Update: about 5 weeks in now, my weight has stalled at 247lbs since I’ve been hitting the gym, but I continue losing fat. I’ve been doing a full body hypertrophic specific training workout Mon-Weds-Fri and cardio & core on Tues & Thurs. My bloodwork got pushed to the end of June but my doctor took me off of my blood pressure meds and I am sitting at 120/63 off the meds. I went from tight fitting XXL shirts to loose fitting XL shirts, tight fitting size 38 pants to extremely loose fitting 36. Probably need to buy some 34’s soon. My belt is in the last hole (dropped 4 holes) and will have to punch some new holes in soon. Feeling great. High energy all day. Better sleep at night. Back pain has disappeared. Six pack is starting to make a comeback. All carb/sugar cravings have gone away. I eat 1.5-2 lbs of meat a day, 4-6 eggs, and some cheese. Buttered coffee in the mornings. Over a gallon of water each day. Every morning I take a men’s One-A-Day, NMN, vitamins A,D,K, and a B12 supplement. I have an extremely healthy stool every 2-3 days. No bloating. No lethargy.