Bundy's Won in Oregon and Mistrail in Nevada


May 15, 2013
Central Texas
I am sure this will get a ton of OPINIONS but court case after court case has proven that the Feds inability or downright illegal attempts to prosecute the Bundy's has failed in more than one state and more than one jurisdiction. Before replying though I suggest that you have a look at Ryan Bundy's opening statement in the latest attempt to imprison them and see how well it matches up with the judges decision of a mistrial.

Ryan Bundy's Opening Statement: "This Is Not What America Is Supposed To Be..." | Zero Hedge

Judge Declares Mistrial In Bundy Case, Says Government Willfully Withheld Evidence | Zero Hedge

Bundy brothers found not guilty of conspiracy in Oregon militia standoff | US news | The Guardian

As I have stated on here in the past, I don't agree with the efficacy of the actions at the Wildlife refuge in Oregon (even though the government was clearly trying to hamstring the Hammonds) however, the Bundy Ranch was a different story from the beginning and even the judge declared that the feds were on a "fantastical" "fishing expedition" and withheld EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE...all of this in a Federal Court where the government historically wins 90+% of cases. Happy to see that justice was served (at least for now) but sad to see the depths that the Feds will go to in order to prove a case that doesn't stand on its own merit. Probably not a popular opinion on this site but it is mine (and the judges) nonetheless.
Yeah, how dare someone try to round up a bunch of "trespass" cattle from someone that refuses to pay to graze public land...
If you can't see they're some guilty toolbags, you can't read.

The gov't officials that F'd this up need to lose their jobs.
Bundy is a thief that stole from all American taxpayers plain and simple. If you rent out a house do you let people remain in it after not paying you, how long will you let them stay before kicking them out and getting someone that will pay?
They are deadbeats and should be in prison for their actions. I don't like Government over reach but I also don't like criminals.

Let these guys be martyrs if they believe in it but don't try and defend what they did.
So on the original post Gelton said the 90% of Federal cases have convictions. The reality is all criminal courts have convictions rate that high as they chance of prosecution on a case that isn't winnable, never gets prosecuted.

And if you look at the stats, mistrials don't lessen or increase your chances of a conviction in the future. There are a variety of reasons a mistrial can occur, some of which have nothing to do with the facts of the case. And when they are fac based reasons or prosecutorial missteps, the prosecution fixes those for the next go around. I will be shocked if the Fed's dont win this one in the end with the amount of time and money that has been invested and so that the same behavior doesn't happen again on Federal land.
I don't feel like there's a good guy in this story. The Bundy boys were not without fault, but holy cow, was it mishandled. Regardless of the guilt of the Bundys, the feds lost in the court of public opinion across much of the west, and egos were allowed to eclipse better judgement and deliberate, measured action.
Maybe I'm confusing this now due to the time it first happened and all the actions between now and then. But, if I'm not mistaken, didn't the Bundy's have some sort of deed or something to contradict they were stealing the grazing rights?

Like I said, I'm might be confusing this with something else. So, don't flame me if I am. God Bless
..."removed first comment to try to keep this more civil"...

I think the authorities and the general public are not equipped as they would like to be to deal with such a bold move like a hostile takeover of public land. I sat and watched the day to day activities of these nut jobs in OR while the public they claimed to be representing just wanted them to get the #$%^ out. I hope the feds get their ducks in a row, and put these guys away.
They were stealing from you and I. Feds handled it bad. All these folks running livestock on public land are raping the land, our land , that is bad enough, but to not pay for that usage is no more than theft.

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