CA fatal lion attack

I guess I'm the odd man out here.

40 million people in a state and there is bound to be some wild animal attacks. I don't like California or Californians, in any way, shape or form. They are aggressively anti-hunting and anti-constitution. Commies, all up and down. If Russia nuked the entire state, the biggest tragedy would be the destruction of the Kuiu showroom. That is how low my opinion of California is.

THAT SAID, we have lion attacks here in Montana, too. Not sure you can actually say that the government is responsible for this one.

Wild animals live outside, and that's a risk you run. Frankly, I wish lions would eat more Californians. ALOT more.
I accidentally liked your post and couldn’t figure out how to un-like it. You think all Californians aren’t human and deserve to die. That says a lot more about you and the level of your intellect than it does about Californians. You would have made a great Nazi.
One young man (not that it should matter but he’s a hunter and country boy) is dead, another had to watch his brother die the most horrific way imaginable and is also in the hospital. A mother and a father lost their child in a manner unimaginable. And here you are with these comments. Loss of words bro, just sad really.

Not that I disagree with your point, but being killed by an apex predator while strolling through his kitchen is NOT the most horrific way to die by a far stretch…

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This is really sad.

I've had up close and personal (sub 30 yard) encounters with lions twice in the past year, immediately adjacent to a fairly densely populated neighborhood. I live in a western state with liberal access to over the counter, dog assisted lion hunting opportunity. Doesn't matter. They make a good living here wherever there are substantial whitetail herds.

They are incredible creatures and we are in each other's territory in the woods/town interface. I think about them differently now that I have a baby in a house in that neighborhood. We have big dogs that live for visits from predators, which helps, but ultimately we just have to be vigilant in a different way now.


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It's unfortunate that one guy is dead and the other has life altering injuries. I have read the story on a few other fews feeds and other forums. It seems the LEO had to consider the guy the cat was standing over was still alive so he shot to scare the cat off rather than possible shooting the victim. I can't help but think, if someone had just went out and shot any Mt. lion, the mass uproar in Ca. of someone shooting a Mt. lion. Some people have more compassion for the cats than for human life.
Again, it's what they voted for ! It will become more prevelent as the population grows, and they lose there fear of humans. Common sense. Oh yea, and can't own guns to protect your self or others, its crazy.
Not that I disagree with your point, but being killed by an apex predator while strolling through his kitchen is NOT the most horrific way to die by a far stretch…

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Oh come on, it’s up there. You ain’t choosing to get gnawed on by a 120 lb cat in your top 100 ways to die. It doesn’t happen fast.
Again, it's what they voted for ! It will become more prevelent as the population grows, and they lose there fear of humans. Common sense. Oh yea, and can't own guns to protect your self or others, its crazy.

I don’t disagree entirely but mountain lions are apex predators period, no matter what state it’s possible to get eaten by one. When I lived in CA I had a CCW, AR-15, safe full of guns and ammo, etc. So your statement that you can’t own guns is fake news. The Sierra Nevada foothill county’s are full of good people and LEOs. It’s not SF/Marin county/LA county.
Sadly there is a lot more wildlife related voter initiatives coming down the pipe.

Hard to argue science when a lot of folk’s experience with wildlife is limited to Walt Disney films.

Maybe an initiative to get rid of initiatives.
One young man (not that it should matter but he’s a hunter and country boy) is dead, another had to watch his brother die the most horrific way imaginable and is also in the hospital. A mother and a father lost their child in a manner unimaginable. And here you are with these comments. Loss of words bro, just sad really.

Glad you wrote this so I know it’s not just us Californians who are morally bankrupt. You should move here. You’d fit right in.

Agreed. It is sad to see how badly our society has degraded.

My comments were made tongue in cheek, but there is some truth to them. This used to be a great country, but states like California are why we can't have nice things. At some point, we have to recognize the reality facing us. Anyone who lives there is complicit and is voluntarily giving their tax dollars over to an evil force. Lion management is about 681st on my list of evils committed by the California government, and again, its not even clear that this attack is attributable to that.
Oh come on, it’s up there. You ain’t choosing to get gnawed on by a 120 lb cat in your top 100 ways to die. It doesn’t happen fast.

