An encounter that was scary

That was superb!!! You kept your cool,checked out if it were OK to do so and did an excellent job.

Were you packing heat,just in case???

Top Dog
No I don't pack a gun never had to do I thought lol and thank you for the positive comment...
Some states prohibit archers from packing firearms while bowhunting. I do not know the reason for it.

I am not a bowhunter but when I am squirrel/small game hunting,besides my high powered air rifle (not a Daisy BB gun for sure) I always pack heat.

We have a serious coyote problem in my location with a number of folks having been attacked by coyotes while walking their dogs and this was in town and not the woods.

Many posters up on phone poles and trees reporting missing Fidos and Fluffies,a sure sign of coyote activity.

Top Dog
Last year,my friend let his small dog out in his backyard one morning and three coyotes came out and pounced on it and killed it. Two days later,his neighbor had a doe crash through his porch sliding glass door with two coyotes hanging on it.

I am a retired LEO (40 yrs) and pack heat always,used to be for the two legged varmits but now it seems that the four legged ones are in the mix as well.

Coyote season in my state is all year long,no bag limit,only need to be tagged if you are going to sell/trade the pelts or if you trapped them.

Top Dog
We can can pack heat while bowhunting, I've never really had to of all the years I hunted, shed hunt never packed heat, we never had wolf problems back in the day it would be a rarity to hear a wolf sighting and now it seems to be more frequent, 6 years ago I got a picture of a black wolf on my camera, been shed hunting this whole month and still don't pack heat and haven't seen no animals except elk and deer and turkeys...
I always go by the saying,better to have it and not need it,than to not have it and need it.

There may come a time when you wish you did but that is just my opinion.

Even when fishing,I pack heat.

Top Dog
Ya my brothers day the same thing, and after that alot of others said the same thing lol...
I would tend to agree with them. I have a book 4 Seconds Until Impact by Bruce "Buckshot" Demming that goes into great detail of documenting various animal attacks. It gives great food for thought. It lists MANY and I repeat MANY attacks. If you have a chance look it up.

Top Dog
I’ll just say you’ve got balls:). I might have taken my chances and stayed up in the tree for the night lol.

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What was so unnerving was that they had no fear of me at all...
Sounds like it Could’ve been a score of wolves one human zero. A less experienced archer might’ve been carrying a handgun. At least that might’ve scared the pack away.

Enough speculation. Congratulations are in order for years to come.