Carnivore Diet

Way late to the program here.
Just started cutting stuff out, plan to go strict Carnivore in January. Allowing some cheats so cravings aren't so bad. But have cut out 2 pops a day, and over 90% of my sweets. That alone should help. Those that are Carnivore Diet, are you 2 meals a day or 3MAD? How does that work with 8-5? Curious/anxious for January.
5 11 230. Would LOVE to be under 190. Inflammation, back and knee are issues also. Thanks for any help.

Personally I've found it much easier to eliminate all sweets and soda than to cheat periodically. After a few years, I can eat a candy bar once a week, but that next morning there's a bit of "hunger pangs", which I never get unless I eat carbs to excess.
t went up after I started carnivore, I do not know if it was from doing carnivore.

thyroid of 7.5 is bad, thyroid of 2 is good.

the next blood test (most recent) total t was 901. I am all natural and 67 yoa.
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The book atomic habits has some good info on how to get started with the mind game of this. I listened to the audio book on the road.
Carnivore is different for everyone. It takes a couple weeks for you body to adjust.

My recommendation to friends was try to be really strict for the first 2 weeks. If you do that the benefits you see are in my opinion enough to keep you on it.

One meal a day or three meals a day for me isn't that critical. More about what you eat than how often. I typically eat 2 meals a day and do one meal a day twice a week. I try and keep some cooked meat in my fridge so I can have a snack if I want. Also high fat meats are you friend.

I am down 80 plus lbs in 8 months. I have splurged on a couple holidays but always feel like crap the next day. Getting to where the splurging on carbs/sugar isn't worth how I feel the next day. Almost like drinking and a hangover.
Question, anyone on here ever do any endurance races on carnivore? I’m going to enter a few sprint triathlons next summer but the majority of what I’ve read is you won’t get your maximum output without some sort of glycogen. I was thinking maybe some fruit before high intensity workouts?

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Ok, been pretty strict since December 8th, with an 8 day holiday where I ate whatever, then very strict again. BP and resting heart rate both down, HR down 10 bpm. Stopped snoring first 10 days, gas is next to zero. And down 10 lbs.
Energy is pretty level, but hardest to quantify. Anyone else trying it for January?
Ok, been pretty strict since December 8th, with an 8 day holiday where I ate whatever, then very strict again. BP and resting heart rate both down, HR down 10 bpm. Stopped snoring first 10 days, gas is next to zero. And down 10 lbs.
Energy is pretty level, but hardest to quantify. Anyone else trying it for January?
I did good in October and between that and not drinking for 7 months, lost 20 lbs. Nov and Dec I ate well but not carnivore and started having a few drinks here and there. I'm on antibiotics for an issue unrelated right now so can't drink and thinking I need to get back to carnivore. My hardest part is having toddlers and trying to keep them fed (they do eat some meat but not everything I make) while keeping me and the wife on carnivore. I'm going to start again this weekend but more keto-vore style. I have a hard time with 0 veggies. I have mostly cut out nightshades though and stick to the list that Paul Saladino put out for "less toxic" vegetables/fruits.
We'll see how it goes!
Question, anyone on here ever do any endurance races on carnivore? I’m going to enter a few sprint triathlons next summer but the majority of what I’ve read is you won’t get your maximum output without some sort of glycogen. I was thinking maybe some fruit before high intensity workouts?

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I don't do carnivore, but that is correct, especially for something at a little higher intensity like a sprint triathlon. There are some endurance athletes that do a keto based diet but fuel intense workouts and definitely races with carbs. You can do them without carbs, but you'd be limiting your performance. There's a reason why the top athletes, Olympians, etc. all fuel with plenty of carbs.

I've read plenty of studies from Louise Burke who worked for the Australian Institute for Sport and was the Australian Olympic team dietician for 16 years - she has focused on LCHF and the net of it is, fueling with carbs leads to higher performance.

