An encounter that was scary

That's for sure, they didnt howl not until later that night my brothers and I went back to see if they came back and they did and only ate part of the deer, as we were walking in we heard them howling in the distance what a awesome sound but eerie at the same time...
Holy crap dude. That is actually insane. It takes a lot of balls to be in that situation and kill two wolves with a bow . Nice work
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Alot of comments about people fearing wolves or insinuating wolves are a threat to people.

I can't wrap my head around this. Wolves don't kill people. 2 People have died from wolves in the US and Canada since 1990. 50 people a year are killed by domestic dogs on average.

Between 2000-2015 24 people were killed by grizzly bears in North America.

Even if you lived in the wilderness in a tent in wolf country your entire life I bet the odds are better of you getting struck by lightning before getting attacked and killed by wolves.

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I was thinking the same thing but if you think about this situation I think its different. You have a guy in the middle of a pack of wolves on a fresh kill. That has to up the odds of something going sideways. Generally, I agree with you. Wolves would be the least of my worries on the mountain.

To the OP, great job.
I was thinking the same thing but if you think about this situation I think its different. You have a guy in the middle of a pack of wolves on a fresh kill. That has to up the odds of something going sideways. Generally, I agree with you. Wolves would be the least of my worries on the mountain.

To the OP, great job.
Agreed. I think as wolf populations expand there will eventually be a fatality.

But as it stands right now The probability is zero. I don't worry about things that have a statistical possibility of zero of killing me.

In my comment isn't intended for the OP. Just based on some other people's comments about being afraid of wolves or wolves being predators for humans.

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Well done man, that is awesome! Are you doing anything special with the fur to commemorate this once in a lifetime experience?

I generally agree with the the fear of wolves being a little exaggerated with this caveat. If I was somehow injured and was waiting for help to arrive, I would be scared $hit less of wolves or even a large pack of coyotes. They are programmed to identify weak and sick animals, and when they do, they don’t quit until they’ve made the kill.

Deer carcasses don’t survive 24 hours where I live without being ravaged. I’ve had up to 7 coyotes under my treestand in Western IA in the past, and I’ve shot a few over the years. However, I couldn’t imagine getting a double. Truly amazing encounter.
Went out hunting tonight and after about an hour I suddenly heard a deer bawling then goes quiet then the deer bawls again, so I get down with my bow in hand and go investigate, and to my surprise it was a pack of wolves 70 yards away 3 of the wolves broke away think they seen me I called a park ranger and asked if we could shoot wolves and yes we could, I started filming them with my camera then suddenly a wolf showed up at 10 yards on the other side of a tree it worked around the tree to my Left and when it got in the opening at 18 yards I released an arrow and it hit its mark then as I was looking at the rest of the pack another one came running at me I yelled to stop it and when it stopped I guessed to be 30 yards. another arrow on its way and it hit its mark, it was an encounter I never thought I would have, but glad my new mathews v3 was dialed in... hope there's not alot of haters about wolf killing as I would never thought I would of had to... to add what was so unnerving was that the wolves had no fear of me...

Snow Deer hunting Military camouflage Carnivore Hunting
Thats great! I'll bet it was a rush.
Skinned then out gonna get rugs done and euro the skulls, they only ate on the deer a little after we went back up and then they left to waste the rest of the deer...
It was the little video I got you could tell, wasn't expecting them to come that close
Skinned then out gonna get rugs done and euro the skulls, they only ate on the deer a little after we went back up and then they left to waste the rest of the deer...
Wolves live for the thrill of the hunt. They are constantly honing their skills as individuals and as a pack. You'll have to post pics of the tanned rugs and skulls when complete.
Nicely done. Awesome experience. And doing your local deer and elk herds a big favor with that hunt. 🍻🍻🍻
First, congrats on a great experience.

As awesome as that experience was, the world needs more hunters like you. You first called the Ranger to make sure it was legal. Very impressive. Then, you thank everyone who has commented on this thread. Very good manners. Your parents taught you well.