An encounter that was scary

Alot of comments about people fearing wolves or insinuating wolves are a threat to people.

I can't wrap my head around this. Wolves don't kill people. 2 People have died from wolves in the US and Canada since 1990. 50 people a year are killed by domestic dogs on average.

Between 2000-2015 24 people were killed by grizzly bears in North America.

Even if you lived in the wilderness in a tent in wolf country your entire life I bet the odds are better of you getting struck by lightning before getting attacked and killed by wolves.

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Went out hunting tonight and after about an hour I suddenly heard a deer bawling then goes quiet then the deer bawls again, so I get down with my bow in hand and go investigate, and to my surprise it was a pack of wolves 70 yards away 3 of the wolves broke away think they seen me I called a park ranger and asked if we could shoot wolves and yes we could, I started filming them with my camera then suddenly a wolf showed up at 10 yards on the other side of a tree it worked around the tree to my Left and when it got in the opening at 18 yards I released an arrow and it hit its mark then as I was looking at the rest of the pack another one came running at me I yelled to stop it and when it stopped I guessed to be 30 yards. another arrow on its way and it hit its mark, it was an encounter I never thought I would have, but glad my new mathews v3 was dialed in... hope there's not alot of haters about wolf killing as I would never thought I would of had to... to add what was so unnerving was that the wolves had no fear of me...

Snow Deer hunting Military camouflage Carnivore Hunting
Great job!
Great job , to those that dont understand Until you have been cow calling while elk hunting, and have wolves howl all around you , you probably wont get it.