Ban Unit Numbers in Rokslide Threads

Have ability to ban and or delete unit specific threads?

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I asked Robby if they needed more eyes on things and here I am trying to help out (on my time) if you have a problem with my performance please give a detailed account to me and the administration. Seriously I want to help but by no means do I think I’m perfect so I’m open to constructive criticism.
I don’t have a problem with you at all. I have found this exchange to be entertaining. Irony can be funny.…
Take the number of folks you believe see our info on an open forum like ours and at a minimum double that number. Maybe it is 100 times more than you think. Computer savvy folks can create alerts triggered by key words and phrases and they can see this information immediately after it it posted.-and not just on Rokslide. In such cases even if deleted fairly quickly it is still out there.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if they just used that same amount of time and energy to look at harvest numbers, scouting, and boot grease instead?
Ban hunt numbers or unit numbers huh? I feel sorry for the admin stuck with that little task, 24/7 banning something that would not change anything in the long run. I vote NO.
Yeah, over the years on various forums and other online venues or publications, I've steered dozens of people to locations and/or outfitters and guides and transporters, and virtually none have followed through. My personal belief is that most online posters asking for information aren't truly serious to begin with.
I’ve had the same experience as you. Offered up elk and bear advice to multiple guys. Even offered up my bait to one guy who was “really struggling with Idaho bears”.
It’s not the first time there has been a thread asking for some kind of filter or moderation on unit threads. That’s why I’m trying to be open minded to help with that. If you read my last comment it outlines what it would involve and to @realunlucky point letting a thread die naturally is probably best, unless it’s way over the top.

They don't die when you have "similar threads" links turned on, and Google will bring them up as well.
They don't die when you have "similar threads" links turned on, and Google will bring them up as well.
Good point, I don’t know if similar thread links is in the user, admin or software company’s control but that does explain the number of resurrected threads.

It’s helpful for most things though