A message to Washington hunters


Dec 13, 2018
Benton City, WA
I know this probably needs to go into the conservation thread but I feel like that forum gets little traction some times.

Anyway, I was able to attend a WDFW commission meeting today for the first time. I also gave personal testimony. I have some take aways that I want to share.

First off, we absolutely need more hunter involvement. Whether that’s via zoom but also in person. There were quite a few from different anti-hunting organizations attending on Zoom. I know it’s really hard to stay motivated about these things in our state as it seems like we are constantly knocked down. I really urge you to join some of these meetings.

Second of all, I felt as though SOME, not all, of the hunters who did give testimony came off very combative and argumentative. I also again understood that we feel backed into a corner and it’s really easy to do that. I very much urge if you are going to speak and provide testimony do not give the opposition any ammo into the “hunters are A-holes” stereotype.

Again I urge everyone in Washington state to get more involved, and if you are one of the MANY FNGs from our state that is on this forum that is an adult onset Hunter. The anti-hunting organizations are very much trying to degrade hunting opportunity they basically come out and say it. You guys also need to be involved.

That’s my soap box.
Thank you for going and advocating for us. It always amazes me how many likes or views a big deer or elk get on social media. But anything to do with new rules or regulations has almost zero response. We could all be better about that.
Thanks for bringing it up and advocating for us. All are great points. Where do you go for information on where/when and agendas? I found this, but I'm not sure if there's another better source for info.

I would LOVE some sort of push notification I can subscribe to. Something that has upcoming meeting & attendance info, agenda, official docs, and ideally a summary of intended discussion and potential impacts.

We all have so many priorities in life, it's easy to forget to seek out this sort of thing even though it is important to us.
Thank you for attending and speaking for us hunters. Your points are spot on for Washington hunters. I am very guilty of being a silent hunter and need to become involved.
I was at that meeting as well. Super disheartening to see the lack of hunter involvement. Plenty of anti's pushing their objectives, and spouting off "facts" though.
Thanks for bringing it up and advocating for us. All are great points. Where do you go for information on where/when and agendas? I found this, but I'm not sure if there's another better source for info.

I would LOVE some sort of push notification I can subscribe to. Something that has upcoming meeting & attendance info, agenda, official docs, and ideally a summary of intended discussion and potential impacts.

We all have so many priorities in life, it's easy to forget to seek out this sort of thing even though it is important to us.
Howl has been posting all the commission meetings, also the conservation coalition of Washington posts about them all the time.