CO Gun Law dissappointment

Feb 25, 2012
This is killing me, but I sent a letter to the Gov and Fish and Game telling them I would (and my group) boycott hunting in Colorado if this law was passed. I know just our group won't do anything individualy but I felt I had to do something. I know others are doing the same, or at least say they are. I really feel for you guys that live there.


Feb 27, 2012
And they get a better deal on College than Americans that live in Texas, Florida, Idaho, Nevada and so on.

Heck, we have a scholarship that legal US residents aren't even eligible for… Only undocumented immigrants!
Dec 2, 2012
Sad but it sounds like Colorado is getting real close to being on the same level with California in regards to these laws.

Above Timber

Apr 16, 2012
Colorado Springs
Can you say Colofornia. I am sure my dad is rolling over in his grave at a National Cemetery. My uncles in South Dakota keep asking me when I am moving back.

Curtis C

Mar 1, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
Today we received our "Certificate of Sufficiency" from the CO Secretary of State. This makes the recall effort for CO Senate President John Morse official. We should be collecting signatures by the weeks end.

We Will Not Sit and Watch while Colorado is being used as a gun control example to the rest of the nation.


Feb 27, 2012
Fight like hell boys!!!

Pretty dang ridiculous the legislation they are pulling out of their backside.

The bow company I work for just dove into the firearams industry.

AR 15 parts and magazines

We will be building full rifles very soon.
Apr 2, 2013
I'm ticked off at the gov. I'm gonna start buying AR's. The government doesn't know what guns mean to us. But I'm glad that I live where I live cause the Sherrif is saying that our county will be able not abide by those laws.
May 2, 2012
Lakewood, Colorado
If these politicians don't get voted out next election I think that will show Colorado has gone to far left and it is time to move. Next time someone asks you why you think you need a 30 round magazine answer them this way, it seems to get through. Why do you need a car that goes over 75 mph? The highest speed limit in the country is 75 mph and anything over that is breaking the law so the govt. should install a speed chip in every car that will not allow cars to exceed 75mph. Speeding cars kill far more people every year than rifles semi auto rifles with 30 round magazines. People hate to argue with logic.
As far as people not coming here to hunt I say that is good. My buddy and my uncle canceled elk trips to Colorado from Iowa this year and won't come back until Colorado gets rid of this garbage legislation. The only thing these idiots understand is loss of revenue. Something not many people are talking about is the lack of comment from the Game and Fish here in Colorado. I expected them to stand with gun owners and condemn this but they remained silent. Everyone should call them and remind them who pays their bills, without hunting dollars they are irrelevant. Like already stated as long as these morons can smoke their dope and watch Larry marry Garry all is right in the world. I get the feeling God isn't blessing America much anymore.


Feb 27, 2012
West Salem, WI
We're talking about this article today here in WI. Not knowing what you are trying to ban translates into misconduct in public office to me. Can she really be this stupid??? I'm planning on heading to CO for elk with my brother this year. Maybe we will take a hard look at another state.

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) is feeling the heat from gun advocates after offering a confusing argument for a federal ban on high-capacity magazines that she has twice sponsored.

Speaking at a Denver Post forum on gun control Tuesday, DeGette pushed for legislation that would prohibit the future sale of ammunition-loading devices that hold more than 10 bullets. Noting that Colorado had recently passed a ban on magazines capable of holding more than 15 rounds, DeGette suggested existing devices that are grandfathered into the laws would lose functionality after being used.

"I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available,” she said, according to the Denver Post.
Mar 5, 2012
SW Colorado
Yep, and that brilliant individual got voted into office it should tell you something about the people who are voting in huge droves
Mar 31, 2013
Beatrice, Ne
We can add Ct to the list of gun restrictions/bans. They passed there new laws yesterday. You have to have a permit now to buy rifle and shotgun ammo.

I don't agree with a boycott due to more harm then good will come from it. Besides the same people that are antigun don't care if we hunt or don't want us hunting. They get what they want.


Mar 1, 2012
Sad but it sounds like Colorado is getting real close to being on the same level with California in regards to these laws.

