i think there’s 2 different ways people are seeing this…
If someone says I am hunting unit 1234 in Colorado can someone tell me about it, and a person responds with something to the effect of “I hunted it last year and it’s amazing. I was in bugling bulls every day in multiple locations. I never saw another hunter and ended up killing a 330” bull” then the 1000s, yes 1000s of hunters looking for a unit because they’re coming from texas, I mean out of state, for the first time, or they’re unhappy with their crappy unit are likely to take note. If it’s a 0 point unit, it’s not hard to create artificial point creep, if it’s a OTC unit it’s not hard to believe you could see additional company!
I don’t think anybody is worried about their “secret” honey hole being exposed. It’s hard enough to draw units anymore, advertising success in units, even big ones, can have a negative impact on draw results when 10,000s of people are logging onto RS daily.