Carnivore Diet

Was a big fan of this guy until I figured out he was a chiropractor. Not that there’s anything wrong with that or it discredits him, but I kind of feel like he just says stuff and his delivery is really good.
I always love the knock on Chiropractors, who along with NMDs, are the only in ones in my opinion that actually stay up on modern wellness practice or alternative medicine. When's the last time your GP/PCP spent any time reading recent studies, alternative approaches, or analyzing data contradictory to their med school literature that was published in the 70's? Their business model is to see 30-40 patients a day, spend approximately 6 minutes with them, and have them out the door with prescription placed. Any alternatives to their dogmatic lives are quickly shunned (see the last three years of "The Science"). I have very little confidence in modern health care guidance, as illustrated by modern Americans. I spend a lot of time in airports and in the South, we're screwed.

To the OP, the carnivore diet is an excellent tool for combatting autoimmune disorders, but so is GAPS, or a host of other elimination type diets. I had excellent results from it for about 30 days, and then my body fell off. Went back on 80/20 paleo and feel fantastic. But big shock, everybody is different! Do a deep dive into the real 'Liver King', Paul Saladino, MD; his pendulum swing I found to be most insightful, and informative.
I've been on the carnivore or keto (I go back and forth) for two years pretty strict. Over the 4th of July week I had family over and with all the festivities I decided to cheat and eat whatever I want. After eating what I wanted for two days I ended up getting pretty sick. serious pain and cramps in my stomach that kept me down for two days. I will not go off my diet anymore. I feel so much better and healthier on the carnivore/keto. Almost like that's what my body was meant to be on. I have hit an age where what I put in my body definitely affects me a whole lot more than it used to.
Day 79 was f my 100 day goal. I’m actually doing away with my 100 day goal. This is going to be my lifestyle from here on out. My family deserves the best me and this is how I can make it happen. I have some family visiting from Oklahoma and California. We went to an Italian Buffet restaurant near Denver. I had planned on sticking to the diet. I was talked into breaking the diet for “only 1 meal because it’s special and family is here.” Within 10 minutes of eating my first plate, my face was swollen like I got beat up. I was getting a rash and hot flashes all over my body, and it dealt like needles were coming up through me skin. That was enough for me. It did mess with my stomach at all and the reaction was gone by the next day.

Otherwise, I still bounce between 235-238lbs while my body fat % continues to drop. From where I was 2.5 months ago to where I am now at 42 years old I am in complete disbelief. At the gym yesterday my buddy wanted a progress picture and I didn’t realize how much my abs are beginning to show. Maybe another month and I’ll have washboard abs.6E988F8C-A78E-407E-8130-1D19519CDFE2.jpeg
I always love the knock on Chiropractors, who along with NMDs, are the only in ones in my opinion that actually stay up on modern wellness practice or alternative medicine. When's the last time your GP/PCP spent any time reading recent studies, alternative approaches, or analyzing data contradictory to their med school literature that was published in the 70's? Their business model is to see 30-40 patients a day, spend approximately 6 minutes with them, and have them out the door with prescription placed. Any alternatives to their dogmatic lives are quickly shunned (see the last three years of "The Science"). I have very little confidence in modern health care guidance, as illustrated by modern Americans. I spend a lot of time in airports and in the South, we're screwed.

To the OP, the carnivore diet is an excellent tool for combatting autoimmune disorders, but so is GAPS, or a host of other elimination type diets. I had excellent results from it for about 30 days, and then my body fell off. Went back on 80/20 paleo and feel fantastic. But big shock, everybody is different! Do a deep dive into the real 'Liver King', Paul Saladino, MD; his pendulum swing I found to be most insightful, and informative.
Quackery needs to be called out. Medicine that lacks evidence is the modern day snake oil. People are going to do what they want to do. Being healthy is simple and easy in principal: exercise and eat a balanced healthy diet. The issue is that people have no discipline. They eat the standard “American” diet and are lazy. They want a magic pill to fix their poor decisions. Sure, go ahead and blame doctors for it, but no amount of modern medicine can fix 70 years of bodily neglect. People know that smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, and McDonalds are all bad for them but they continue to do it. American health is a sad state, but it’s all related to lifestyle choices
Quackery needs to be called out. Medicine that lacks evidence is the modern day snake oil. People are going to do what they want to do. Being healthy is simple and easy in principal: exercise and eat a balanced healthy diet. The issue is that people have no discipline. They eat the standard “American” diet and are lazy. They want a magic pill to fix their poor decisions. Sure, go ahead and blame doctors for it, but no amount of modern medicine can fix 70 years of bodily neglect. People know that smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, and McDonalds are all bad for them but they continue to do it. American health is a sad state, but it’s all related to lifestyle choices
And the medical and pharmaceutical establishments enable their choices, and even desparately seek to normalize it. "Lacks evidence" is a very difficult term to base your beliefs on; someone (or entity) has to fund a trial or study for their to be "evidence". How my body reacts and responds to what I eat (or don't) and the excercise/therapy I do is the best evidence.
I have test Ketones just bought the strips from the local Pharmacy. Are they accurate I don't know.

