Back to work Vax status

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Sep 16, 2021
Antibody test. You could also just say you had it. Seems like the medical industry reports covid positive cases without proof all the time.
Alright so you'd be comfortable providing antibody titers to your employer in lieu of a vaccine?

And if your titers dropped below protective levels, then what?


Mar 21, 2018
COVID doesn't leave a scar though, so what should substitute?
I don't follow your thought process, chicken pox is another natural immunity that counts if you've had it. Scar or not, getting this sickness has better lasting effects than the gene therapy (will not call it a vaccine anymore) being boasted and pushed.

There are also major concerns about treating people with the exact same gene therapy for different variants of this virus in the long run for virology mutations and the bodies reaction to a different virus but reacting the way the gene therapy taught it too


Mar 21, 2018
Feb 2020 I got a sore throat, a cough that lasted 4 months, and was throwing up after my wife and daughter got sick too. Have no idea if that was Covid or not, but my lungs weren't good the rest of 2020.......hauling my moose out just about killed me.

Fast forward to Dec 2020 my wife got a cough and then I got the cough as well. She got tested for work and tested positive. Then our daughters got it, and a week later we all lost our taste and smell. July 2021, my daughter came back from camp coughing, two days later I was coughing. Then most every kid that also went to camp tested positive, along with a bunch of parents. So I assumed it was Covid.

December 2021 my smell and taste finally came back 100% after a full year of mostly nothing. Then Dec 31st while in AZ I had a sore throat and was completely exhausted. New Year's day my lungs felt like crap, the next morning.......fever. Had the fever for four days and mostly flu type symptoms........but my taste and smell went 100% away again. And my wife got sick as well. So because of the loss of taste and smell again, I assumed Covid. I started getting a few smells and tastes back yesterday. Yay.

Regardless.......these last two years has been more sickness than I've ever experienced in my lifetime combined. It's been ridiculous. And two of our daughters that came home for Christmas came home with sickness as well (untested). But in the grand scheme of's just been a nuisance and we continue to press on with our daily lives. I'm sure we'll get it again at some point, and we'll continue on as if it was the flu.
Interesting theory going around the "under ground" medical conversations: The last 2 years have reduced the amount of interaction of person to person, thus people are not in contact with as many bacteria and viruses. Our immune system has taken a vacation in simple terms and does not have the protection we used to (kids eat dirt and think of the immune system they had/have)
So people as a whole are getting sick to things we never used to or at least have noticeable symptoms.

Right or wrong, i am pushing to interact with as many people as possible and remove all protections as we did in the good old times of 2019...oh the days. I've been sick, respect others at that time, then back to typical days.


Sep 16, 2021
I don't follow your thought process, chicken pox is another natural immunity that counts if you've had it. Scar or not, getting this sickness has better lasting effects than the gene therapy (will not call it a vaccine anymore) being boasted and pushed.

There are also major concerns about treating people with the exact same gene therapy for different variants of this virus in the long run for virology mutations and the bodies reaction to a different virus but reacting the way the gene therapy taught it too

Because chicken pox mutates slowly and reinfection is not a concern. Also, you'll probably need a shingles vaccine as you age even if you had chicken pox as a kid, because immunity decreases.

We are not treating anyone with "gene therapy" so there is no concern relating to gene therapy. Your second paragraph does not make sense.

Interesting theory going around the "under ground" medical conversations: The last 2 years have reduced the amount of interaction of person to person, thus people are not in contact with as many bacteria and viruses. Our immune system has taken a vacation in simple terms and does not have the protection we used to (kids eat dirt and think of the immune system they had/have)
So people as a whole are getting sick to things we never used to or at least have noticeable symptoms.

Right or wrong, i am pushing to interact with as many people as possible and remove all protections as we did in the good old times of 2019...oh the days. I've been sick, respect others at that time, then back to typical days.
This is not how the immune system works, so that's probably a clue as to why this is in the "underground" and not a thing outside of circles that don't understand how immune systems function. Sometimes called the "hygiene hypothesis" it misunderstands immune response as a one-size fits all thing. Being exposed to bacteria doesn't make your body better at fighting off viruses, and being exposed to one virus doesn't make you better at fighting off other viruses by default. The only time exposure helps is if there's a something similar between the two. This is the mechanism by which vaccines work, exposing you to a weakened, inert, or in the case of MRNA just the protein markers for a virus so you can recognize and fight it off later.

And this isn't all theoretical. If this were true then life expectancy would decrease when humans developed basic hygiene (soap, water, handwashing, not bathing in Poop Creek) but that's not the case. Life expectancy increases, largely because neonatal/postnatal mortality decreases, because fewer children die of preventable diseases.

But you're welcome to go lick toilet seats if you think it'll make you stronger, and report back your results.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Interesting theory going around the "under ground" medical conversations: The last 2 years have reduced the amount of interaction of person to person, thus people are not in contact with as many bacteria and viruses.
We haven't changed a thing from our normal lives, so we have still interacted as normal without masks. Still travel and still eat out often as well. We pretty much just ignore it all, and continue on with every day life.......just as we've always done.


Nov 22, 2019
Vax passports are part of the great reset.
Wherever you stand on vaccines, the mandatory part will be the end of personal liberty and privacy.
Please read about the great reset. It’s terrifying


Apr 8, 2020
Alright so you'd be comfortable providing antibody titers to your employer in lieu of a vaccine?

