auction tags?


Oct 1, 2012
Anchorage AK
There are other options than creating class distinctions in hunters.

Class distinctions aren't created among hunters, they already exist. IMO this is the State and Conservation Orgs exploiting the deep pockets of the top economic class hunters to further their own cause of sheep conservation (thus providing more tags for us down the road). You can't fix it by increasing tag costs among us. In a state with 50 sheep tags you would have to increase every tag by $3k to offset one $150k auction tag...

To ask why these hunters wouldn't just donate the money out of the goodness of their heart is silly. That's their decision. Why don't you donate $1-2k out of the goodness of your heart? I'm sure it's comparable in how hard it hits your wallet.

I don't mean to come across as hostile I just hate seeing class hate because IMO it's the exact mindset that has led our country down the path it is currently walking... Everyone wanting something for nothing.

William Hanson (live2hunt)

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 17, 2013
Class distinctions aren't created among hunters, they already exist. IMO this is the State and Conservation Orgs exploiting the deep pockets of the top economic class hunters to further their own cause of sheep conservation (thus providing more tags for us down the road). You can't fix it by increasing tag costs among us. In a state with 50 sheep tags you would have to increase every tag by $3k to offset one $150k auction tag...

To ask why these hunters wouldn't just donate the money out of the goodness of their heart is silly. That's their decision. Why don't you donate $1-2k out of the goodness of your heart? I'm sure it's comparable in how hard it hits your wallet.

I don't mean to come across as hostile I just hate seeing class hate because IMO it's the exact mindset that has led our country down the path it is currently walking... Everyone wanting something for nothing.

I don't hate the rich. I want nothing for free. That is not my point at all. I agree that state and government agencies are as much or more at fault in this as the hunters that purchase the auctioned tags. I can't say for every state but in a lot of them your 50 sheep tag at $3k analogy is invalid because all money in the conservation department is pooled and doled out where needed. For example a portion of whitetail tags here in Missouri go toward elk habit and reintroduction which has brought in no revenue.

I do donate when I can to whatever charity I am inclined (generally something local).


May 2, 2013
Northern NV
If these guys are so into the conservation side then why not just donate the money with no return on investment?

What makes you think they donate money to the organizations that they support? I personally know two individuals that not only donate ridiculous amount of money, they also volunteer a great deal of their time. They don't just bid on tags at auctions, they get their hands dirty in the field.

Nothing personal, but I believe your way of thinking is somewhat selfish and short sighted.

William Hanson (live2hunt)

Super Moderator
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Nov 17, 2013
What makes you think they donate money to the organizations that they support? I personally know two individuals that not only donate ridiculous amount of money, they also volunteer a great deal of their time. They don't just bid on tags at auctions, they get their hands dirty in the field.

Nothing personal, but I believe your way of thinking is somewhat selfish and short sighted.

My point was a true charitable act doesn't require a return on investment. I have nothing against these people the bid on these auctions as individuals, I don't know them personally. They are probably great people and fantastic philanthropists, that's not the point. The point is it's taking a public resource and making a mockery of trophy hunting and out of the rules and regulations that everyone else has to follow. I'm not being short sighted, I never said nothing needed done. I fail to see how I am being selfish at all. At what point have I ever directed attention to myself or my needs or wants?

William Hanson (live2hunt)

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 17, 2013
name one rule they're breaking

For example, I believe the governors tag that the spider elk was killed on allowed any unit during any season (I could be a little off its been awhile since I read about it). For the rules to be followed the unit it was killed in would have had to been drawn in the normal fashion. We don't get to pick and choose indiscriminately what unit we hunt and when with no regard to the normal draw.

The guy earlier said that the world record p&y was killed on a tag that allowed hunting beyond normal season.


Apr 25, 2012


Apr 28, 2012
I definitely see both sides of this argument as I don't like to see the rich afforded special opportunities but I'm glad to see them spend the money on conservation that can benefit us all rather than spending that money on some high end sports car that benefits no one. I agree they are not breaking any rules. I hate to see the lack of support in the hunting community, its one of my pet peeves. The antis stick together a lot better than we do.


