Best wild game meat


Duck?! You sound like a die hard duck hunter that is still trying to convince himself duck is halfway good to eat. Otherwise the ducks will start stacking up in the freezer so deep you run out of space and the thought of having to eat them all stresses you out. Do not fear, breast them out and make pepperoni sticks. That’s about the only way to make them taste good! Ask me how I know! Lol!
1.) You can pretty much make anything tasty if you know the tricks about that particular game meat.

Duck came out very delicious! Recently got to try one I shot last year.
Pheasant and Quail are always good!
Rabbits alright. But ya either have to chop it into small pieces and simmer cook low and slow, or crock-pot it.

I was surprised to find out that I really like Bobcat! (crock-pot, a little tendon-y in the back legs, but less than a Turkey)

Venison steak is good once you learn how little you actually have to cook it. (1/2" thick 6min each side at around 300F Broil in a Toaster Oven! With an Olive Oil Brush-on) Gotta make sure to get off all the clear viscera and silver-skin (cook those in a pan for your dogs, it smells strong, they'll love it) Before cooking sit in water to extract out as much blood from the muscle as you can, that takes away the "gamey" thing the non-hunters whine about.

Coyote is pretty darn strong. I only tasted some chunks I tried to pan-cook for the dogs. (They didn't eat it!) Sat "heavy" in my stomach. Probably needs one of those tricks like sitting in a spicy or acidic marinade, or in Buttermilk.

QUESTION for you experienced dudes... I very much like Lamb. The juiciness of it. Are any of the wild species similar to sheep as good? Or does that just have to do with how they raise them to be all nice and fatty in a ranch setting?
Interesting always heard duck and goose was disgusting

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Naw man... Duck was good! And super easy to cook in the oven.

EDIT: Extremely Limited experience, only a Pintail, but me and the boy tore into it!
man, squirrel was the nastiest stuff i've ever had, granted all we did was boil it. but even the dog spit it out!

just tagged out on elk yesterday so glad to hear everyone loves it. venison tenderloin broiled in oven beats anything i've had at any restaurant.
1. Snowshoe hare backstrap brined and grilled high heat w salt and pepper
2. Boned out squirrel thighs seared in beef tallow and slow braised in stock until meat falls apart
3. Late season mallard/wood duck breast meat off bird roasted whole and skin-on to medium rare
4. Porcupine thigh seared in pork lard and braised until fork tender.. beaver or muskrat much the same

Never cooked any of these for another hunter and didn’t score a new hunting partner for above species.

Looks like a lot that replied to this thread are unseasoned grilled chicken eaters.. bland .....

Venison is my bread and butter though
I’m fortunate in many ways related to this topic. I worked in Africa for 4 years and I safaried extensively in multiple countries during that time. I have eaten literally all the plains game animals, including zebra and even leopard. (Zebra is delicious and leopard isn’t bad.) In addition I have harvested and eaten moose, elk, mule deer, antelope and hundreds of whitetail deer, and many exotics in the states. I’m extremely fortunate to have access to several thousand acres of prime west Texas deer & turkey habitat that holds huge numbers of exotics, mostly existing of a very healthy Axis deer herd. Axis are literally untouchable in a taste comparison, according to a lot of people. I’ve introduced many venison and beef eaters to Axis meat and a lot of them swore that it was the best steak they ever had.
It is divine!
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