Braggin Board for Fishing!

Put my buddy on this Flathead (rod n reel) Wednesday night, he weighed 40 lbs even. Used a 1lb live carp for bait. The fish messed with it an hour trying to steal it gently without getting hooked. Then he finally had enough and slammed it breaking my rod holder but this happens so often I was ready and had it tethered with para cord. I had 6 baits suspended under the boat and I can always tell when a big fish comes in to check things out. The baits go nuts panicking and all the rods tips flutter like crazy. From the size of his belly there’s no telling how many bait fish he had already eaten before he found my mine. We took his picture and released the fish. I’ve been catching lots of 20 & 30s but it’s always an epic fight when they start getting over 40lbs. You have to man handle them in fast or they will hang you up.
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Lower Texas coast redfish on yak.

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