An encounter that was scary

Thank you, and ya don't think bear spray would of helped, looked at trees close by to climb real fast lol
Wonder what would have happened if you didn't have your bow ( or any weapon) ? Cool story, had to be a heart thumper .
If you have a chance read the book 4 Seconds Until Impact by Bruce Buckshot Hemming there are many reports of encounters with wolves,coyotes,etc.

Also tells of how some fish & game departments try basically conceal these encounters.

Top Dog
I'll check it out thank you, the encounters have gone up lately here... found a few wolf kills while shed hunting this year...
Where is your 10mm back up pistol. Wouldn't be hunting there again without it. Be sure and get the 15+1 version and carry extra mags...
Went out hunting tonight and after about an hour I suddenly heard a deer bawling then goes quiet then the deer bawls again, so I get down with my bow in hand and go investigate, and to my surprise it was a pack of wolves 70 yards away 3 of the wolves broke away think they seen me I called a park ranger and asked if we could shoot wolves and yes we could, I started filming them with my camera then suddenly a wolf showed up at 10 yards on the other side of a tree it worked around the tree to my Left and when it got in the opening at 18 yards I released an arrow and it hit its mark then as I was looking at the rest of the pack another one came running at me I yelled to stop it and when it stopped I guessed to be 30 yards. another arrow on its way and it hit its mark, it was an encounter I never thought I would have, but glad my new mathews v3 was dialed in... hope there's not alot of haters about wolf killing as I would never thought I would of had to... to add what was so unnerving was that the wolves had no fear of me...

Snow Deer hunting Military camouflage Carnivore Hunting
Archery wolf, let alone an archery wolf double has got to be a 1% of 1%. The universe tipped it's hat to you!
I don't carry a hand gun, use to and should...
I carry a M&P full size 10mm in a Gunfighter's Inc chest holster. It is very comfortable and surprising how quickly you will become used to it. I highly recommend it. Wolves ain't nothing to fuss around with. Google documented wolf attacks. There have been instances of killing several wolves, running out of ammo, and being killed by the survivors.
I carry a M&P full size 10mm in a Gunfighter's Inc chest holster. It is very comfortable and surprising how quickly you will become used to it. I highly recommend it. Wolves ain't nothing to fuss around with. Google documented wolf attacks. There have been instances of killing several wolves, running out of ammo, and being killed by the survivors.
I think that was just a Liam Neeson movie..