CA fatal lion attack

I understand how good people can end up living under a bad government. What I don't understand is staying there. If MT turns blue, I'll leave. You can bank on that.

MT will give 4 electoral votes to the Republican nominee this fall. Wyoming will give 3.

California will give 54 to the Democrat nominee. Those red voters are not doing much good for anyone in that regard, and internally, whatever moderation they provide is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The state is gone, and continuing to pay taxes in that state is only enabling it further.

I welcome anyone who wants to move to MT that has conservative values. Rumor has it, there is a family from California moving into the house next door to ours. He supposedly asked the realtor about duck hunting opportunities on the property. I plan on trying to make friends with him, as they have apparently seen the light.

I appreciate your offer, but I don't drink. I'm in Great Falls. We can get a burger at the famous Roadhouse Diner instead maybe.

As far as going to CA, I've been to SF, LA, and Santa Barbara. I'll probably go back to Santa Barbara someday as a friend of mine lives there, but not until some rationality is reintroduced to the state's politics. I'm not going to spend any time in a California prison just because one of the protected class tried to rob my family.
The U.S. has a democrat for a president. By your logic that makes you a horrible person who should find another country to live in.
The U.S. has a democrat for a president. By your logic that makes you a horrible person who should find another country to live in.

I'd leave the US if there was someplace else to go. The problem is, there is not.

On the other hand, there are states other than California you could move to.
I'd leave the US if there was someplace else to go. The problem is, there is not.

On the other hand, there are states other than California you could move to.
I’ll stay here where the money is and I can hunt and fish year my votes do count especially on local issues which have much more of an impact on my day to day.

Remind me to grab a some additional B tags next time I come to Montana though.
(deleted rant about Republican infighting and the RNC being sucked dry paying legal bills for one person)

I was surprised the cat attacked two adults - that’s quite uncommon. I’m looking forward to hearing the details that come out. If they saw the cat and simply took off running and that triggered it, that would be unfortunate.

I saw a cat that had just covered up a dead cow elk with pine needles - that was impressive and made me feel small - it’s a wonder they don’t take more people.

One of the few times hiking that the spirit spoke to me was following the path a family took in Colorado, with their young daughter (grand daughter?) just lagging behind a short distance. She quietly disappeared off the trail when a cat grabbed her and headed up into some big rocks. Even if they had seen the cat do it, there would have been no way to keep up in the boulder field and brush. To see and stand where the family was and where the cat took her was really something - I’ll never let a kid get more than a few arm lengths behind me after that.
I'd leave the US if there was someplace else to go. The problem is, there is not.

On the other hand, there are states other than California you could move to.
California was an awesome state, until the masses from other states moved here and took over.

Plenty of people here in Ca are biding their time to earn their persion, retirement... it would simply be stupid for many to walk away from that.
If you don't eat them the wolves will!

When did that start happening. The 1960's?
The 60s weren't bad. Hell, I grew up hunting the hills across the street. The cops would stop and chat to me about the hunting, never questioning the rifle I had with me. All those out of staters totally changed that.
Guys, I gotta laugh. I read the first page. Then decided I didnt want to spend required time to read 2-3 so skipped to 4.

Went from "damn cats, they are everywhere. We should hunt them" to
nuke this, democrat that, RNC the other.

This country is polarized beyond human repair. Pray for healing.
Kinda surprised this hasn't been locked yet tbh
California was an awesome state, until the masses from other states moved here and took over.

Plenty of people here in Ca are biding their time to earn their persion, retirement... it would simply be stupid for many to walk away from that.
Damn the 19th century and its western expansion!!!

"When I say, 'Whoa!', I mean Whoa!" --- LOL

I think the moral of the story is be careful what you wish for. 🙃

Yosemite Sam: Whoa! and Yaah! --LOL
And the troll doubles down! In 20 years when your state turns fully blue, you might understand how good people can end up living under a bad government.
Bad, blue govt (synonymous?)….that sounds like a nightmare, one we’re living in right now.

I guess if you resign yourself to that thought we don’t have much to look forward to, in my opinion.

I’d rather go back to better days.
This was recorded recently in Kalispell, MT, which isn't exactly known as a liberal haven and where lion hunting regulations are permissive:

Mountain lions are incredibly effective specialists, and where our habitats intersect and food sources exist, we will encounter them. Especially as development expands in the region essentially unchecked.
What sort of situations or day to day occurrences do people have that make them care about politics to the degree that is displayed by members here? It’s an honest question. I don’t have kids and I am not a property owner so I assume that’s part of it. But for the most part I just go about my day to day and have little run ins with politic decision making. Regarding run ins with people who are opposing political view, I sort of just ignore or overly express my opposing views to make them despise the opposing agenda even more as it’s clearly able to ruin their day wether or not it’s dramatized or the truth.
This would be the best thing to happen. Is it even legal/possible though, anyone know?
I believe if there was a proposed proposition and they could get enough signatures to get it on the ballet it could be overturned. We tried it with the 12 cent gas tax which was passed, but the opposition put out a lot of miss leading TV adds and the fools took it hock line and sinker.
My comments were made tongue in cheek, but there is some truth to them. This used to be a great country, but states like California are why we can't have nice things. At some point, we have to recognize the reality facing us. Anyone who lives there is complicit and is voluntarily giving their tax dollars over to an evil force. Lion management is about 681st on my list of evils committed by the California government, and again, its not even clear that this attack is attributable to that.

Interesting take, unsurprising though. I would love to know what device you held in your hand or had in front of you as you wrote this? As it probably is made by a company with California roots, a company that has led the way in tech development, employed thousands of Americans, created industries which employ thousands of Americans, primary reason for US tech leadership and continued economic leadership. It’s the 9th largest economy in the world and a reason why nice things exist.