Day 4: MER 70yds, No wind and nice and warm outside. I think this is my lucky arrow. I have been really surprised at how well I am shooting at 70 yds. I do shoot alot at 60 yds during the summer and I am a fairly decent shooter with tight groups but it always seems like I have one arrow that decides not to cooperate. I think shooting one arrow really helps me to slow down, think about what im doing, and settle in. I think after I complete the challenge I am going to continue to do one arrow practice sessions in between my regular sessions.


Day 5

Same as the rest. No wind and sunny. 70 MER

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Jun 11, 2018
Newbie here. Excited to give this a try. Thanks Rokslide for putting this on.

My setup:
Hoyt Rx-1 turbo, 70lbs, 29 inch draw
MT Black/Gold 4 pin sliders
Tight Spot 5 arrow quiver
CrossOver Stabilizer
Carter Wise Choice
Easton Axis 300 spine
Iron Will 125 solids with outsert

MER of 50 yards
Vital zone is foam insert on the target.

Day 1:
Partially Cloudy
Wind from right to left at 6-10 mph6E3C99B7-30F6-49C7-8E9B-A743C59ACE42.jpeg7DF1C273-E329-442D-880C-BB0EC23DB469.jpegA230DAF6-B362-45EC-A05B-A29967E3D4B8.jpeg

Day 2
32 degrees, Slight wind in my face at 6 mph. Shot felt good, but not as pleased with the result.

Day 3
29 Degrees. Wind again right to left at 10 mph.


Day 4
I had to wait for a break in the weather all day. It’s been raining and windy. Finally caught a nice break.
45 degree. Wind right to left at 10mph
I was happy with the shot.

Day 5
Last arrow of my challenge. I really wanted to make a good shot. The pressure was there. I was hoping for better placement, but it is in my vital area, so I’ll take it.
34 degrees. Some snow last night. Slight breeze.
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May 5, 2015
Day one with compound
Bowtech Boss 70# 31” draw
475g arrow, 100g Shuttle T broadhead, Black Eagle Spartan 300 spine 56g inserts, 4 fletch AAE Max Stealth, Black Gold single pin slider, Tue Ball short and sweet release,
Trophy Taker smack down pro rest.
MER 30 yards, didn’t bow hunt at all last year, just started shooting again. 45 degrees slight wind right to left.C68C4F0E-3EDF-4012-B819-3D79B8158948.jpeg5852BFBF-A7D9-490C-839F-E229E9EB183E.jpeg

Day one with the hickory self bow😬
55# at 28” my draw is 31”
408g arrow with 100g field tip (old compound arrows) Victory RIP 340 spine, made them heavier with weed eater string, learns that on here!
MER 10 yards
45 degrees slight wind right to left

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  • Day 2- sunny 37 degrees zero wind
  • Compound
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  • Longbow (slapped the ole forearm but it turned out ok😂)
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    Day 3- cloudy 45 degrees, no wind
  • Compound

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  • E514D466-8FCB-48A7-8EA8-A0E452C4E338.jpeg
    Day 4 was a rough one all the way around! 44 degrees, swirling 15-20 mph wind, cloudy

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    Day 5- sunny 34 degrees, slight breeze right to left
  • Compound- best for la
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    Longbow-worst for last
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Dec 10, 2019
Day 1, 51 degrees, 15mph wind left to right, held for a bit waiting for calm spot. Paced off 30yds MER, ranged it after day 2 and turns out I'm at 33yds, preparing for turkey next week.

Shooting PSE Premonition HD, mbg revenge sight, crossover 1017 stab, and my trusty whisker biscuit!

Arrow is Victory vforce 350 with 82gr insert and 130gr stainless wicked tricks.



Day 2, very similar conditions as day 1. Took my shot, felt like my pin was wandering a bit, pulled my arrow and realized I never extended my stabilizer


Day 3, well that sucked! 40 degrees, 15 mile an hour wind right to left. I thought about it on the drive over, but did not notice it while I shot. I did not try to play the wind at all. The shot felt good, but I must have pulled it because even with the stiff wind, I don't know if it can move the arrow that far.


Day 4, making me want this to be over so I can practice some more! 34degrees, 10mph wind left to right, some snow flurries coming down. Shot felt good again, but didn't end so good!