I watch people die in hospitals for a living. Mauling by an apex predator and going out with your boots on is no where near the top of a list of worst ways to die.

Young people dying is always tragic, there is no discounting that. I feel for that family. Every time a cat (or bear, etc) grabs someone half the hunting community loses their mind and starts talking about how it will be toddlers on tricycles next and a bunch of other nonsense. Fact is, there are millions of people out there working/playing out there with cats and bears every day. A couple incidents a year. Even for people who spend a ton of time out in those places, it ranks right up there with getting hit by lightning in terms of odds.

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My comments were made tongue in cheek, but there is some truth to them. This used to be a great country, but states like California are why we can't have nice things. At some point, we have to recognize the reality facing us. Anyone who lives there is complicit and is voluntarily giving their tax dollars over to an evil force. Lion management is about 681st on my list of evils committed by the California government, and again, it’s not even clear that this attack is attributable to that.
And the troll doubles down! In 20 years when your state turns fully blue, you might understand how good people can end up living under a bad government.
My comments were made tongue in cheek, but there is some truth to them. This used to be a great country, but states like California are why we can't have nice things. At some point, we have to recognize the reality facing us. Anyone who lives there is complicit and is voluntarily giving their tax dollars over to an evil force. Lion management is about 681st on my list of evils committed by the California government, and again, its not even clear that this attack is attributable to that.
That's 2.5 million people-1990 numbers, roughly half the state- that you are saying should leave the state, or they are complicit. MT and WY together couldn't possibly get close to coming up with that many red votes, even if you got 100% of the voters in both states to check the same box. Without these people here and voting, much more would have passed over the yrs. We do get some small wins here and there.

But don't worry, plenty are heading your way every day. And on the next thread complaining about Californians moving to your state and ruining it, we will all see you chiming in defending them for being brave enough to leave California, right?

Edit: @t_carlson - Lest you think theres any ill will, I'll be in MT at least a few times this yr. PM me and I'll buy you a beer if I'm near you. We can both complain about the the real problem - CA liberal voters. Or if by some chance your lose your ever loving mind and decided to come out here to Sodom, maybe to see Yosemite or some of the other beautiful land that's not part of a blue city, hit me up.
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And the troll doubles down! In 20 years when your state turns fully blue, you might understand how good people can end up living under a bad government.

I understand how good people can end up living under a bad government. What I don't understand is staying there. If MT turns blue, I'll leave. You can bank on that.

That's 2.5 million people-1990 numbers, roughly half the state- that you are saying should leave the state, or they are complicit. MT and WY together couldn't possibly get close to coming up with that many red votes, even if you got 100% of the voters in both states to check the same box. Without these people here and voting, much more would have passed over the yrs. We do get some small wins here and there.

But don't worry, plenty are heading your way every day. And on the next thread complaining about Californians moving to your state and ruining it, we will all see you chiming in defending them for being brave enough to leave California, right?

Edit: @t_carlson - Lest you think theres any ill will, I'll be in MT at least a few times this yr. PM me and I'll buy you a beer if I'm near you. We can both complain about the the real problem - CA liberal voters. Or if by some chance your lose your ever loving mind and decided to come out here to Sodom, maybe to see Yosemite or some of the other beautiful land that's not part of a blue city, hit me up.

MT will give 4 electoral votes to the Republican nominee this fall. Wyoming will give 3.

California will give 54 to the Democrat nominee. Those red voters are not doing much good for anyone in that regard, and internally, whatever moderation they provide is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The state is gone, and continuing to pay taxes in that state is only enabling it further.

I welcome anyone who wants to move to MT that has conservative values. Rumor has it, there is a family from California moving into the house next door to ours. He supposedly asked the realtor about duck hunting opportunities on the property. I plan on trying to make friends with him, as they have apparently seen the light.

I appreciate your offer, but I don't drink. I'm in Great Falls. We can get a burger at the famous Roadhouse Diner instead maybe.

As far as going to CA, I've been to SF, LA, and Santa Barbara. I'll probably go back to Santa Barbara someday as a friend of mine lives there, but not until some rationality is reintroduced to the state's politics. I'm not going to spend any time in a California prison just because one of the protected class tried to rob my family.