Are City Firefighters Overpaid?

I really don’t understand why trips to the grocery store is a big deal for some folks.
Simply put, it's optics - people thinking, "We are paying them to go grocery shopping, I don't get paid to do that. We should only pay them to respond to emergencies." Yes, it is a very narrow-sighted viewpoint. A parallel argument to this is housing allowance in the military. "We shouldn't pay for their mortgage or rent! That should come out of their salary!" Truth is, people fail to realize how frequently we (military) move and the cost differences associated with places. Example - I moved from San Diego, CA to Moscow ID. BAH in Idaho ($1,600/mo) was half what it was in San Diego ($3,200/mo). I moved three years after that to Rhode Island, where housing allowance was $2,700/mo. Different areas that we get ordered to go live in demand different benefits amounts, otherwise we won't be able to live anywhere (...and don't get me started about base/privatized housing...).

I'm simply trying to tell you why it is a "big deal for some folks" in an effort for you to hopefully understand it and recognize the argument's shortcomings.

FWIW I get the pain of being on duty and all of the hassles it involves. You won't find me complaining!
Walked many miles in the mil and never met anyone making 200k/year. Seems like theyre double paid and then some. Just match their pay to non-travel nurse jobs and bam. Win win.

The same ones complaining we need to support out fd/le are the same crowd saying nurses are special. Blah blah blah.

Let me know why fd should be paid more than someone with a bsn, please.
Just because someone goes to school longer doesn't automatically mean they should make more money. Sounds like if money is the primary motivator, the BSN should have considered a different profession.
Walked many miles in the mil and never met anyone making 200k/year. Seems like theyre double paid and then some. Just match their pay to non-travel nurse jobs and bam. Win win.

The same ones complaining we need to support out fd/le are the same crowd saying nurses are special. Blah blah blah.

Let me know why fd should be paid more than someone with a bsn, please.
So if I have a BSN in nursing and I work in physicians office taking vitals all day I should make more than the FF with no degree who risks his life to go into a fire and pull someone out, or who provides life saving measures regularly on medical calls???
When it comes to total compensation, are municipal firefighters overpaid for the actual work being done?

This topic came up at dinner the other night when a family member talked about what seems to be automatic 10-20% compensation (pay and benefits) raises each time a negotiation happens.

But It’s a topic that almost can’t be discussed…nobody will say it out loud because society is conditioned.

What about here? Are you willing to stick your neck out and say it?

For the record I’m not saying it.
Ask the question when someone's house or business is on fire. Their answer may change.

Try this instead: "When it comes to total compensation, are ________________ overpaid for the actual work being done?' Replace the ________________ with another job title, such as Union electricians. Union mechanics. Teachers. Doctors. Lunch ladies. Garbage men. Bus drivers. Construction workers that hold the "STOP" sign. Professional Athletes. Attorneys. Stay at home mom.
I 100% guarantee you none of those opposed to FF grocery shopping on shift or making more money than them, will complain next time FF respond to the worst day of their life.
What is the ratio of volunteer ff'ers vs paid? Aren't 70+ % of fire fighters volunteers across the nation?

It's over 70% here in Canada.

I'm one of the fortunate ones who gets a small hourly salary while on calls. Probies don't get paid at all which means we pretty much pay to volunteer our first year then make barely enough money to cover gas to respond to calls, attend training or buy some of the stuff that's not provided.

Most volunteer departments don't get paid at all. That's significant time and financial commitment when you factor everything in.
This isnt related to firefighters in general, just some kids not listening. I was riding with the City Manager and passed a fire house with some guys outside - he flipped a bitch in the road and we drove back by for a closer look.

There were complaints that some guys were playing sack in an area that could be seen from the street, so the City Manager had made it clear that it was to stop pronto. The cat was away, and the crew on duty went about business as usual and got busted that day. The City Manager had limited ability to deal with insubordination, but he could add painting fire hydrants to the list of community service activities expected of them. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but there are a butt load of hydrants in any given town - all summer I saw those guys painting hydrants with a scowl on their faces, and it was enough to solve the problem. Lol
This isnt related to firefighters in general, just some kids not listening. I was riding with the City Manager and passed a fire house with some guys outside - he flipped a bitch in the road and we drove back by for a closer look.

There were complaints that some guys were playing sack in an area that could be seen from the street, so the City Manager had made it clear that it was to stop pronto. The cat was away, and the crew on duty went about business as usual and got busted that day. The City Manager had limited ability to deal with insubordination, but he could add painting fire hydrants to the list of community service activities expected of them. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but there are a butt load of hydrants in any given town - all summer I saw those guys painting hydrants with a scowl on their faces, and it was enough to solve the problem. Lol
Sounds like the city Manger is over paid and has to much free time on his hand.

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I think they should be paid what they are worth like any other job on the planet.

The whole government payments of 90+ percent of your salary until you die is a whole separate conversation.
Yes they are. Good job though, have two family members who did it.

For what they do in most cities, they are very over compensated.

Can't beat em join em
My father retired as a firefighter and paramedic. He was forced out due to health issues. Had all kinds of health issues and died with three types of cancers. On his deathbed he talked about all of his “ghosts” from him seeing people he knew and children die.
He didn’t get paid enough. He was dedicated to the town and community.
Seeing how much he worked and what he went through physically and mentally I think firemen and paramedics are worth everything they make plus some.
As a mechanic we make what the firemen make. I just have to put up with unrealistic expectations and goofy policies. I don't have to carry limp bodies of children out and tell mom's to try again, this one is dead.

I don't think it's unreasonable
I think people working skilled labor for low wages is crazy. If you have any marketable skills, today's world is your oyster.

Find your niche and work it.