My gout started after I was put on meds to slow down my thyroid after I was tested twice as 13x the high of normal range (hyperthyroidism). If I had the choice again I would have the thyroid taken out.I have experienced several gout flare ups over the years. For me it always seems to occured in the joint of my big toes. For those that have not experienced it, the pain is intense.
I also suffer from occasional kidney stones. Also cripplingly painful.
My urologist says that in my case, the gout and kidney stones are related. Formation of uric acid crystal (I believe that is what he said).
As far as diet, we have always been voracious carnivores at my house. Wild meat or fish at every meal. I avoid sugars as much as I can, but coffee, bread and chips are all a weakness for me. Not as much beer consumption as my younger years, but still have occasional Budweiser or bourbon.
Not sure that activity level affects a bodies susceptibility, but as I age, I try to stay fit. Hit the gym 2-4 times a week. Still working 55+ hour weeks.
I take a daily allopurinol maintenance pill every morning. Low dosage. As long as I stay on it, I have no flare ups of either.
One time and one time only. I decided to be a "tough guy" and stopped my taking my daily allopurinol. Ended up in the ER a month later writhing in pain and pissing blood.
Haven't missed a dosage since.
Quite certain if "carbs" were a major issue to the human diet, it would've been cut out a long time ago.
Natural instinct is to avoid what causes discomfort. Only the modern person relies on medicine to counter act it...
This is wrong. Hilarious, but wrong.
Ice cream and tequila (not necessarily consumed together) are two prime examples.
No one ever said “Here, hold my kale and watch this!
I understand that Allopurinol does have side effects in kidney damage. Low doses arent as bad.I had a few gout flares and they SUCK. Ever since I started taking Allopurinol daily (Cheap and no side effects ) I have not had a flare and eat wild and other meat regularly with no problem. No diet change other than the allopurinol.
Nope. Pull your head out of your _____ and used a little common sense. Good grief
Go back and read again for context. You're making crap up like that other guy now...
About as dumb of a comment ever.
My hell. Assuming by your handle you peddle drugs legally, it's alarming that comprehension isn't comprehensive for you.
For my two gout episodes, it was consumption of salt-cured meats.
OP-is your wild game cured or brined?
Just a thought.