Science vs more money & power to government are two very different things. If no one cares enough to want to fund the government, that is due to seeds the government sowed (or wasted) themselves. They made their bed and earned their reputation.
The private sector has actually contributed in some way toward reducing carbon emissions, and the private sector can fix the problem. The government has done nothing but give the idea of fighting climate change a very bad name because every time they mention it, they want more money and more power. People want to save money. They want to lower their expenses, burn less fuel, etc., and they want to preserve the planet, but they know (and for good reason) that the government is not going to do this. The government wants to push a large and unrelated agenda under the guise of fighting climate change, and they have convinced many that they are the only thing that can solve the problem, but the truth is that they need this problem to exist so they can push their agenda.
Look at the main political affiliation of the folks that now enthusiastically buy Teslas. These are not the folks that support carbon taxes or other foolishness. Look at those that no longer buy Teslas but allegedly care more about climate change than the other group. This was largely brought on by an issue involving free speech and challenging government authority, which has nothing to do with the environment, but it does get in the way of a particular agenda. The media and one side of the aisle in Washington have been on a non-stop push to convince people that the guy and his company are a bad deal, but the truth is that he has done more to combat climate change than any one person.