On the cusp of 50, weight this morning was 49 lbs. lost (266). Not a strict Carnivore all the time but pretty close. I some time have nuts, avocado, cheese, olives mainly on weekends. During the week pretty easy to stay full Carnivore.
Question....if you're lifting weights do you use a protein shake after weights? After lifting I currently use 2 servings of liquid egg whites, water protein, protein powder. Does the protein powder have to get tossed to stay carnivore?
Question....if you're lifting weights do you use a protein shake after weights? After lifting I currently use 2 servings of liquid egg whites, water protein, protein powder. Does the protein powder have to get tossed to stay carnivore?
If you are on carnivore, you shouldn’t need protein shakes anymore. You should be getting plenty of protein with the meat you are eating.
You could use up the protein powder while you transition to full carnivore....and for a drink while transitioning to an intermittent fasting schedule. At least that is what I am doing...right now.
Got my blood work back.

General Chemistry
Glucose: 65
Creatinine: 1.3
Sodium: 136
Chloride: 100
CO2: 23
Calcium: 9.2
Total Protein: 7.1
Albumin: 4.3
Globulin: 2.8
Bilirubin: 1.2
Alkaline Phosphatase: 89
ALT: 32
AST: 29
Albumin/Globulin Ration: 1.5

Diabetes Evaluation
Hemoglobin A1C: 4.9

Iron/Anemia Eval
B12: 650

Coronary Risk
Triglycerides: 148
Total Cholesterol: 188
HDL: 48
LDL: 88
Chol/HDL Ratio: 3.9
Vitamin D: 60

Thyroid Testing:
Free T3: 2.3
Free T4: 1.5
TSH: 1.328
Thyroid Peroxidase:
Tumor Markers:
Total PSA: 0.980

Endocrine Eval
Edtrodial: 12.4
Total Test: 980
Sex Hormone: 28
Free Test: 22

Every single test was in normal range. Doctor said he can’t believe the numbers compared to my blood work last year given my diet of meat, eggs, butter, and tallow for only 70 days. He said it goes against what he was taught in med school. I was pre-diabetic, high cholesterol, high BP on BP meds, on blood thinners, poor liver and kidney function, 24% body fat, sleep apnea, and high visceral fat levels. I’m am now in normal range of all tests, off all meds, no more sleep apnea, normal visceral fat levels, liver and kidney function normal, and 14.7% body fat and continuing to drop. Tipped the scale at 236lbs, down 38lbs. I feel great. No more joint pain. High energy all day. I can’t imagine going back to eating and feeling the way I did before.
Umm, glucose of 65 isn't quite normal, you're a bit hypoglycemic. (I'm type 1 diabetic, on a pump and CGM) Normal is between 80 and 120. Your A1C, stellar.

I wouldn't freak over it, but for me, 65 is dragging a bit, and mental acuity falls off. The good news is that your body shifts to converting fat to sugar for fuel when you're hypoglycemic, but, you're generally bonked, and physical performance suffers too... A long day hunting, I'd slip carbs in (start small) to see if it helps...

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Anyone testing for Ketones? What method works?

Ketostix is what I used. Cost was the motivation for the choice. My initial struggle was that my LDL shot up until I diversified my fat and added hemp and flax, then my HDL drastically improved.

The struggles I had with 20-40g of carbs per day was that I felt sluggish mentally (not keto flu, I was doing mineral supplements) and as a type 1 diabetic, anything cardio and my glucose level crashed and I'd have to add back carbs. Juggling.

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I’m a little over 2 weeks into giving carnivore a try. I have hit a wall this week, my muscles are very fatigued. I’m going to incorporate the Paul Saldino method and add in some fruit and honey to see if that helps.