If you want to do both (carnivore + fuel workouts with carbs) it's possible for sure, but I guess it depends on how frequently you're training/racing.
Can you only eat seasoned meat or can it be in sauces, such as chicken in a tuscan sauce, ground beef in marinara etc
Anyone have issues with muscle cramps when doing carnivore? I’ve been on a strict carnivore diet all month and experienced awful foot/leg cramps snowboarding recently. Do you use any supplements with potassium?
Anyone have issues with muscle cramps when doing carnivore? I’ve been on a strict carnivore diet all month and experienced awful foot/leg cramps snowboarding recently. Do you use any supplements with potassium?
Do you drink LMNT salt packets? Those have helped me. I used to have bad cramping issues in my feet and hamstrings, haven't had that in a long time now since I started using the lmnt salt packets.
Do you drink LMNT salt packets? Those have helped me. I used to have bad cramping issues in my feet and hamstrings, haven't had that in a long time now since I started using the lmnt salt packets.
I don’t. I have only been drinking water and coffee.
I’ve done keto diet for the last 6 months. Lost some weight. Went from 200 to 189 but it’s tough to keep eating the same things.

The dairy part with all the creams and cheeses was great at first but you get sick of it towards the end.

I’m feeling better so I’m re-introducing other foods…

The sustainability is the hardest part. But I have found not eating sugar and staying away from alcohol and processed foods has been the biggest improvement for my over all well being.
Are these similar to liquid IV?
Similar but cheaper, taste great. Lmnt are pretty solid. I have added celtic sea salt to my aminos that I drink with creatine in the gym and it has eliminated cramps from heavy 90min weight sessions. I actually add a teaspoon to the lmnt which already have salt. I have attempted to eliminate all other forms of salt from my diet if possible other than the celtic sea salt, it tastes amazing as well.

I typically eat 250g protein and 150-350gr carbs a day(depending on what I'm doing in gym) and try to keep fat between 80-125gr. I do not eat processed meat, try to eat organic veggies and use food products of minimal preservatives and as low ingredient as possible. Try to stay away from HFCS.

As to the carnivore eaters, I'm seriously interested in trying this. I am a gym rat, 39yo, 5'10 usually float 217-225 around 12-14% bf(measured via water weight methods, no electro scan they read me at 9-10%). I suffer from a lot of joint pain, heavily in shoulders and knees. Likely the heavy weights and contact sports through mid 20s. I eat a lot of carbs, but still get fasted glucose of sub 80 on blood work so still insulin sensitive. I have a sweet tooth, and I REALLY want to kick the control and cravings glucose has on me at times. I've tried keto once in the past and 4-7 days in I felt like death, brain fog was surreal, and my job is oil drilling project management and I have to be sharp, on my game for 12 hr shifts. I do get 2 weeks off, before my next 2 week rotation, so perhaps starting last few days of work and using the 14 off to get swapped over.

Anyone use this diet that are already relatively lean and in solid shape, lots of muscle mass? What were your results? I'm totally fine with losing some muscle honestly, I know everyone that uses this diet seems to cut body fat immediately even though they're still eating a lot of calories. I'd like to be walking around 200# and be around 8% bf. Also I stay in this condition currently with circuit training, super sets, minimal rest between sets, I do little cardio other than 15min warm up on high incline at 4mph walk, and extracurriculars with the missus throughout the week.
those of you doing carnivore/keto have referenced getting blood work done. are you just asking your doc for a blood test? I lost about 25 lbs from nov to early jan but went on a trip and debating getting back on it. its by far the easiest diet ive done as its the only self control i have (not wanting to get out of ketosis) when all my coworkers bring their junk food to work to share. i wasnt getting any blood tests done which probably isnt best practice. want to do it right if i start again or at least see how my body reacts. physically wise i was a little more irritable but way less sore after workouts
I got my blood work done after 4 weeks of starting carnivore, but I had also cheated for 8 days on vacation. BP (1st #) was lower than its ever been. I was 120/78. Typically in the 128-130 range. So not huge difference, but I noticed it. Rest of my blood work showed was good, cholesterol was at the point where doc wanted to give me something. I said no. It has been there for 15 years. My resting heart rate has dropped 13 bpm, which with the lower BP tells me the cholesterol is not clogging my arteries. Not sure if that is true, but I don't understand how it makes the reverse true? Doc wants to do blood work again in 90 days. She also was accepting of the carnivore diet, which was nice. Not always the case.
I suffer from a lot of joint pain, heavily in shoulders and knees.
khuber84, I personally can tell you that carnivore eliminated my joint pain. I also have 2 family members and 1 very close friend that it eliminated their joint pain. I can only speak from experience but if you did carnivore for a couple weeks your joint pain may go away. Maybe supplement fruit before a intense work out.