BHA seems “all-in” with Biden

Republican Platform
Go to page 21 to the last paragraph to see where they sugarcoat turning public lands over to the states.

I also wouldn’t say the Republican Party is libertarian leaning anymore, not when they support tariffs on foreign goods and subsidies for farmers, but that’s an entirely different conversation.
Thanks for the link. I agree completely in theory with the majority of the paragraph that I'm re-posting, which is what Libertarians and Libertarian learning Republicans believe in:
"Congress shall immediately pass universal legislation providing for a timely and orderly mechanism requiring the federal government to convey certain federally controlled public lands to states. We call upon all national and state leaders and representatives to exert their utmost power and influence to urge the transfer of those lands, identified in the review process, to all willing states for the benefit of the states and the nation."
I can see where this upsets people and I understand. They have the right to be upset. I'm mostly in agreement with the paragraph and agree with those upset with it, that yes you have to trust the Republicans not to transfer off all federal land, which a few want to do. You can't trust politicians, doesn't matter which party!! So, I'm conflicted overall. Right, I fixed "many" to "some" Republicans in my previous post. However, that paragraph is quintessential Libertarian. Thanks
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Just perusing Izzac Walton’s site, looks pretty decent. Definitely more presence in the east vs west though (no chapter in Montana)
The Izaak Walton League seems like a good organization, but their primary focus seems to be on waterways and (based on chapter location) the upper Midwest/Northeast. Definitely a worthwhile organization to support, but they're doing something very different than most others that have been discussed here.

That being said I haven't heard of them before and given what they do I'm now very interested.
I'm sure this has already been said but if we all find an organization that goes with our beliefs and what we personally want put your money to it. I was a member for a long time as i do think they do a good job fighting the public land battles. But, they don't coincide with my political beliefs at all and some of those things just don't add to me. I'm looking for another organization that supports most if not all of what i believe and hopefully its not all smoke and mirrors. If BHA is your cup of tea......goes balls deep in it. If you love patagonia, sirerra club and hold those beliefs do it up. I just know for me personally i cant get behind that stuff.
I believe Izzak Walton is the most or one of the most moderate, least left leaning of the conservation group is what I like most about them.
If you love patagonia, sirerra club and hold those beliefs do it up. I just know for me personally i cant get behind that stuff.
I'd guess this is BHA's heavy anchor that many will never overcome and hurts them more than helps them overall. Others will disagree and that's the argument.
If BHA is your cup of tea......goes balls deep in it. If you love patagonia, sirerra club and hold those beliefs do it up. I just know for me personally i cant get behind that stuff.
I feel like there’s a false dichotomy that some people on this thread believe- you have right leaning groups and far left groups. The reality is there’s a massive difference between BHA and the Sierra Club. You can still disagree with BHA, but “if you love the Sierra Club you’ll love BHA” is missing the huge differences between them.
Transfer of federal lands to states should not happen and it didn’t happen nor was it proposed by the Trump admin. BHA, indirectly and falsely (imho), targeted the Trump admin and his political appointees over and over. The regular drum beat of BHA’s press releases and advocacy were “Orange man bad” over and over.

Now that we “likely” have a new admin coming in, BHA seems to be fawning all over at least one potential appointee. The Vilsack pick is hyper partisan leftists. He hates any common sense management of our forests and if he isn’t “anti” hunting, he sure as heck isn’t “pro”.

Vilsack is an extreme climate change alarmist, he would do everything in his power to reduce emissions that could create carbon dioxide. This means more road and trail restrictions. Less logging and fire management. He sure as heck won’t advocate for “hunting” as a use for our forests.

I know climate change is real, I see it happening. Is it worth shutting down our economy and punishing our middle class? Should we be silent about China?

BHA seems to be more of a leftist PAC than a Public Land/Hunting/Fishing rights org. They make personal/political attacks and endorsements of people.

That’s my rant...

For what it´s worth I think the fires this year pulled a lot of people toward sensible middle ground on forest management. I hope so anyway.

The fires were pretty predictably called a climate change issue on CNN and a forest management issue on Fox, but for reasonable people I think itś pretty clear both things need to be addressed. There should be more democrat support for things like thinning and controlled burning.

As for emissions and the economy, I think we can do both.

Again, I apologize for my 53rd non-BHA related tangent.
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I feel like there’s a false dichotomy that some people on this thread believe- you have right leaning groups and far left groups. The reality is there’s a massive difference between BHA and the Sierra Club. You can still disagree with BHA, but “if you love the Sierra Club you’ll love BHA” is missing the huge differences between them.

This is spot on.

Someone earlier in this thread posted the political demographics of BHA´s membership. Both Republicans and Independents outnumbered Democrats.

I would be willing to take a wild ass guess that that trend does not hold for the Sierra Club.
Didn't the state of Utah try to sue the federal gov't to try and get back all federal lands within the state? Maybe it was just something they voted on but I do remember they tried something.
As Hoodie says this stuff is complicated. With every measure taken there will be unintended consequences. They can be beneficial or detrimental. Ecosystems are always in flux and problems never have simple solutions. What can be done are efforts that have worked in the past. At least then you have a better idea of what the side effects of those actions may be.
Didn't the state of Utah try to sue the federal gov't to try and get back all federal lands within the state? Maybe it was just something they voted on but I do remember they tried something.

That was a senator from Utah that I allude to in a previous post. Several years ago he proposed turning over federal lands to Utah, he was immediately bitch slapped by pretty much everyone and he hasn't uttered another word about it since.
TL/DR: I think lots more dems, particularly in west coast states, are going to be more amenable to the idea of thinning and controlled burns after this year. Both of which are good for game populations, and thus good for hunting. Also, as far as climate change and the economy, I think we can do both.
I'm sorry could you repeat this please?
So with Biden tapping Deb Halaand for interior secretary and rumor that she may try to transfer public lands back to the tribes how do we feel now about Biden? I mean several of y’all stated you didn’t care where he stood on guns because you will still be able to hunt with bows on public land but what do we do when we don’t have guns or public land?

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So with Biden tapping Deb Halaand for interior secretary and rumor that she may try to transfer public lands back to the tribes how do we feel now about Biden? I mean several of y’all stated you didn’t care where he stood on guns because you will still be able to hunt with bows on public land but what do we do when we don’t have guns or public land?

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I can’t find that bill, is it a House or Senate bill?