And if your titers dropped below protective levels, then what?
How long does a vaccine protect against rona again? How often are they thinking we’re going to need boosters because they work so well?
I’ll take my chances with natural immunity outlasting the every 6 to 8 month boosters.
Anyway will be moving to an endemic here shortly so much of the playing along and virtue signaling really won’t matter too much anymore.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
The best part of all this is how the so-called vaccines have proven that they DO NOT prevent the vaccinated from getting the virus. They have also proven that they DO NOT prevent the vaccinated from spreading the virus. All they have proven to do is to mostly prevent the most severe illness complications in those with the highest risk. Well, that's what the natural antibodies have done as well. So at the end of the day, this is a very personal choice as to whether to get the shots or not as that decision doesn't affect anybody else. Wearing masks is also a personal choice for those that choose to do so. Yet Biden still is sticking to the "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated" line. His handlers can't even keep up with the reality of what's going on out there.

A lot of us called this "agenda driven" pandemic response as early as February 2020 and got as much backlash then as we're still getting today.........even though we've been proven right on everything related to this. It's still 100% about projecting fear and controlling the people.
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Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
How long does a vaccine protect against rona again? How often are they thinking we’re going to need boosters because they work so well?
I’ll take my chances with natural immunity outlasting the every 3-4 month boosters.
Anyway will be moving to an endemic here shortly so much of the playing along and virtue signaling really won’t matter too much anymore.

ben h

Jun 17, 2012
I received my 2nd Moderna shot last April, but haven't got my booster. I work remotely and haven't been to the office since 2019. A friend of mine thinks the vaccinations are going to kill everyone and his employer is requiring vaccination to continue working. He says he's going to quit if they force the issue. My question is how do employers verify if you've been vaccinated? I have my card and I filled it out myself and they just stamped it when I had it done. Which seems like a pretty easy card to just make yourself. I just did a quick google search to try to find my records and it looks like a lengthy process to get my own record. Seems like an employer would have a hard time getting those as well, I'd think and they'd just take your word for it instead of actually verifying it (just like many employers do with illegal immigrants).


Apr 8, 2018
I don't know if the reason is due to the mandate, but my employer has required verification of vax status. It has also been relevant lately as my vax status impacts how long I have to stay out after being exposed to someone. I was allowed to return after being exposed to my daughter without any restrictions since I did not have symptoms. I am currently waiting to hear the policy after being exposed to my 93 year old father (diagnosed positive yesterday), as I am experiencing some symptoms.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
OSHA ETS blocked, the CMS mandate upheld
Ya, and that's an interesting ruling with the CMS mandate for two reasons: (1) they specifically mentioned the ruling based on federally funded healthcare I guess since sanctuary cities are federally funded as well.......then federal mandates on them (like enforcing our immigration laws) are Constitutionally valid as well.

And (2) they mentioned the fact that healthcare workers are in contact with immuno-compromised patients..........however, since these Covid shots don't prevent getting the virus or the transmission of the that even a valid basis for that ruling? It shouldn't be.


Mar 24, 2016
Ya, and that's an interesting ruling with the CMS mandate for two reasons: (1) they specifically mentioned the ruling based on federally funded healthcare I guess since sanctuary cities are federally funded as well.......then federal mandates on them (like enforcing our immigration laws) are Constitutionally valid as well.

And (2) they mentioned the fact that healthcare workers are in contact with immuno-compromised patients..........however, since these Covid shots don't prevent getting the virus or the transmission of the that even a valid basis for that ruling? It shouldn't be.

A million new cases a day is making all of these moot.


Jun 1, 2018
Jupiter, Florida
Which seems like a pretty easy card to just make yourself.
It can be verified by contacting the place you got the vax. Will your employer do it? Will the people who administered the vax give out the info? Probably a hard no.

But it is a crime to forge a fake vax card. If my employer found that I lied about anything ever I am fired on the spot.

Couple NFL players where found to have fake vax card. NFL went to verify and found they where fake. Probably one of the very few to go that route. Probably one of the very few with the money to go that route.
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Jun 1, 2018
Jupiter, Florida
A million new cases a day is making all of these moot.
Yep, this will all be over by sometime in march hopefully. There maybe another variant but odds are it’ll be weaker then omicron was. Always the possibility that something nasty could pop up but not very likely.


Mar 24, 2016
Yep, this will all be over by sometime in march hopefully. There maybe another variant but odds are it’ll be weaker then omicron was. Always the possibility that something nasty could pop up but not very likely.

What’s interesting about that is that when variants came up very early on, people hesitated to fall back on the “it will likely mutate weaker but become more prevelant” path.

But….look where we are.

I think there was an element of fear certain people enjoyed propagating. But maybe it’s just me.


Sep 16, 2021
What’s interesting about that is that when variants came up very early on, people hesitated to fall back on the “it will likely mutate weaker but become more prevelant” path.

But….look where we are.

I think there was an element of fear certain people enjoyed propagating. But maybe it’s just me.
But you can't predict how long it takes a virus to reach that, and they don't always do that. Sometimes they maintain an equilibrium. The 1918 flu epidemic ran for about two years and some of us were hoping to deal with this one without beating that record, yet here we are.
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