Do i need a clarifier peep?


Apr 3, 2014
Sullivan, MO.
I Have been doing quite a bit of shooting and just replacved the sight housing on my Spot Hogg fast Eddie XL with the triple stack housing.
The problem i seem to be having is on the sight it has the 3 pins, the middle pin is yellow in color. and the other 2 are green.
I can see them well but they have a tendancy to starburst a little and my eyes dont seem to see them well and they blur pretty bad.
Was thinking that I might need to go to a clarifier peep system.
Never ran one before but im getting older and my eyes arent that great and never have been.
Is this something i should look into?
If so what do it look for?
Never had to look into a clarifier before so I am a little clueless on this.
You might want a verifier but not a clarifier. See attached.

More info

For hunting they can be a pain as any moisture or dust gets on them. A camera puffer or q-tip becomes a must. Smaller pins, a shade, correction for astigmatism and learning to work with it are all also options.

I say all of this as a 55 year old archer that deals with the same issue!
I recently had an appointment with an optometrist friend of mine. He does a lot of work with people in various sports from baseball to shooting sports besides just contacts and glasses.

While I don't need correction for distance vision he gave me a single contact lens for my right eye (I shoot right handed) that really sharpened things up when looking thru the peep. It has minimal effect on my regular vision and it's so thin and comfortable I don't even know it's on my eye. I had tried a verifier but the contact works better for me.

Another factor he mentioned is anytime after 50 there could be the smallest hint of a cataract developing but no where near needing surgery. That's where I am now (71yo). Verifier, contact lens or glasses won't completely solve that problem but can help it.
Sometimes if your eyesight isnt too bad, you can go with a smaller peep to see clear.

it’s kind of crazy how that works. If I’m shopping and I don’t have my glasses, I can create a very small aperture with my hand between my thumb and forefinger and actually read stuff without having my reading glasses.

Specialty peeps is the only one I know that sell those lenses and you have to do it in person because you need to determine which lens it is You actually need to see both the target and your pin clearly at the same time.
Another factor he mentioned is anytime after 50 there could be the smallest hint of a cataract developing but no where near needing surgery. That's where I am now (71yo). Verifier, contact lens or glasses won't completely solve that problem but can help it.
I'm having cataract surgery on my left eye a week from today. I'm LH and left eye dominant, so I want that eye fully corrected for far vision, but I'm still not 100% sure what that's going to leave me with for closer vision.......yet. Dr. says arms length should be achievable for close vision, but we'll see. My longer than average arms (32.5"+ draw length) might help me with that.......I hope. If not, then I'll be trying a verifier. If I don't like that, then I might just go ahead and transition over to traditional. Seems like the next logical step anyways.