BC mountain goat hunting film, french perspective

This seems like it is devolving into the typical "if you use a guide, you are just a trigger puller" internet diatribes.

Is it a rant? Or is it a discussion about a video that was posted?

In any case- no, the moment you pay someone to do your work, it is not “your” doing. There is a different between “required by law, but I did everything I possibly could”; and “I paid someone to know the area, know the animals, carry most of the weight, lead me to the animal, I shot it, the guide recovered it, butchered it, and carried most of the weight”.

Yes, there are lots of areas in between. The video shows something that resembles the latter, not the former.

There is a lot that happens before and after the trigger is pulled on any hunt, and trying to define a hunt based on unfounded assumptions about a singular aspect of it seems pointless.
And where do you draw the line? Is it "your hunt" if your hunting partner glasses up an animal you shoot? Tracks and locates an animal you killed before you do? Helps pack out an animal you shot? Holds a leg while you are skinning? I've done all that for guys I have hunted with and never once thought that stopped it from being their hunt or that they shouldn't be shooting animals as a result.

You are using strawmen and logical fallacies. We are not discussing hunting with your partner. We are discussing what is presented in a video that was pushed out for media, about a guy who shot an animal and then let other people- including someone that wasn’t the guide, go to retrieve that animal while the shooter went back to camp.
Does anyone have any facts as to the circumstances for him not going up? Did he get hurt? Did he say F-it I’m not going up there? Did the group plan for this? Discuss opinions, but difficult to judge with no facts about the circumstances.
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Not sure why it matters to anyone why a group of people decided what was the best outcome of a difficult situation. None of us were there so we don't know what happened exactly. Goat hunting can go sideways in an instant was my point earlier. I'm out have a great day.
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Folks generally do what they can. Its great just to be outdoors and participating. If a guy can do it all, great. If he has 75%, just fine. It's possible I used to do more when I was younger. I still think I can do everything, but my wife cautions me, just like Maverick, not "to write checks that my body can't cash." (I was an F-16 fighter pilot).
So, let's be hesitant to criticize or get too deep into into a purist discussion. It sounds like long bows vs. recurves, recurves s vs. compounds, low % of letoff vs. high % of let off, compounds vs. crossbows, ... .
We all enjoy hunting and chatting about it. The experience, the gear, the friendship. That's what we take home with us.
I did go after and get my goat, some years back. Followed by a night on the mountain.
You can see it here:

Enjoyed the video. I recognized the Terrace BC airport as I was just up there in January to ski out of Stewart BC.. Those mountains are endless.