Clean Energy Arsenal

What I meant was large scale geothermal power generation, not residential.

It has its value in the mix, but it's limited as in isolated. If it's not natural, you'd have to "make" it and maintain it.

The best mix: solar on the latitude south of Dallas, TX. The Suntan valley comes to mind. Wind in the midwest. Hydroelectric in the Pacific NW and Atlantic seacoast. Harness the Missouri, Columbia, and Mississippi rivers. Natural gas in the Rockies, TX, and PA/upstate NY.

Fit in small scale nuke plants at various places on a localized municipal scale for base load as well as solar and wind (provided you can figure out the practicality of battery storage). Use the others for peak.
I think geothermal heat pumps would go a long way in reducing electrical demand. Combine that with wind/solar and one could easily get off the grid.

Just where does grandpa poopy pants think electric vehicles get charged from?...If suddenly everyone is driving an EV, what would that do to the electrical load? Any new power plants being built?
Your electric bill was over $600 a month?
It depended on the month. It's PG and E, which is very expensive. 3000 sf two story home, typical summer temps where I live at 100+ and then drops to low 80s At night. So the AC runs everyday and night thru the summer.

October thru April, $250ish monthly. June thru Sept 500 to 1100 monthly. That's not a typo. The last summer I didn't have solar system I had three bills over $1000.

I think a few years it was $6500 annually with a couple over 8k. It's ridiculous. If I lived 2 miles away the electricity is %25 of what I pay.

I spent about $33k on the system. Got about 30% back in tax breaks. The system makes more than I use.

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If this is bubba, who the hell was the last guy? LOL

Amazing to me how threads built on paranoia and misinformation can last here but anytime common sense gun laws are mentioned they get closed.

Carry on y'all.
You think Biden will spread the orders out amongst;

Beacon Power,
Evergreen Solar,
AES subsidiary Eastern Energy
Solyndra solar
Abound Solar
And Burisma Holdings Ltd?
It depended on the month. It's PG and E, which is very expensive. 3000 sf two story home, typical summer temps where I live at 100+ and then drops to low 80s At night. So the AC runs everyday and night thru the summer.

October thru April, $250ish monthly. June thru Sept 500 to 1100 monthly. That's not a typo. The last summer I didn't have solar system I had three bills over $1000.

I think a few years it was $6500 annually with a couple over 8k. It's ridiculous. If I lived 2 miles away the electricity is %25 of what I pay.

I spent about $33k on the system. Got about 30% back in tax breaks. The system makes more than I use.

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damn facts...
I try not to think about Biden tbh.

CEO's are better seen and not heard.
Obama invested 16 billion of tax payer money in those green energy companies. Those are a few of the ones that went bankrupt. Same policy just written differently instead of guaranteed loans we are going to write solar panel orders, nothing more then misuse of the defense emergencies act, for political projects
Obama invested 16 billion of tax payer money in those green energy companies. Those are a few of the ones that went bankrupt. Same policy just written differently instead of guaranteed loans we are going to write solar panel orders, nothing more then misuse of the defense emergencies act, for political projects
Every politician misuses their power for political purposes. Tell us something new.
June thru Sept 500 to 1100 monthly.
Those look like our water bills, and they just keep raising the rates more and more, while continuing to add developments right and left that are all put into our lowest rate structure for water, instead of putting all new developments into the highest tier from the start. It's pretty messed up.
Those look like our water bills, and they just keep raising the rates more and more, while continuing to add developments right and left that are all put into our lowest rate structure for water, instead of putting all new developments into the highest tier from the start. It's pretty messed up.
That's a lot! For water? WTF!

My normal bill is $150. 3/4acre mostly landscaped.

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It is really sad how the WH and even Germany are spinning the global petroleum shortage. Why work to better the lives of your citizens when you can work to avert climate change which *might* be a big problem in 20 years?
So The EU and The US put sanctions on Russia one of the largest energy exporters and now they're concerned there is a shortage? Dumb and dumber. Most incompetent administrations ever. Oh and how's that proxy war going against Russia? lol. fools all of them
I hope they cover all of our public land with solar panels and wind turbines so we can save the environment. Either that or sell it all to the Chinese to pay off the national debt. We can just virtually do stuff on Meta instead.
Ukraine now says they need substantial and immediate military aid or Russia will win in the east and then drive on Kiev.

I think that was huff post, but it was today. What happened to we are beating the tar out of russia?