@TheCougar, I have a Nucanoe Frontier 12 and generally love it.
I have had myself, my girlfriend, and our 90lb lab on it. No worries whatsoever with stability. It is heavy, as far as loading and unloading. Paddles/tracks very well. I have had the boat for five years or so.
You can fish two people but it's hard for two to paddle together. Typically, I paddle while she fishes. Alone, I can stand to fish from it.
Hunting, it would definitely be a one person deal unless you were using it as a transport only or doing a float with a front shooter.
Since you sit up so high, it catches a lot of wind. I find that 10mph is about the max to be fishable, but I really only have bigger bodies of water to fish. I don't have one of the parachute drag things, that might help- not sure. The seats are very comfortable but I find myself sitting cock-eyed often.
Like you said, it does everything well. I really like the open deck and ability to customize where you sit, where your rod holders go, etcetera.
Like anything that tries to be a jack of all, it leaves something to be desired along the way. I would decide based on the primary use case whether it's the right fit. All in, I would buy it again.
Lately, I have really wanted to try an Oldtown with a lower, fixed seat but I don't really need it, nor is it in my gear budget.
Let me know if you have any specific questions about it.