Apr 29, 2012
I agree hardstalk the money definitely needs protected and at least they are doing something I just believe it's promoting the wrong kind of thinking.

On an extremely small spectrum, to a semi closed minded individual I agree. <--(Not to be taken offensively or pointed at anyone in particular) when you look at history and how it was a mogul passionate about a certain hunt who opened the door for alot of us in say tajakistan or somewhere majority of us would not have been able to go anyway. They fronted more money than a government could not say no to and opened up the eyes of alot of people and helped a species. Without the very wealthy forerunners some places would still be off limits. I know its hard to stomach a mid 70's old man with a wine gut and a cuban taking a 500" bull but you gotta take the good with the bad. Im sure people that saw that bull said hay "I need to start applying for that state for a chance to take a bull like that!" For all we know without the money spent on weeks worth of scouting he would have died of old age and hid in the shadows for all his days.

We all know hard work, skill and tactic are what put trophies on the wall. Along with a dash of luck. But since when is it against the grain to pay a premium for someone else to dedicate themselves for a goal?

Live2hunt, do you not throw your best hand a few extra bucks for a job well done where you didn't have to step in and get dirty?


Jun 29, 2013
BC offers up 2 tags every year that allow for special seasons. One is the auction tag, the other is a raffle. Both tags have the same rules and seasons. The raffle tickets cost $15 per entry, with an individual allowed to buy as many chances as they wish. So guys do put a lot of money into buying a bigger chance (I've heard of as many as 1000 tickets). This tag does give any hunter a chance at a very special tag. Do many of the states do a similar raffle? Is this tag any better than the auction tag? Thoughts?

The raffle tag winner for 2013 in BC shot a respectable ram 15 minutes from my home. He hunted for a solid month, passed on a very big ram that was on the road transitioning between 2 ridges because it didn't feel right, and hiked a tonne of miles in the cold and snow. He did not shoot the biggest ram, but I think he had a very fulfilling hunt that he could be proud of. I did not meet him personally, but everyone that I talked to had positive things to say about him.

If I can find out, I'll post info on how much this raffle tag raised.


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
I don't support the auctions but I'm all for the raffles. Everyone has a chance who buys a ticket and the guys with big wallets can be much more equal by buys hundreds or thousands of chances. To see a public resource of such a limited nature reserved for only the wealthy rubs me very wrong. I agree the resources need the money but the monetization of game is a slippery slope.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah


Feb 24, 2012
Bend Oregon
For example, I believe the governors tag that the spider elk was killed on allowed any unit during any season (I could be a little off its been awhile since I read about it). For the rules to be followed the unit it was killed in would have had to been drawn in the normal fashion. We don't get to pick and choose indiscriminately what unit we hunt and when with no regard to the normal draw.

The guy earlier said that the world record p&y was killed on a tag that allowed hunting beyond normal season.

The spider bull was killed during the season that was granted by the dept. for the tag. Doesn't really matter whether you get to hunt the same season or not. My kid hunted a 5 month long cow season, and you couldn't, again perfectly legal.

You seem to have trouble grasping the reality that there are different dates for different tags, all created by the dept and all perfectly legal. Doesn't matter if it was a draw tag, auction tag, or a Governors tag, they all have season dates. And all the participants are "following the rules", whether you like them or not.


May 18, 2013
Ft Collins, CO
For example, I believe the governors tag that the spider elk was killed on allowed any unit during any season (I could be a little off its been awhile since I read about it). For the rules to be followed the unit it was killed in would have had to been drawn in the normal fashion. We don't get to pick and choose indiscriminately what unit we hunt and when with no regard to the normal draw.

The guy earlier said that the world record p&y was killed on a tag that allowed hunting beyond normal season.

That's your problem, you are comparing these tags to normal tags. These are not normal tags, they are special fundraising tags. Apples to oranges. You may think you're not perpetuating class warfare, but apply the same principles of your argument to any of the top political arguments and you'd be standing with dear leader, Harry Reid and their ilk...


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Since when did money not buy opportunity? It is a fact of life and will never change. Good for those that can afford it.