We spend most of June and July chasing sockeye on big rivers which is not great for kids so in August we dedicate all our time to the kids catching fish. Took my oldest up to a popular creek to catch a pile of salmon. Pouring rain on Friday morning made it so we had the place to ourselves and he had a blast. He’s just under 4 yo so he had his rod for casting and then I would use another rod, get a fish on and make sure it was well hooked, give it plenty of slack and then give him the rod. He was under the impression that he hooked every fish. When we got home he told his mom how he caught all the fish (which he did) and that “Dad’s not a very good fisherman yet, but he’s gonna keep practicing to get better.” Hopefully this rain chills out by next weekend and we can get back out. Vis was very low and water was high. We've had another few inches since then with plenty more forecasted. A sure sign of sheep season opening is the subsequent flood advisories in place!
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