Any of you guys need to GAIN weight like i do? Need some tips.

Sprinting wouldn't be a bad option. They burn more fat than steady state cardio and are more anabolic. Also, I know Lance Armstrong and his trainer Chris Carmicheal are huge fans of training with high intensity intervals. The extreme workload done during the intervals also helps to create endurance.

The eating thing was the biggest thing for me. I basically have a full meal every two to three hours instead of 3 times a day.
The eating thing was the biggest thing for me. I basically have a full meal every two to three hours instead of 3 times a day.

This is going to be the hardest part for me, its tough to put down the calories i think i need. Im just going to have to force it sometimes.

I really should add more high interval cardio. Im going to start doing sprints as soon as the snow wears off. And ill see how that works. I hike ski hills around here to help duplicate a hunting situation, but i think ill add sprinting in with that workout. 1:1 ratio of walking and sprinting up the hill, with and without a pack.

Im absolutly pumped for this season, iv got alot of time, should have the money, and have the drive to have a great season this year. Now the snow just needs to melt so i can head out and find some mulie sheds.
Remember lawnboi that bodybuolding will put weight on you but you lose functional muscle capabilities with bodybuilding routines. If your main goal is weight gain then go bodybuilding but don't be surprised when you lose some explosiveness and functional power.
This stuff is so confusing. Im just going to mix up the lifts. I dont per say follow a bodybuilding routine, i just use some of the basic outline. I mix it up with alot of stuff. Alot of the activities i do challange my muscles in different ways, along with my job.

I just want to gain weight, dosnt have to come fast. But by fall id like to have some more power, and a little bit more weight, along with keeping my good cardio and making it even better. Sounds almost like im asking too much. i would like to bulk up a little bit, but i dont want it to slow me down.
you really need to get a program and mindlessly follow it, going it alone without a program is not going to get you great results. you need to prioritize what you want to acheive and put other things on the back burner for now. you want to gain mass? won't get there with cardio. even deadlifts and squats, if not implimented accordingly, will not bulk you up. in fact, tabata front squats just might be the best way to lose weight. as for cardio, lifting heavy requires alot of demand on your body. it breaks it down. recovery is where you gain both mass and strength. cardio tends to interfere here. lotssa food (2 g protein per pound body mass), solid sleep and following a strength program. for example," crossfit football "(google it). lot of info there, daily workouts, nutrition section. oh, and it's free. don't want to get overly fat? make wise descisions of what carb source you utilize and when you take it in.
Dang, i wish i was fat now, seems so much easier when you need to lose weight

no sir you don't. that's a whole different set of issues that you'd have to overcome. i've never been fat but i've been slightly overweight at times and taking it off gets harder the older i get. but i will say this, when i hit the mountains in sept i will probably lose anywhere from 10-25 lbs. and thats eating pretty good.
Bringing this back up, iv got another question.

How do you guys suggest i structure my workouts? As far as being skinny and wanting to gain weight.

Lately iv been focusing on 1 or 2 parts of my body. Seems to be working, but im always wondering if im doing it the wrong way.
I seem to do really good gaining weight by eating cookies and M&M's.

i hear Twinkies and Ho Ho's work wonders as or you could go with the cookies and milk, it works for Santa Clause.
Right now I am 165lbs and 5' 8" run 2 miles 5 mornings a week and lift 6 days a week, hike when i can with 60lbs on my back (right now) and do yoga on sunday. My problem is I can sit on my a$$ and do nothing eat whatever and loose weight! I think I'll go broke trying to eat enough to build muscle. I'm also 37 so not sure that I'll ever change. I'm just shooting for endurance.
I have noticed a small difference over the last 2 weeks of filling myself to near sickness. Im in the best shape of my life now, but i still want more. I want to be a mini version of aron by this fall

^^ I too find if i sit around i dont eat as much, and i actually LOSE weight too. You would think it would be the other way around
It sucks to be us! Lol if I do more cardio and don't eat as much I lose muscle really fast. I realized this when I was doing 30 day shread with my wife. I lost weight and got weaker. I just can't do that much cardio so I run a couple miles everyday as hard as I can (end up light headed and almost puke) for endurance and that's it.
i limit my cardio to 2-3 times a week., and lift every other day, sometimes ill take a break if i feel my body needs it. I also find i need to eat alot more calories on hunts to keep up with myself. I dont have the fat some guys do, and i tend to 'burnout' if i dont get the right stuff.

I just need to get my act together and keep eating good calories. Just started making my own clean 600 calorie bars, i eat 2 of those a day. then i stuff down as much food as i can almost all day long. Milk helps too, but i get the shits if i drink too much of it.

it is hard being a skinny guy!
The basic diet for weight gain that should contain nutritious, high calorie foods. carbohydrate
is also assential part for the weight gain. The diet for the carbohydrate meal bread, potatoes, brown
rice, pasta, couscous,fresh and dried fruit.