Ban Unit Numbers in Rokslide Threads

Have ability to ban and or delete unit specific threads?

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OK my take on this-as a Rokslider not a moderator-is that it is a bad idea for both the OP and those that give specific details. I would much prefer guys exchange PMs if they feel the need to divulge. Honestly folks need to really consider the consequences before they reveal anything. That is not to say it is always a bad idea however.

Take the number of folks you believe see our info on an open forum like ours and at a minimum double that number. Maybe it is 100 times more than you think. Computer savvy folks can create alerts triggered by key words and phrases and they can see this information immediately after it it posted.-and not just on Rokslide. In such cases even if deleted fairly quickly it is still out there.
Banning the mention of game management unit numbers on Rokslide won't accomplish anything to slow the tide of increasing numbers of permit applicants and/or DIY OTC tag hunters. GoHunt, Toprut, Hunting Fool, Eastmans, et cetera, do more to promote the increase of people specific to individual game management units, than what's ocassionaly discussed within hunting chatroom forums.
My view is oversimplified and probably won’t be popular, but have we ever really seen anything good come out of thread where someone discusses a unit specifically?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prominent poster on Rokslide ask about a specific unit, and the threads started by guys who join Rokslide just to ask about a unit are looking for a free handout. I get that those guys may not know any better, but would you really value anything they have to say related to western hunting if they‘re in here just hoping someone will tell them where to go?

And, for what it’s worth - if we ‘re going to ban talking about specific units - I’d ban politics, religion, and discussion about the economy, while we’re at it because those never really get us anywhere either.
There are many questions that can be asked and discussed about a specific unit without giving away information about game locations and good areas too hunt. Whats unit 123 terrian like? Anybody know about fire in unit 123? Any good campgrounds in unit 123? Ect.

Maybe better to police unit specific responses that seem too informative on where can I kill XYZ..

Slippery slope to go down. Banning one thing always leads to another.
There are many questions that can be asked and discussed about a specific unit without giving away information about game locations and good areas too hunt. Whats unit 123 terrian like? Anybody know about fire in unit 123? Any good campgrounds in unit 123? Ect.

Maybe better to police unit specific responses that seem too informative on where can I kill XYZ..

Slippery slope to go down. Banning one thing always leads to another.

This is also how I feel. Lots of questions to be asked about a unit that have nothing to do with spots to hunt.

I have also asked for people that have hunted a unit to PM me because I had a plan or very general questions I wanted to run by someone that has been in the unit.

Lastly, there are a lot of units/species that people will only draw once or maybe twice in a lifetime. No reason in my mind to hold back on helping out in those cases.
Just because someone asks the question does not require you to answer it. I know I know…what about increasing my “post count number” and ”desire to become a WKR”?

There are alternatives.
No, how can you draw a line where and what can be said?

Try being a moderator. Every time someone talks about a unit someone else is going to complain and want the discussion shut down. Because that’s their unit!!! Then flip out when it’s not.
Better ban the entire internet!

If you think that hunters are only using Rokslide for information your in for a surprise.
For the record I have never asked about ‘What unit to hunt?’ I’m still trying to figure it out myself
I don't think the units are the problem. The problem is the amount of people coming to the whole freakin state.
With that being said there're a lot of ridiculous questions on rokslide like: "I'm from XYZ state back East and since I've been watching a lot of youtube I decided I'm coming to CO for my first ever DIY OTC rifle elk hunt. My question is: should I bring a sleeping bag?" I mean seriously people. C'mon now.
I think the only time I see people follow through on "a full report after the season" offer when they are asking for information is when it sucked.

Unit numbers don't make much difference to me, the times they come up seem to be in heavily hunted areas or in 20 year draws.