Most Californians move here because their state failed and they bring their failed politics and failed policies with them, along with the other people that are moving here from states with failing economies!

I can still carry my XDM that holds 19 in the mag and 1 in the barrel because it was bought before July 2013. One of the very dumb women that wrote the bill said "people that bought all these magazines will use them and then there will be none left after they shoot them up for the bad guys to get", she really thinks a Mag can only be used once. Several Sheriffs including the one that is in my district said he will not and can not enforce it. The law is probably one of the worst written laws in all of the USA (helped written by Joe Biden, when he was here on a so called vacation). There is talk about this going to the Supreme Court, but their are some other states urging CO not to take it there in fear of what might happen if the wrong judge gets the case.

It is not worth moving over, we should stand and put up a fight (legally and by voting). And we need good people like you all here to come move here and help us fight!


Mar 1, 2012
This is killing me, but I sent a letter to the Gov and Fish and Game telling them I would (and my group) boycott hunting in Colorado if this law was passed. I know just our group won't do anything individualy but I felt I had to do something. I know others are doing the same, or at least say they are. I really feel for you guys that live there.

That is great that you wrote the letter, but the anti gunners want less hunters here so you are pleasing them and hurting the hunting economy in CO. So do you hurt who you want to help and help who you don't wan't to help.


Mar 1, 2012
If these politicians don't get voted out next election I think that will show Colorado has gone to far left and it is time to move. Next time someone asks you why you think you need a 30 round magazine answer them this way, it seems to get through. Why do you need a car that goes over 75 mph? The highest speed limit in the country is 75 mph and anything over that is breaking the law so the govt. should install a speed chip in every car that will not allow cars to exceed 75mph. Speeding cars kill far more people every year than rifles semi auto rifles with 30 round magazines. People hate to argue with logic.
As far as people not coming here to hunt I say that is good. My buddy and my uncle canceled elk trips to Colorado from Iowa this year and won't come back until Colorado gets rid of this garbage legislation. The only thing these idiots understand is loss of revenue. Something not many people are talking about is the lack of comment from the Game and Fish here in Colorado. I expected them to stand with gun owners and condemn this but they remained silent. Everyone should call them and remind them who pays their bills, without hunting dollars they are irrelevant. Like already stated as long as these morons can smoke their dope and watch Larry marry Garry all is right in the world. I get the feeling God isn't blessing America much anymore.

Very interesting you say this, as the President is now mandating to the car makers standards that will force then to use more plastic and less steal to make cars by the standards they set today. Which will make them more unsafe than they are now. Cars now are killing people at an all time high in crashes that would never have kill someone in a car from several years ago.

Curtis C

Mar 1, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
I don't think HB 1224 is or ever was about 30 round magazines or even 100 round magazines. I believe its whole purpose is to PREVENT the SALE/TRANSFER of semi-auto handguns that have magazines of any size. The removable base plate makes the magazine "readily converted" and illegal to transfer under HB 1224. I say prevent because it wont be illegal to sale the handgun but you wont be able to legally get the magazines for it. They also know that per federal law a person may only buy a handgun from within their state of residence. HB 1224 will force law abiding FFL's to stop shelving handguns like the Glock, XDM and many others which essentially makes these guns off limits to Colorado citizens. Sure we will see work arounds for some guns but not all.


Feb 27, 2012
Latest news is the signatures collected and turned in have been validated and Sen Morse of CO will face a recall election.

And 3 months later, John Morse and Angela Giron get the boot! Certanly not gonna miss them. :)


Aug 15, 2013
What's the status on the gun laws? Any chance of getting them overturned?

CO was once a place that I wanted to move to...but that won't be happening as long as those laws stand...


Feb 27, 2012
What's the status on the gun laws? Any chance of getting them overturned?

CO was once a place that I wanted to move to...but that won't be happening as long as those laws stand...

The recall has no affect on the new laws, so they stand as passed for the time being. However, I think the recall is a step in the right direction. Hopefully the state will return to its red roots after the next election and undo that damage that was done this term.