Are you ready? got all the knowledge you need when all hell breaks loose.

Hmmm…. Well this is fun. I may or may not live near a vital “chokepoint” to leave CA. I dont think many will even survive the trek out of the cities to make it that far. Best bet is having a small self sufficient farm. Living like natives in the woods is doable but thats a meager existence only a few would survive. If you didnt grow up doing it, or study/train extensively, living off the land is a pipe dream. I have enough to bug in until the majority fail the simplest rules of 3. Tell my wife there will be a perimeter of dead bodies around the property to warn others to stay away. Ultimately we would have to make it to a relatives property that has sufficient resources to survive long term.

$20 says 50% people fail the rules of 3 in the first month. By month 2 another 25%. If 80%+ are gone by month 3, then I wouldnt be too worried. If you dont know the rules of 3 then you are month 1… lol

Odds of it happening? Probably better than we think, cause we think we are smart, but we are not. Definitely not in CA…. But theres more TP hoards here than any other state so we got that going for us.
I know my neighbor is not going anywhere. Being a vegan he'll make a great grass-fed beef. Along with his 10 rescue dogs that eat all organic meals. Point is I've got some time before food becomes an issue. I have 30k gallons of water in my pool. A pallet of TP - though cavemen didn't have that - I'll have to look into what they did. A few gallons of hand sanitizer that stinks of tequila. Cans of refried beans... that I'll need to rise to the challenge of choking down. Lots of reloading supplies, no loaded cartridges though. A (full, not face) cord of wood. A survival book which will come in handy when my Bic lighter runs out. A lot of healthy Bermudagrass. That's edible, right? Oh yeah I have a small magnifying glass I can use when the Bic runs out, so that's one backup method. I need to sharpen a knife. That's all that comes to mind at the moment. I'll have to keeping thinking on this.
They say that if the juice was turned off for 9 months that 75% of people would die. Cities would be a crazee ebt cards, no food delivered and probably no running water. Some folks would have plenty of tp thou....:p

The correct decisions to be made are very situational so there is no 'right' way......stay/go is all situational dependent but you better choose correctly and it is probably good to be somewhat prepared for both.
Like Detroit then.
What's amaizng to me is that a mere 16 months ago in parts of the U.S. we had 5-10 mile long lines of people waiting for Uncle Sugar to load thier cars full of food--well, some semblance of 'food.'
Fast forward to this thread and here we are with mockery of guys who choose to err on the side of preparedness.

Clown world.

We were in a bad part of the country last year for that mess. My wife went it the store, said there’s nothing, shelves are empty, no meat, flour, salt, nothing. She’s a city girl, wasnt raised by grandparents of the depression.

I was taught to always have 100lb beans, rice, flour, plenty of salt in storage. My adult life every January I buy another 100 lbs of each, donate the last round to a soup kitchen. Needless to say, she was happy to be married to a redneck!

We didn’t end up using any of it, but it was a nice peace of mind to have around just in case. Rice/beans/flour in 25lb bags Is cheap ins. You aren’t going to survive forever, but it’s a good buffer for any emergent, past 90 days and it’s gonna get real rough anyway.
September just so happens to be “National Preparedness Month”. Never a bad time to start taking at least small steps towards being more self sufficient or prepared for what ever disruptions you may encounter. And hopefully we’re all lucky and our preparations go untested. Someday our kids and grandkids have to dig out our cans of pork and beans from the basement.
We were in a bad part of the country last year for that mess. My wife went it the store, said there’s nothing, shelves are empty, no meat, flour, salt, nothing. She’s a city girl, wasnt raised by grandparents of the depression.

I was taught to always have 100lb beans, rice, flour, plenty of salt in storage. My adult life every January I buy another 100 lbs of each, donate the last round to a soup kitchen. Needless to say, she was happy to be married to a redneck!

