Best beer you've ever had?

Alaskan Amber, or anything really from Alaskan Brewery... next Coors Light, then Busch/Busch Light!

Really like most beers, enjoy the ambers, and summer blends best. Anything in a clear, or green bottles I won't touch, unless my Grandpa offers it.
The absolute best beer I ever had, by far, was an ice cold something-or-other in a bottle (I don't even recall what it was, maybe a Mich light or ultra, and I'm sure it wouldn't have mattered) after the long, hot trek out of the Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness following a weekend backpack trip.

Other than that, I spent almost a year working in the UK as a contractor for Det 4 of the 9th SRW at RAF Mildenhall, and did a lot of pub hopping in my spare time. I got spoiled. Pretty much any fresh cask ale over there is awesome. A couple of my favorites: Ind Coope Burton Ale and Adnams Southwold Bitter. Greene King had a good IPA and a Bitter as well.
I don't drink anymore. I don't drink any less either. Lindemans Grand Cuvée Rene was one I still remember from my culinary school days. Nowadays I drink a little of everything. Pilsner Urquell, Sam Adams, Moose Drool, Blown Out Brown, Sessions IPA.
I like IPA's. I think one that really comes to mind as enjoyable is Crankyanker IPA from Eddieline in Buena Vista, CO.

I also like most of the Lagunitas beers.
Cold Smoke - Kettlehouse (Missoula, MT)
Irish Death - Iron Horse (Ellensburg, WA)
Hazelnut Brown Nectar - Rogue (Newport, Or)
Optimator Doppelbock- Spaten (Germany)

Lots of good ones out there, but this is my current hall of fame
Current favourites are Hoyne Brewing (Victoria, BC) Pilsner and their "Dark Matter", Yukon Brewing "Bonanza Brown" and Alaska's "Amber Ale". Not a huge fan of the current trend to hop the shit out of beers.

Is it time for the Haines Beerfest yet? :)

Southern Tier Live is thus far my all time favorite. I like the bright, fresh tasting ales.

Yuengling usually inhabits my refrigerator as a more budget friendly than the micros.

Our family deer camp does Keystone Light barrels. For some reason that stuff tastes pretty good when you're up there.
Well, I lived my entire life in England (specifically Yorkshire. Home of beer), up until 8 years ago, so I may be a little biased here....but it's a 50/50/50 split between Black Sheep, Theakston's XB & Taylor's Landlord.
When we were in Riggins ID this year i had one called wobbly man and I could have sat and drank a whole bunch of those.
Russian River Brewery - Pliny the Elder DIPA
Kern River Brewing - Just Outstanding IPA
Oskar Blues - Dale's Pale Ale

To name a few...