If the elk wasn't recovered, question #2 is tough to answer.Yeah everyone wants to be an internet star. All I care about is recovering elk. For the purposes of this poll, the elk that weren’t recovered are just as important as the ones that were.
If anyone following this has shot an ELK, in the shoulder and didn’t recover it, please chime in with answers to the 4
questions….no judgement/finger pointing as no hunter is immune to a possible split second poor decision. The larger the sample group the more powerful the data……thanks all.
For those following (if any) I will update the thread with a review of the data as we get more/enough
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I've seen an elk hit in shoulder. Judging by how much arrow was sticking out, I'd guess no it did not make it through. Barely any blood. Not even enough to say we "blood trailed" it. More like instant grid search from where it went out of sight. I don't remember if we recovered the arrow.
About 65lbs, 30" draw, 440g arrow, fixed blade. Shot distance 30-35 yards.