Canoe vs Kayaks for Fishing/General Use

I’m team Kayak

A Nucanoe frontier 12 with a set of wheels can go anywhere, fit 1 guy and a kid, and they are very stable and self bailing. Awesome overall rig!
My 14 10 older Old Town Pathfinder canoe is 47 lbs. made of the now discontinued royalex material. It is my go to. I lowered the seats an inch. Wide and stable. Holds more gear than a kayak, I used a tandem old town loon 160T for many years. I also use it for duck with my dog.

Look for an older royalex canoe and get it. Many selling them don’t know the difference between them and the new heavier poly ones.

I can car top or portage it all day by myself. When snow is in on the ground I just tie a rope and pull it.