Can we unite as Hunters?


Mar 4, 2012
Another example of hunters being selfish was on another big time public land hunter board this morning. One poster who never misses a chance to show off his wealth talking about how he just purchased another 40 acres to add to his hunting property and that also now land locks a piece of blm so he will be the only one with access. I’ll admit I’m kinda jealous of it but at the same time he’s doing nothing to benefit other hunters and in fact probably only making things worse for others


Jan 12, 2021
We could if people would stop worrying about how everyone else hunts. Some guys like crossbows, others like sitting over a corn feeder. Who cares. It doesn't affect me. Also, instead of getting pissed off there are too many hunters out west and blaming influencers, why not blame the State wildlife management agencies for issuing too many tags? People hunt out west because it's freakin amazing. I think covid was to blame more than anything for the increase. People had a lot of time off "working" from home and realized life is short.
Aug 21, 2016
We need less hunters not more. If people drop out due to frustration over this or that i think that’s great and a huge step towards preserving hunting for those willing to actually put in the effort needed to do it.

Hunting is the fabric of humanity. Just because l
urbanites who pay people to change their oil because they don’t know how don’t like hunting doesn’t mean it’s going anywhere. I’ve heard this stuff since i started hunting in the 80s yet here i am, still hunting. I’ve not lost a single right to hunt since those days.

What i have lost is un molested and un touched spots to hunt which has degraded the hunting in general. Can only blame the onx toting, crossbow toting (cause you know it’s just as hard as archery), e biking in (cause walking makes you sweat), flat bill wearing Youtube addicts for that. I can’t wait for them to lose interest so we can make hunting great again.
Last edited:
Feb 12, 2022
Because in my experience most the anti-hunters are uniformed, and not knowing is easier than knowing. All conversations with them go something like this:

"I'm fine with hunting, I just don't like trophy hunting"

"I eat everything I kill, the meat is the best part"

"Oh I'm fine with that"

Every time. The funniest is when I had a conversation with someone and I explained that you can in fact hunt polar bears, because they aren't on the endangered species list (which is a good thing). His solution was that they should be put on the list.
Then they aren't anti hunters.
Nov 7, 2018
The sad conclusion to my hopeful request: rokslide can unite on things like Tikka rifles but we are unable to unite to protect hunting.

If we are lucky, this thread will get locked.

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Swamp Fox

Oct 20, 2022
The sad conclusion to my hopeful request: rokslide can unite on things like Tikka rifles but we are unable to unite to protect hunting.

If we are lucky, this thread will get locked.

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There is no doubt in my mind:

The best way to unite hunters is to shut down discussion.
Aug 21, 2016
The sad conclusion to my hopeful request: rokslide can unite on things like Tikka rifles but we are unable to unite to protect hunting.

If we are lucky, this thread will get locked.

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There is only one single thing that needs to be done to protect hunting. That one thing is super simple, stop destroying it.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
I don't know that uniting hunters is even as necessary as just getting hunters to be involved. Look at the pathetic participation rates when there are open meetings. We don't all have to agree on most things but getting involved would go a long way.
We had a public forum meeting down here for a refuge. 440 hunter pool. 18 showed.

The only time we hear from the masses is after they change the rules and add redtrictions but then it is too late.

Add the NR factor and we have R vs NR. I’ve given up.


Dec 6, 2015
We could if people would stop worrying about how everyone else hunts. Some guys like crossbows, others like sitting over a corn feeder. Who cares. It doesn't affect me. Also, instead of getting pissed off there are too many hunters out west and blaming influencers, why not blame the State wildlife management agencies for issuing too many tags? People hunt out west because it's freakin amazing. I think covid was to blame more than anything for the increase. People had a lot of time off "working" from home and realized life is short.
We blame them also. influencers and game and fish, it’s an easy sell on instagram to have a mountain back drop but it’s not cracked up to what it used to be low success tons of people
it’s hilarious you say it’s amazing
i guess it is if you’ve never seen a mountain and you spend 2k plus to take a selfie with a “vista“ in the background


Jan 12, 2021
We blame them also. influencers and game and fish, it’s an easy sell on instagram to have a mountain back drop but it’s not cracked up to what it used to be low success tons of people
it’s hilarious you say it’s amazing
i guess it is if you’ve never seen a mountain and you spend 2k plus to take a selfie with a “vista“ in the background
If you don't think the west is amazing, I feel sorry for you. I went to Montana for my vacation this year and I thought it was the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Try hunting in New Jersey.


Nov 5, 2018
Too many hunters are ok with adding new regulations or taking away certain seasons because it isn't their preferred method. We are our own worst enemies.

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
All too often, I am very guilty of this, we as hunters focus on what new piece of glass, or bullet or broadhead we want when we have free time/money.

However, right in front of our face, the Western model of conservation and our hunting rights are being chipped away. Right now the focus is on CO and the issues (like wolves and trophy hunting) they are facing but don’t worry all, this is coming for you and the states that you love to hunt. Hell I’m not even a CO resident but what is going on there is so axxbackwards that it fires me up and worries me of what is to come.

If you guys don’t follow @mikeduplan on instagram, you should. He is helping educate the hunting population on how to donate to CRWM and why it is important.

There are groups like CRWM, Foundation for Wildlife Management, Howl for Wildlife, etc that are fighting for us and my hat is off to them. But I wanted to get a discussion going on here to see if anyone has ideas or needs help enacting plans to unite the hunters? Or how we can increase hunters donating to organizations that will fight for us?

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CWRM will be on the Rokcast Monday 1/1. @Travis Hobbs just recorded the episode. Plenty of info we all need to take in to continue the fight. We donated to CWRM too, heftily. Colorado needs us.
Nov 7, 2018
CWRM will be on the Rokcast Monday 1/1. @Travis Hobbs just recorded the episode. Plenty of info we all need to take in to continue the fight. We donated to CWRM too, heftily. Colorado needs us.

Thanks Robby for the info and thank you for the donation! CRWM seems to be getting some good donation traction lately with the recent releases of wolfs. I hope this donation traction continues and they can continue to fight for hunting

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robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Thanks Robby for the info and thank you for the donation! CRWM seems to be getting some good donation traction lately with the recent releases of wolfs. I hope this donation traction continues and they can continue to fight for hunting

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