Clean Energy Arsenal

I won't get too mixed up in the issues of dumb political leaders on all sides.

But I will say having solar has saved me around $8,000 annually. And I can run my AC as low as it can handle.

I think putting solar on homes is a great idea, just not mandated by the government. The tax breaks would be good enough for me.

Being seen as "green" by other people is just virtue signaling by most so they are cool and accepted.

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Tried to go that route. Unfortuntely, in IA your local utility gets the final say on the size of your array. They intentionally downsize it to make sure your offset is low enough that you still get to pay them every month for electricity.

One day when batteries are cheaper I will go 100% off grid. Until then I'm stuck with the REC.
Being a decent person.

I always find the discussion about morality of atheists interesting. Like the only reason people who are religious don't murder people is because they are afraid of going to hell....pretty messed up.

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Define decent.
You all might find it interesting, I heard a interview with 2 university of ak Fairbanks professors that made their living studying mammoth bones. They said the last ice age was a warming event caused by rice farmers emitting CO2 in Asia. I hate other humans more than most but I don't even buy that theory.
You all might find it interesting, I heard a interview with 2 university of ak Fairbanks professors that made their living studying mammoth bones. They said the last ice age was a warming event caused by rice farmers emitting CO2 in Asia. I hate other humans more than most but I don't even buy that theory.
I thought it was cow farts.
Funny that no one has mentioned the great success of Solyndra
If climate was a real concern instead of a huge money grab then Hydrogen would be seriously looked into as a viable alternative source
Does anyone know what the emissions are when you burn Hydrogen ?
I do
Never thought trump.would lose either utill he did
Is climate change happening? im not willing to say Its not oe won't
There is no question about it. No actual climatologist thinks it isn’t currently happening. CO2 is an insulator. We are dumping CO2 into the atmosphere at a much higher rate than happens in nature.
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Funny that no one has mentioned the great success of Solyndra
If climate was a real concern instead of a huge money grab then Hydrogen would be seriously looked into as a viable alternative source
Does anyone know what the emissions are when you burn Hydrogen ?
I do
It’s water. Problem is it currently takes more energy to create hydrogen than you get out of it. That can be mitigated to some extent by using renewable electricity to produce hydrogen from water but the efficiency isn’t very high. Unless there is some new way I’m unaware of, which is quite possible and I’d like to learn more about it. If you could point me to it I’d be appreciative.
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I smell some white guilt or hate for whitey!

Climate change. We shoulda been dead years ago if the folks pushing this crap were telling the truth.

Grab a geology book and read about the temperature fluctuations over the milennia. Then apply it to now. Reach your potential!

I smell some white guilt or hate for whitey!

Climate change. We shoulda been dead years ago if the folks pushing this crap were telling the truth.

Grab a geology book and read about the temperature fluctuations over the milennia. Then apply it to now. Reach your potential!

The earth’s climate has been warming for the last 100 years and the main cause is humans emitting carbon dioxide which traps more of the sun's heat. Usually, it takes about a thousand years for the earth’s average temperature to change by 1 degree Celsius but we have made the average temperature rise 1.1 degrees in the last 100. Over the last 800,000 years the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has never surpassed 300 ppm, but today the amount is over 400 ppm. This is causing rising sea levels, snow and ice melt, unpredictable weather, more frequent and more severe storms, and ruining animal habitats.

While there are many causes to carbon emission the biggest source is burning fossil fuels for energy use. Burning fossil fuels is around 70% of our total CO2 emissions with 40% of that being for electricity. Renewable energy is very possible, and I am still comprehending why we aren’t making a larger effort to become fully sustainable. In 2016 the fossil fuel industry was subsidized $360 million dollars by governments while renewable energy only received $140 billion. I think we should put more effort into renewable energy sources.

There are many factors that would need to happen for us to mitigate climate change and become more sustainable, but it is pretty complicated. Our society as it is, is very unsustainable and the things that make us comfortable, safe, and have convenient lives are damaging to the ecosystem. For us to go completely sustainable we would have to change our lives as we know them and it’s not very realistic. The emissions from landfills are about the same as the emissions from all transportation, concrete emissions are responsible for more than 2% of total CO2 emissions, and many other little things all need their own solutions.

Politically there are many challenges with people to agree on what to do, while they may all want to slow or mitigate global warming, they are unable to come to a consensus. There are even people in the villages who experience the effects of climate change every day denying it is happening. Many people either don’t believe about climate or don’t care so making change is difficult with how life changing the changes would be. We must also correct our past mistakes and every year we wait the more damage we do. In a black and white world, it seems so simple to just make the changes, however companies prioritize profits and the simplicity of the systems they already have and people just aren’t concerned with global warming.

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I'm old enough to know better.
I've been hearing the climate alarmists spewing
their crap since the 70's.
And none of what they said was going to happen has
come to fruition. They're always saying we have
only 10 years left - for the past 40 years.
Just open the oil spigots and let's get on with our lives.


Here is a photo 100 years apart. Do you still want to argue the climate isn’t warming?
“Oh but the earth’s climate fluctuates”
We’re actually in the cooling cycle of the fluctuations, well we should be.

The earth is slow, throughout the Earth’s history it averages about 1 degree Celsius change every thousand years. Our earth has warmed 1 degree in the last 1000 years.

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If solar panels/installation prices come down some (or the tax credits get higher) I'd definitely consider making the addition; we see a lot of sunny days and I have nice south facing roof that should be ideal.
If solar panels/installation prices come down some (or the tax credits get higher) I'd definitely consider making the addition; we see a lot of sunny days and I have nice south facing roof that should be ideal.
I’d love to do the same. Here wind would be even better. Damned if it isn’t windy here.
What do you base your morality/ethics on? Just so we know.
Ethics and morality predate the Bible. We don’t have to agree and I’m not trying to demean your faith but ethics was a philosophical study before the Bible was written. Naturally that contradicts your beliefs about history and I can accept that just as you should accept that a person isn’t amoral just because he doesn’t believe everything you believe.
Ethics and morality predate the Bible. We don’t have to agree and I’m not trying to demean your faith but ethics was a philosophical study before the Bible was written. Naturally that contradicts your beliefs about history and I can accept that just as you should accept that a person isn’t amoral just because he doesn’t believe everything you believe.

?? What an odd response. You know nothing of my beliefs because I didn’t state them. You made so many gross assumptions in your comment as to be laughable.

Maybe just answer the question since you responded : what do you base your morals/ethics on?

Don’t make the response about me or an abstract comment on philosophy. Tell us why you believe what you believe, and what provides the foundation of that belief.

Here is a photo 100 years apart. Do you still want to argue the climate isn’t warming?
“Oh but the earth’s climate fluctuates”
We’re actually in the cooling cycle of the fluctuations, well we should be.

The earth is slow, throughout the Earth’s history it averages about 1 degree Celsius change every thousand years. Our earth has warmed 1 degree in the last 1000 years.

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There is also remnants of a forest underneath the Mendenhall Glacier.