We didn’t end up using any of it, but it was a nice peace of mind to have around just in case. Rice/beans/flour in 25lb bags Is cheap ins. You aren’t going to survive forever, but it’s a good buffer for any emergent, past 90 days and it’s gonna get real rough anyway. the 'last round' donation part too, well played.
Hmmm…. Well this is fun. I may or may not live near a vital “chokepoint” to leave CA. I dont think many will even survive the trek out of the cities to make it that far. Best bet is having a small self sufficient farm. Living like natives in the woods is doable but thats a meager existence only a few would survive. If you didnt grow up doing it, or study/train extensively, living off the land is a pipe dream. I have enough to bug in until the majority fail the simplest rules of 3. Tell my wife there will be a perimeter of dead bodies around the property to warn others to stay away. Ultimately we would have to make it to a relatives property that has sufficient resources to survive long term.

$20 says 50% people fail the rules of 3 in the first month. By month 2 another 25%. If 80%+ are gone by month 3, then I wouldnt be too worried. If you dont know the rules of 3 then you are month 1… lol

Odds of it happening? Probably better than we think, cause we think we are smart, but we are not. Definitely not in CA…. But theres more TP hoards here than any other state so we got that going for us.

I think that 3 month mark raises the question:

Is what life looks like on the other side of 90 days of an apocalypse a life that warrants living?

Natural disasters, infrastructure failures, pandemics etcs where the effects are a couple of weeks, 30 days without resources? It makes since to be reasonably prepared for such events.

But total breakdown, anarchy, EMP, nuclear Holocaust, dinosaur-killer meteor impact, major gamma ray burst, massive die off, scorched earth, complete apocalyptic doom scenarios? What’s the point in enduring 30 days of hell to die on day 39? Or day 199? Or day 469? You don’t get a merit badge for being the last person left alive. And I think that’s where “extreme prepping” becomes overkill for the obsessed participants and unrealistic for the vast majority. And who really even actually has the will To Endure such a set of circumstances only to bear witness to a mass extinction? Some people seem to get so obsessed with prepping that they just want to feel validated. If it comes to that, they can go right ahead and feel validated. I’ll be more than content to just get it over with and not have to witness the realities of waiting around to die on a dead planet. Y’all can have it and say “I told you so.” Just don’t bury me with Crocs on my feet.
It would get pretty uncomfortable and tough to survive down here in Southwest Florida in the summer. November thru April it would be a piece of cake. Without power I might need to move north to get buy. That likely would be my demise.
Down here in this heat people would likely die of infections from bug bites if they didnt die from starvation or lead poisoning.

We get a mini version of whatcwill happen after every hurricane that causes a widespread loss of power for weeks. Even then there is an anticipation that the power will come back on at anytime. No telling how batsht crazy people will be if they think it wont be back up.

One thing I notice is that even with a weeks warning and all kinds of urging people to be prepared during hurricane season many people can only last about a day or two before they start having difficulty.
And thus ensues the battle of Tionesta in Civil War 2.0. A country boy can survive individualism is a cute jam but being outnumbered about 10:1 would really put that to the test.

My point, in these highly imaginative scenarios, you better have strong community or blend in well. Society wouldn't collapse to some neanderthalian reset, it would quickly re-establish along new lines. Does that entice our enemies to destroy our electrical grid, you betcha. That's why it is pretty well defended.
Bodies would float from tionesta to Pittsburgh lol. I think the folks in Endeavor would be the shooters to be honest. That tiny town is made for an easy complex ambush.

It would be tougher than anything any of us are ready for. It can literally happen overnight too.

I was in Africa once. We were conversing with the locals in their town not too far from our camp. I call it a camp because it was not quite a FOB but not quite a COP either. Anyways the Kenyan people were amazing, so friendly and just generally positive people even living without power. We bought goat from them, ate corn meal, they worked on our camp, just great people.

Then 2 months after we left, Al Shabab caught wind of their friendliness to us maybe? And went house to house asking questions on the Quran. If you answered incorrectly, your family died. 70 plus folks I.e most of the village were murdered.

My point is, in a SHTF scenario the umbrella of safety is VERY fragile. I know for a fact most people including my complacently self, would also be taking it on the chin. The level of paranoia needed to anticipate every scenario alone will make you go slightly crazy.
I've been through several hurricanes and seen how people panic.
I can only imagine a REAL SHTF scenario.
People will be the main problem.
You really need to sleep at some point.