Elk broadhead

since pictures make the thread…..(pictured with 3” feathers for a size comparison)
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I’m going with the $6 head I’ve used for awhile now- on the right, its blown through many critters- inc Moose, big hogs, deer, etc even when I was shooting 46#.

I thought about trying those Aussie heads- on left- but don’t like the blade angle
What IS that $6 dollar head in the right?
Kudu or kudu contour+ for me. If you're serious about sharpness, they're simple to sharpen and provide the best bang for your $, without going to a premium head like iron will or GrizzlyStik. Although I've had some bending on really hard impact to joints on elk, they've still 1. gotten the job done. 2. Cost is hard to beat, for the ease to sharpen (I have more faith in sharpening the same blade than replacing with replaceable blades, could just be me though). my 2 cents
Kudu 125 for me, I really want to try out the iron will heads but the kudu fly really well for me and I still have a bunch left so I can't quite justify the cost
Kudu or kudu contour+ for me. If you're serious about sharpness, they're simple to sharpen and provide the best bang for your $, without going to a premium head like iron will or GrizzlyStik. Although I've had some bending on really hard impact to joints on elk, they've still 1. gotten the job done. 2. Cost is hard to beat, for the ease to sharpen (I have more faith in sharpening the same blade than replacing with replaceable blades, could just be me though). my 2 cents
I have the same experience. I carry both IW and kudu in my quiver. I've killed several critters with them. Deer, bear, elk and some smaller stuff. I have had the animal damage the head, but when every arrow is a full pass-through, the head strikes something fairly hard usually.

They are fairly inexpensive and sharpen really easy. They fly well and are pretty tough.

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If I ever get to go over to North America to chase elk with a bow I'll likely be using a Kayuga Pilot Cut - either 125gn or 150gn. Arrow would be hovering either side of 500gn. Seems like a good recipe based on a lot of what I've read and seen.

Unless I was using a trad bow, in that case I'd use a 200gn Extract Broadheads trad head.

Hunting elk would be so much fun!

I've shot a lot of elk with the Iron Will S125. It was primarily designed for maximum penetration on elk, including shoulder bones, and to stay sharp and cut all the way through.
I’m using Simmons Mako 100 grains with my compound and Simmons Swampshark 175 grains with my longbow.
I’ve had good flight and penetration with grim reaper micro hades on moose and caribou. Just pick a good fixed blade, make sure it flies true, and run with it.
What broadhead is everyone going to the elk woods with ?

I’m thinking g5 Montec 100gr. I like the toughness and being able to resharpen them.
Tried the G5 Montec 125's last year. Really struggled to get them dialed in. Kept rotating until I finally caught up with the arrow spine and got them descent. Looking to make a change though. Probably Slick Trick Viper Trick 125's or QAD Exodus 125's
Slick Trick 100 gr standard has never failed me and a lot of bulls have fallen to it since I started using it years ago. Lot of other good options, many of which I have tried but that Slick Trick is my favorite.

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