I apologize for:
1. Not reading the article right off.
2. Not letting it go...but this shit really bugs me.
"When a grizzly bear is sprinting towards you at 30 miles per hour and you’re panicking, the chances of squeezing off a perfect shot seem unlikely, and even if you get lucky, the problem of a defensive bear that wants to kill you won’t necessarily be solved."
You don't need a "perfect shot". There are 100s of documented cases of firearms used in bear defense. Many if not most of the time, bullets into bear remedy the situation. Very often the bear runs off to die a distance away. Seldom does the bear persist (at least not in a focused way) after being shot.
And, "seems unlikely"? That means absolutely nothing. Firearms are successful in preventing bear attacks about 98% of the time. We don't need to speculate on what "seems unlikely", just look at the data that's out there.
“If you hit the bear and you don't kill it, you're in a lot more trouble than you would have been otherwise because now that bear's probably gonna be enraged."
This guy is supposed to be both a scientist and a bear biologist. There is almost zero (or zero) data that supports this claim of making an attack worse. He's literally espousing lore and doesn't know what he's talking about or is being purposely deceptive.
“It's unlike anything they’ve ever experienced, and they just want to get out of there instantly. It changes the dynamic, and you don't have to be a good shot with it. So it works much better, and it's a lot less precise of a tool.”
No, it doesn't work better. That's why there's more examples of people that use bear spray getting killed by bears than those that use firearms. Scientists should follow the data, this guy is just another eco-ideologue. I've seen this kind of shit so many times.
"It also means there's a chance both you and the bear will get out of the encounter alive."
And there it is. The bear -will- get out alive, there's a -chance- the bear-sprayer will get out alive. This whole article is simply meant to dissuade people from shooting bears in self defense by telling us bear spray is the best choice, while offering zero data to back up the claims.
"Hey, did you see this!?!? This guy saved himself during a bear attack with a handgun. Maybe I should look into getting a handgun for bear defense?"
"No, no! Bad idea! You want bear spray, yeah, it's MUCH better!

IMO, these people don't give a damn if people are injured or killed by bears from following their advice. It's all about not shooting one of their idols.