I'm looking for loads in 7mm08 with the 139 SST. My regular load, 47.6 gr W760, isn't doing well in a new rifle I picked up. My Bergara Ridge and my wife's Rem model 7 both shoot this load well, but a new model 7 just barfs the bullets into about a 4" group. I have Rl17, IMR 4350, Rl19, Rl16 and H4350. I'd prefer not to use the H4350 because we use that in a pair of 6.5 Man Buns, but I'd still give it a try.
I've messed with seating depth and powder charge already, but want to stick with the SST's because I have around 1,500 of them.
I've messed with seating depth and powder charge already, but want to stick with the SST's because I have around 1,500 of them.