Are these similar to liquid IV?
Similar but cheaper, taste great. Lmnt are pretty solid. I have added celtic sea salt to my aminos that I drink with creatine in the gym and it has eliminated cramps from heavy 90min weight sessions. I actually add a teaspoon to the lmnt which already have salt. I have attempted to eliminate all other forms of salt from my diet if possible other than the celtic sea salt, it tastes amazing as well.
I typically eat 250g protein and 150-350gr carbs a day(depending on what I'm doing in gym) and try to keep fat between 80-125gr. I do not eat processed meat, try to eat organic veggies and use food products of minimal preservatives and as low ingredient as possible. Try to stay away from HFCS.
As to the carnivore eaters, I'm seriously interested in trying this. I am a gym rat, 39yo, 5'10 usually float 217-225 around 12-14% bf(measured via water weight methods, no electro scan they read me at 9-10%). I suffer from a lot of joint pain, heavily in shoulders and knees. Likely the heavy weights and contact sports through mid 20s. I eat a lot of carbs, but still get fasted glucose of sub 80 on blood work so still insulin sensitive. I have a sweet tooth, and I REALLY want to kick the control and cravings glucose has on me at times. I've tried keto once in the past and 4-7 days in I felt like death, brain fog was surreal, and my job is oil drilling project management and I have to be sharp, on my game for 12 hr shifts. I do get 2 weeks off, before my next 2 week rotation, so perhaps starting last few days of work and using the 14 off to get swapped over.
Anyone use this diet that are already relatively lean and in solid shape, lots of muscle mass? What were your results? I'm totally fine with losing some muscle honestly, I know everyone that uses this diet seems to cut body fat immediately even though they're still eating a lot of calories. I'd like to be walking around 200# and be around 8% bf. Also I stay in this condition currently with circuit training, super sets, minimal rest between sets, I do little cardio other than 15min warm up on high incline at 4mph walk, and extracurriculars with the missus throughout the week.