It ends where we let professionals like biologists set tag quotas and manage species scientifically. You want to shoot a deer with a rifle in august? Well if the biologists say it’s ok and the state issues a tag then go for it. You want to scout or hunt with a drone? Go for it provided it’s legal which I’m pretty sure it’s not in every state.. I don’t use cell cams or game cams at all, AZ made them illegal. Doesn’t mean I think people in Kansas shouldn’t use them. These are all things that some hunters don’t like. I still do not care about what other hunters do as long as the professional biologists are good with the number and type of animals being taken.
Now an example of how this works is that let’s say they legalize drone hunting. Ok cool. Billy bob goes out gets him a drone and starts to really figure out the deer. Well his success rate goes through the roof and so does everyone else’s. Instead of a 10% success rate we get a 70% success rate. So now instead of 10 deer getting killed 70 deer got killed. Well the bio isn’t to happy with that. After all they sold 100 tags to result in 10 deer killed not 70. So next year drones are still legal. Bio only issues 15 tags instead of 100 because he knows a 70% success rate is likely. Now this year only 10 deer are killed so the harvest was sustainable. A lot of folks are upset because they didn’t get a tag and didn’t get to hunt that unit but hey the resource is protected. The flip side is we can say no drones and still put out 100 tags and kill 10 deer.
The point is that as social media, technology, etc advances let the biologists do what they need to do and support them. And if someone wants to hunt and put up a YouTube video or a grip and grin on Facebook as long as everything is legal and honest then don’t put them down. You don’t have to watch the video or look at the pictures but you don’t have to talk trash about them either. Now if they get caught doing something illegal then ya bash away and distinguish poaching vs hunting.
I care about the resource and habitat. I work in natural resources management after all so that is something very important to me. I do complain about hunters but it’s not how or why they are hunting. It’s about the fires they leave unattended or the trash they leave behind. Both illegal by the way.
Yeppers, I care about the resource AND the habitat. They go hand-in-hand!
Here is a study in irony!
Texas archery season opens Oct 1.
No "Primitive Arms" (muzzle loader) season
Deer "Gun" season opens Nov 1 (?) and runs until the first day or two of Jan.
Texas hunting licensing runs 9-1 thru 8-31.
Oklahoma archery season opens Oct 1.
"Primitive Arms" season is 1 week and is the last of Oct and into Nov.
Regular gun season opens the Saturday before Thanksgiving and closes the first Sunday in Dec.
"Bonus Antlerless" opens the Monday before Christmas and runs for 2 weeks.
Texas gets 3 months of Archery and 2 months (+/-) for a general gun season.
WE get 3 months of archery, 1 week of "Primitive Arms", 2 weeks of "Regular Gun" and a 2 week "antlerless" season!
This has nothing to do with population! We have deer out the wahzoo here in OK!
Other than limits (OK 7, TX 5) tell me why TX gets 8 weeks to gun hunt, but here in OK, we only get 4 with 2 of those weeks, "Antlerless Only"?