Carnivore Diet

Free t should be checked.It’s worth it even if you pay out of pocket.Total tee is not totally clear without it.I’m shocked trt is prescribed without knowing both.
Free t should be checked.It’s worth it even if you pay out of pocket.Total tee is not totally clear without it.I’m shocked trt is prescribed without knowing both.

Reason I checked was my BIL is on T and 5 years younger than me. Made me curious where mine was. Pretty surprised. Labido is fine, so I'm not real concerned about numbers.

If I eventually feel like it's time for T, I'll definitely check everything relevant (cortisol, estradiol, DHEA, free T, etc.).
I’m 4-months into a version of the carnivore diet. I’m following more of the “Lion Diet”, which involves eating ruminant meat. My cheating is the occasional consumption of fish I’ve caught or some of the feral pig I’ve harvested. I do have heavy cream a few days a week with my coffee.

My doctor had recently prescribed a statin and I’ve been taking blood pressure medication for a couple years. I’ve been suffering joint pain for years. Since I’ve started the diet I feel better than I have in decades. I’m down 40# and could stand to lose another 20. I’ve been monitoring my blood pressure and I’m now at a healthy level.

I’ve done “keto” a few years ago and dropped some pounds, but fell off it pretty quickly. I’ll have some bloodwork done in a couple months and we’ll see if I’m improving with the cholesterol.
been making my own tallow. Butcher saves me the fat trimmings from the good is good in coffee and with eggs.

anyone else make or use tallow?
Yes I use tallow, mostly for cooking. I buy it from Amazon, a 4 pound tub, Sulu Organics sells it, it's from grass fed beef. Good stuff. Haven't tried it in my coffee but that sounds like something I need to try. I like cooking my scrambled eggs in it. It's a good way to increase my fat intake.
Sorry, fellas. I got my pee-pee slapped and put on a timeout from Rokslide for calling out some hypocrites in an un-gentlemanly manner.

I’m back. Still going strong. Haven’t been in the gym for about a month and a half due to work and coaching football. Plan on starting going in the morning everyday around 4:30am.

Weight stalled around 237ish and would fluctuate between 237-241. I cut out all the heavy cream I was putting in my coffee and was down to 235 in three days. I’m definitely not at a caloric deficit, as others have mentioned is what happens on this diet. There’s a difference between burning carbs/sugar for fuel and burning fat.

Glad to see all the replies and awesome stories. Don’t worry about everyone who thinks they know what’s best for you. It’s not for everybody, but it works for the majority.
Started 7-1. Blood test first week july was thyroid 7.5, free t 5.7, total t 490.

Blood test 9-20. Thyroid 2.5, free t missed and will go back for that tomorrow, total t 888.

68 yoa and all natural. Did start d3 and boron daily on 7-1.

Having some issues that we are testing for tomorrow also.
I am interested in following your journey with this. I am also interested in this diet. However I am not up to speed on it.
I'm late to comment on this post . But I have been following in since mid summer . On August 1st. I went mostly strict Carnivore (ratio yogurt) For gut health . And have lost 42 lbs . It was an interesting season staying carnivore, but enjoyable for the type of hunting we did this year (Coastal Roosevelt) . and really didnt seem to slow me down .
Overall Its been a great experience and I'm going to trend into a ketovore type end the end of October for 3 months then revaluate which is better for me . A big Thank you for the push from all of you for the last 5 months, while I lurked before I tried this eating style!
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My wife and I just started. We'll see how it goes. I quit drinking 5 months ago and needed some time to make another life change. Going to roll into carnivore for at least 30 days but can't imagine I won't like it from all the good I have seen with friends doing it. Good luck and keep it up all!
As my late season deer tag gets closer still going a pretty strict Carnivore diet. Down 72 lbs. , the weight seems to be coming off slower but still trending down generally. My plan is to stay strict till I hit the 200 lbs. mark. I am at 243 so another 43 lbs. I haven't been below 200 lbs. for 20 plus years so it will be a big confidence booster for me. We got one other bull during archery season since this is a hunting website figured people would enjoy a pic.

Way late to the program here.
Just started cutting stuff out, plan to go strict Carnivore in January. Allowing some cheats so cravings aren't so bad. But have cut out 2 pops a day, and over 90% of my sweets. That alone should help. Those that are Carnivore Diet, are you 2 meals a day or 3MAD? How does that work with 8-5? Curious/anxious for January.
5 11 230. Would LOVE to be under 190. Inflammation, back and knee are issues also. Thanks for any help.
Started 7-1. Blood test first week july was thyroid 7.5, free t 5.7, total t 490.

Blood test 9-20. Thyroid 2.5, free t missed and will go back for that tomorrow, total t 888.

68 yoa and all natural. Did start d3 and boron daily on 7-1.

Having some issues that we are testing for tomorrow also.
Am I understanding this correctly that your total Testosterone went from 490 to 888 in 2.5 months just from Carnivore? If so, this has my attention. Could you also elaborate on what the Thyroid measurements really mean? Thanks Zap!