Truth not allowed here

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Sure are a lot of references to 1984. Did. You guys know that George Orwell hated capitalism and fought alongside the anarchists in the Spanish civil war? Just sayin’ 😉
George orwell didnt write 1984 or animal farm about capitalism. Those books are directed squarely at communism. Whether he didnt like capitalism or not.
George orwell didnt write 1984 or animal farm about capitalism. Those books are directed squarely at communism. Whether he didnt like capitalism or not.
Why is it that the only things people seem to reference are those two books? 1984 was about totalitarianism. Animal Farm was about ousting capitalism for communism which ended up being the same situation with different benefactors. Homage to Catalonia was autobiographical and about the Spanish civil war (that I referenced). Orwell didn’t like Marxist/Leninist communism either. He would have likely considered himself a democratic socialist. But hey, thanks!

People often make the mistake of tying communism to totalitarianism. Those two isms don’t necessarily go together.

Communism, capitalism and socialism are economic ownership systems.

Totalitarianism and democracy are governance methods.

Any of the former group can be mixed/matched with the latter group. Along with other methods and systems not mentioned.
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Why is it that the only things people seem to reference are those two books? 1984 was about totalitarianism. Animal Farm was about ousting capitalism for communism which ended up being the same situation with different benefactors. Homage to Catalonia was autobiographical and about the Spanish civil war (that I referenced). Orwell didn’t like Marxist/Leninist communism either. He would have likely considered himself a democratic socialist. But hey, thanks!
Thanks for the wiki summary.
Ok, will you help me understand what governmental structure ingsoc was and why he chose that name?
He would have probably had them choose that name because many governments have and do choose names that sound altruistic. Even though they do not actually govern based on the definition. He also called the Ministry of war the “ministry of peace”. All of the names were ironic. Retyping an example I just used….
DPRK is not democratic
USSR was not socialist

We don’t use the word democratic in our name but we call ourselves a democracy. We are certainly way more democratic than N. Korea. I guess you could think of it as a spectrum. Being a republic is way more democratic than being under fascist rule.
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I imagine this will be shut down pretty soon. Their forum their choice. The 1st amendment doesn’t apply to private property.
I imagine this will be shut down pretty soon. Their forum their choice.
One could only hope. People frequently misunderstand that private companies/private venues such as this can moderate as they see fit, and they don’t have to take your “rights” or feelings into account. Regardless, I agree with many. This is a great reference site for hunting tactics and gear. Leave the politics somewhere else, particularly if they don’t involve wildlife management.
I can’t believe I missed out on this thread in real time. Too busy spending money IRL.

I don’t think the OP really left and is still posting using a different member name. Or two.
You could go read the other threads. No one is forcing to read this one.
To tag onto that. If he (@NMTGrad) responds it only gives away the fact that he (she?) isn’t serious about the question/statement. There are way more threads not involving politics.

I think it’s cool that we (@CJ19 & I) clearly disagree about many things but can have a civil back & forth. People, including myself, get petty and nasty about this stuff on occasion.
Admittedly I didn't read all the posts but I obviously read the OP's post. While I may not completely agree with all of it I do agree we are headed down a very serious slope in this country right now.

What makes this country great is our constitution and talk of violating it is a serious problem for me.

This whole talk about a "board of disinformation" should have everyone worried. Our country is going downhill fast, this is not conspiracy, and anyone who voted this group into power should be ashamed!
Admittedly I didn't read all the posts but I obviously read the OP's post. While I may not completely agree with all of it I do agree we are headed down a very serious slope in this country right now.

What makes this country great is our constitution and talk of violating it is a serious problem for me.

This whole talk about a "board of disinformation" should have everyone worried. Our country is going downhill fast, this is not conspiracy, and anyone who voted this group into power should be ashamed!
@Wyobohunter, what's so funny?

You don't think the media and disinformation is controlling most of what is done and what people tend to think in this country? Those who control the narrative control this country because there are too many stupid people who believe whatever they are told.
@Wyobohunter, what's so funny?

You don't think the media and disinformation is controlling most of what is done and what people tend to think in this country? Those who control the narrative control this country because there are too many stupid people who believe whatever they are told.
That has been happening for a looong time my friend. Check out “Understanding Power” by Noam Chomsky. I put the little laugh emoji because anyone that voluntarily carries a little tracking device with them wherever they go and somehow believes that the government is out to control them clearly doesn’t understand that corporations have been doing that virtually forever. We’ve just empowered them to do it more effectively. The government is a tool of the corporations. The corporations don’t much care about our best interests. Occasionally someone or a group does something to force corporations to do the right thing. Like creating OSHA, MSHA and the EPA. But overall the government is Kabuki theater and we pay a helluva lot for the tickets. I bet we generally agree on that.
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