Day 5, 35 degrees, calm. Blew it again! My broadhead always been a little left of field points due to being a little stiff, but the pins should be good for the broadhead. Looking forward to doing some testing this weekend when i can do some regular shooting and see what's up. I'm sure it's Operator error, but wanna find out why

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Mayhem Contributor
Feb 10, 2019
Central Texas
This is my first venture into archery. Decided for my 39th birthday I was going to try something new. Come the end of this challenge I will have been shooting for less than 60 days. Its been a long ride so far, learning stuff like torque tuning, cam lean, french walk back tuning, bareshaft tuning, top hats and etc. I still feel that I have a very long ways to go. But I decided to dive in deep and build my own arrows and press and tune my own bows. Feels like when I first started shooting 700 yards, just a ton of information to absorb and a ton to learn to discard as well.

Bow Setup:
Mathews VXR 31.5 in ambush green, 30.5" DL shooting 61.5 pounds, Hamskea Trinity Hunter Pro rest.
Spot Hogg Fast Eddie XL 2 pin slider 0.10 pins
Tight spot rise 5 arrow quiver, Dead Center stabs, spot hogg wise guy release.


Arrow: 479.79 grains average on 12 at 275 FPS.
Gold Tip Pierce Platinum 300 spline with gold tip half out and ballistic collar
Firenock hunting circuits green with BL batteries, Green nock
Q2i Fusion-II vanes. 3 fletch with 1 degree offset.
Iron Will 100 grain vented broadheads


MER 45 yards - Center module on Matrix Target

Day 1 - 13 mph wind at 45 degrees off left shoulder. Overcast 72 degrees
Shot felt just "OK". I feel i need to lengthen my draw just a touch which I am going to do after the challenge. The pin is a little jerky. Going to lengthen the D loop with BCY 23 from 1/2" to 3/4" then untwist strings from there.

Day 2 - easter sunday. He is risen which is awesome. My shooting not so much. Steady 17mph gusting 25 or more. 81 degrees and sunny. Wind seems to be coming head on and then will swirl. Thought I was going to be a stud and leave my quiver on with 5 arrows in it. That was bad idea #1 I was having problems holding steady as I was catching a bunch of wind. Float was all over the target, thought I could still pull it out then I punched the trigger and right as I went to break the shot the wind swirled and I torqued. All in all it was pretty piss poor considering I was aiming for the center module not the top left.... I shouldn't have taken and wouldn't have taken in a hunting scenario. I took the shot because I wanted to feel the pressure and see what would happen with the wind.


Day 3 - Monday 4-13-20 - 55 degrees wind light (5 mph) mostly at my back at sunset. Shot felt just ok. back tension was a touch off and I didnt pull my release hand straight back. I'm missing shooting a couple dozen arrows everyday at this point. Also not quite as happy with where I am as I would like to be. For all intents and purposes its likely a kill shot as its right in between modules. I would be happier if it was in the center module squarely.


Day 4 - Tuesday 4-14-20 - 54 degrees - wind 3 to 5 from right to left. at sunset
Today was a good day and felt great. I went to bed last night with the day 2 and 3 shots haunting me and have seriously been rethinking my MER. I just feel if I can't shoot 45-55 yards I will be much less effective in a hunting scenario. While I don't think I am there for my MER to be 45 I feel like I am getting close and another 4-5 months of practicing every day will get me there. Bow is still a little jumpy on the pins as I said on day 1 but everything else was great. I did let down and take a deep breath and redraw. Grip felt torqued with the first draw. Release was clean hand came straight back and as soon as it left the rest I knew it was on. My mind was blank after I lined up the target and I remember one of the most important lessons. Don't over think it.



Day 5 - Wednesday 4-15-20 - 65 degrees - wind 3 to 5 from my back and sunny.
Had to let down and redraw as I forgot to take my sunglasses off and couldn't see through the bridge. Shot felt good and landed good. I'm pretty happy with where my MER is right now. Days 1, 4, 5 were clean kills. Day 3 was ok although slightly off. Day 2 well was a bad move. I have high hopes that before CBC 2021 I can get my MER up to 60-65 yards. I need to practice shooting in stiff winds more.

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